Birthday :)
15 years, 8 months & 29 days ago

12th Jun 2009 21:13
Wondering what I'll get for my birthday next year

15 years, 9 months & 27 days ago

16th May 2009 01:25
I'm currently saving up for a black chibs.
I've got chibs plushies in my shop for 10,000 mp.
So if any one is feeling kind enough to donate,
feel welcome =]
Thank you, and anyone who does gets a special mention here on this blog hehe =]
*RizzyBeeBummbleBee - a fairy chibs plushie. < Thank you so so much! <33
15 years, 9 months & 29 days ago

14th May 2009 02:23
Hehe another dream pet completed!
I got her 14/05/09
Traded her for my midnight chibs: LiskOfThunder
15 years, 10 months & 28 days ago

13th Apr 2009 15:30
Born 14th April '09
At 8:30 am
Changed into an Easter Chibbie at 9:54 am
Hehe, I got my ultimate dream pet!!!
~Poera Giveaway~
15 years, 10 months & 30 days ago

11th Apr 2009 23:33
Apps needed
*My poera has a name and gender so please use them, no 'it'
*No, i will never trade her, portal her or anything like that
*Must be a LONG app
*Include in there somewhere: Katrina deserves a CHIBS
*DO NOT app for any other pets please
There will be finalists
If you do not follow the rules you WILL be disqualified
Good Luck everyone