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Marapets is mobile friendly
  1. You know what this is for, guys! 8D
    28th Jul 2010 19:24
    14 years, 7 months & 15 days ago
  2. app for katie.
    9th Apr 2010 11:09
    14 years, 11 months & 2 days ago
  3. butai, cranolyn, zarellia
    7th Apr 2010 11:59
    14 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
  4. my ice viotto; isce
    27th Aug 2009 19:15
    15 years, 6 months & 14 days ago
    24th Aug 2009 05:34
    15 years, 6 months & 17 days ago
  6. be jealous.
    3rd Aug 2009 14:28
    15 years, 7 months & 8 days ago
  7. i give my friends gifts.
    30th Jul 2009 12:49
    15 years, 7 months & 12 days ago
  8. future pets.
    30th Jul 2009 03:41
    15 years, 7 months & 12 days ago
  9. on troll; 1/30
    18th Feb 2009 21:54
    16 years & 23 days ago
  10. my friends.
    9th Jan 2009 17:33
    16 years, 2 months & 2 days ago
be jealous.
15 years, 7 months & 8 days ago
3rd Aug 2009 14:28

I feel kind of bad for deleting my other blog. D:

Your offer for Lot Number 1170642 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from ------:
Red Viotto Potion

With your offer of 7000000MP, 0RP, 9000BP and the following items:
Female Celebrity #26


Dear twiste You have been sent a Anime Costume from ikilledazebra!

Thank you! wub.gif

Dear twiste You have been sent a Ice Costume from katieli!

Isce is now complete. =D

Dear twiste You have been sent a Missions Giftbox from xxxxxxx!

Thankyouuu. <3333
I can now finish these missions faster. >D

i give my friends gifts.
15 years, 7 months & 12 days ago
30th Jul 2009 12:49

We're going to have a battle of generosity.

Kat -
* Sent Robot Quell (Unmasked)
* Bought Balloon Costume
* Sent 70k
Katie -
* Sent White Mordo (Elyra)
* Sent Ice Costume
* Sent Pixie Snookle (Zarellia)

future pets.
15 years, 7 months & 12 days ago
30th Jul 2009 03:41

Aulette - Yuni!

Butai - Light Fairy Lati
[ ] Light Fairy Costume

Cranolyn - No change

Danelle - Ice Fairy Dakota
[ ] Dakota Potion
[ ] Ice Fairy Costume

Elyra - No change

Equilty - Anime Quell
[x] Anime Costume

Isce - Ice Viotto
[x] Viotto Potion
[x] Ice Costume

Jeanna - Emo Mordo
[ ] Emo Costume

Lorainah - New Costume?

Nadaiya - No change

Noella - Midnight Chibs
[x] Chibs Potion
[ ] Midnight Costume

Zarellia - No change

Quinette - Probably random LE, giveaway. (:

Pink Ike
Tasi, costume TBA
Hard decisions. D;

Donations on trades/shop are loved. ^^

on troll; 1/30
16 years & 23 days ago
18th Feb 2009 21:54


Sold Gizmo Potion.
August 28th, 20:50 PM.
wth is bumpkin, anyway?

Level 1 -> 200 - Chocolate Muffin
Level 2 -> 1k - Sausage Roll
Level 3 -> 34 - Ideus Ice Sculpture
Level 4 -> 300 - Jessup Ice Sculpture
Level 5 -> 925 - Cornsalad
Level 6 -> 2k - Knutt Ice Sculpture
Level 7 -> 4k - Columba, Callabresse
Level 8 -> 3k - Lupus, Coriander
Level 9 -> 9k - Red Worm, Coma Berenices
Level 10 -> 3k - Lupus, Carina
Level 11 -> 140k [wth?] Hercules, Canis Minor
Level 12 -> 2k - Canis Minor, Crux
Level 13 -> 130k [rawr!] - Auriga, Hercules
Level 14 -> 3k - Cassiopeia, Cancer
Level 15 -> 22k - Eyeball Lolly, Candy Lime, Chocolate Sword
Level 16 -> 15k - Bacon Roll, Candy Purple Grapes, Smoked Lamb Rack
Level 17 -> 2k - Green Gummy Feliz, Mustard Hotdog, Murfin Ice Sculpture
Level 18 -> 100k - Milk Chocolate Rofling, Lamb Chop, Enpiah Potato
Level 19 -> 3k - Chicken, Pumpkin Pie, Mint Chocolate Paffuto
Level 20 -> 1k - Mint Chocolate Tantua, Mint Chocolate Yakubi
Level 21 -> 4k - Ketchup Double Hotdog, Gummy Renat
Level 22 -> 1k - Grave Stone Cake [sic], Giant Brocolli
Level 23 -> 3k - Lush Lake Potato, Quadruple Cheeseburger (got costume!wink.gif
Level 24 -> 6k - Sugar Free Ghost Lolly, Geek Easter Egg
Level 25 -> 100k - Dukka Caves Potato, Turkey with Potato, Mini Blueberry Pies
Level 26 -> 100k - Jar of Ice, Red Gummy Crindol, Cajun Chicken Pizza
Level 27 [avatar!] -> Mint Chocolate Newth, Rainbow Handroll, Cornsalad
Level 28 -> 6k - Beef Strip Loin, Frozen Fish, Pickled Gourd
Level 29 -> um, skipped? xD idk.
Level 30 [avatar&finish!] -> 2k - Bronze Gumball, Snow Peas, Milk Chocolate Fasoro

