Yuni Quiz
16 years, 2 months & 27 days ago

16th Dec 2008 04:27
When you complete this quiz, it will show you AND give you a siggy of your results.
Be sure to refer people to this blog

1. If you were any kind of ice cream you would be:
A. Vanilla
B. Chocolate
C. Strawberry
D. Blueberry
2. Whats your favorite pet out of these...
A. Chibs
B. Yuni
C. Sindi
D. Zoink
3. If you had a choice you would...
A. Buy a enchanted plushie
B. Buy a potion
C. Buy a costume
D. Buy a poison
4. You found 1mil dollars on the floor you would...
A. Keep it all to yourself (finders keepers, loosers weepers)
B. Give half to charity and spend half for yourself
C. Give it all to charity
D. Leave it there (I'm sure the owner will come back for it)
5. Whats your favorite holiday?
A. Christmas
B. Halloween
C. Easter
D. New Years
6. You play Marapets often
A. Often?! I'm adicted to it!
B. Yes, most of the time!
C. Every week or so
D. Every once in a while
7. If you won a Seasonal Chibs Potion, what would you do with it?
A. Keep it and turn one of my pets into one ( of course! )
B. Sell it for MP/items
C. Auction it
D. Give it to a friend
8. Your friend quits Mara, what would you do?
A. Who cares!? (You probably didn't know them in real life anyway)
B. You'll be sad, but you'll also be happy for them as well
C. Cry! You never got to talk to them very much!
D. Ask for all of their stuff
9. You portal your LE....OH NO! It turned into a Yellow Fasoro! What will you do?
A. So? It's just a pixel...
B. NOOOOOOO! *Cries*
C. Nothing! Because I'll never portal my pets=)
D. Quit Marapets
10. You've got banned! But you didn't do anything! What do you suspect?
A. Someone must have hacked my account! Well, time to make another one!
B. Scream at the staff for banning you for no reason!
C. Tell the staff about it, I'm sure they'll do something about it...
D. Too bad...
Ok time for the results!
If you were mostly A's you are a...
Prison Yuni!
You may not be the nicest player on Marapets but if you work hard at your dreams you will succeed!
Keep trying!
If you were mostly B's you are a....
Bronze Yuni!
You want to be the life of the party! You know all the coolest trends and you always know whats goin' on!
But you can also get your feelings hurt quick so be sure not to go too far...
If you were mostly C's you are a...
Plant Yuni!
You want to do all the right things, you don't fight, you don't are very nice. can't be too nice, otherwise you will end up in the Lush Lake's trash can...
If you are mostly D's you are a...
Furry Yuni!
You may not be the toughest mara player around but you can cheer up your friends with your sweet smile and cute face.
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