R.I.P Michael
15 years, 7 months & 11 days ago

31st Jul 2009 17:02
Whether you liked him or not that doesn't matter, at one point he was the greatest thing that walked this planet. Who cares about how he looks. He changed music. His skills of dance changed the nation. At one point you pry watched the video, "Thriller," or watched the old MTV live Michael Jackson doing Billie Jean, and said, "Wow."
All the jokes about him, if ever said again and you laugh, let alone say them, you're just a complete ass. Mocking a dead man who was once the King of Pop, and changed the lives of millions.
Go ahead and laugh that he's dead, that doesn't make you a better person. Or make you more, impressive. Think about his family, friends, fans.
Over half of America is in depression now. Just walk around and look at peoples faces. Not just some arrested drug addict died. A man who changed the world did. And you act like a bug just got squished. Grow up. Seriously, he's dead, GONE FOREVER. He didn't just fake his death or anything. He's gone, just dead and gone. He's not coming back, this isn't an act. And you, laugh?
I didn't like him that much either, but still, look at the past, and look what just happened, and look where this all put us.