Thank you for finishing my mission on time. Here is your reward..

Purple Gizmo Potion and 100,000MP!!

Please come back tomorrow for your next mission!

my friends.
16 years, 2 months & 2 days ago
9th Jan 2009 17:33

||| -> means it was added on.

I don't think that you guys need a list to show all of your traits. You all have wonderful ones, and I just can't list all of you down. Your friendship means the world to me. Through thick and thin, you're always there to support me. I can't thank you enough.


Khar - The coolest person. Ever. She's so strong minded and blunt, she'll knock you over with her blowtorch in five seconds. That's why I love her. Plus, she's always there when you need her. ||| I miss you to death.

Freddie - Another pwnsome person. She has such a cool head and tons of logic. If she's got a statement, she always makes it nice and long, with tons of support. You can't beat her after that. She's a great friend. ||| We talked for a bit, and I'm hoping to talk again soon. <3

Alex - Crazy little pet trader. Love her. The end.

Joey - She is my avatar buddy forever. She motivated me to get more avatars, anyways. We're both working on missions. She's going for Blitzen and I'm working for Trunx. She's right there when you need her. Unless she's offline, of course. ||| I miss you. D:

Katie - We met through applications, and that's usually only when we talk. But that doesn't matter. We're each others' cheerleaders, and I always root for her, and she always roots for me. ||| I'm so glad you're still here! We are Asian twins, fersure. <3 And our battles are crazy.

Gray - Another applying friend. She has a great sense of humor, and likes iCarly, which is why she's so awesome in the first place. ;D ||| I wish you were here.

Nori - My first applicant friend. I have a lot of these. She is just too awesome for words, and she comes up with tons of creative ideas. o:

Paradiddle - She can be crazy at times, but her carefree, simplistic view of happiness always comes out on top.

Lawie - Everyone calls her poo-eater, but that's too weird for me, so I call her Lawie.

Kari - My real life friend. She is always there when you need her and will always talk someone down if they have issues. I try to stop that, but she doesn't listen.

Bumbles - Sometimes random but always lovable, she is the greatest hyper person you could ever find. And being hyper is always an affective weapon. ;D

Pingy - Even though we /just/ met, chatting with you is always fun and never gets boring. (:

Other Kat - It's so fun to have a friend with the same name as yours. She always goes on my boards, and we like to talk. <3

After I came back on Marapets, most of my friends had left. But here are some amazing people;

Zoie - Wow. We met through Serene's giveaway. x] You are such an inspirational person. I swear most of my giveaway winnings are all because of you. Plus, you're freakishly generous. <3 I hope you'll stay!

Mon - I KNOW WHAT YOUR LAST ACCOUNT WAS! Haha. You were always that one chick I saw, but never knew. I'm so glad we're friends now, you're amazing.

Julie - We met through the Resort, and it was greattt. x] I love your club, it is too amazing for words. At least the layout is. You're so friendly and LITERATE. I love you!

Christine - THE BEST EVER.

Ammy - I love your drawings, you're the best. I swear, I'm going to stalk you and buy more.

Le - We need to talk. You're great. I miss you so much.

These are all the great people in my life. I will add more later.

  1. You know what this is for, guys! 8D
    28th Jul 2010 19:24
    14 years, 7 months & 15 days ago
  2. app for katie.
    9th Apr 2010 11:09
    14 years, 11 months & 2 days ago
  3. butai, cranolyn, zarellia
    7th Apr 2010 11:59
    14 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
  4. my ice viotto; isce
    27th Aug 2009 19:15
    15 years, 6 months & 14 days ago
    24th Aug 2009 05:34
    15 years, 6 months & 17 days ago
  6. be jealous.
    3rd Aug 2009 14:28
    15 years, 7 months & 8 days ago
  7. i give my friends gifts.
    30th Jul 2009 12:49
    15 years, 7 months & 12 days ago
  8. future pets.
    30th Jul 2009 03:41
    15 years, 7 months & 12 days ago
  9. on troll; 1/30
    18th Feb 2009 21:54
    16 years & 23 days ago
  10. my friends.
    9th Jan 2009 17:33
    16 years, 2 months & 2 days ago