16 years, 7 months & 22 days ago

23rd Jul 2008 16:04

Although I was born at 2am, not around now.

I've also treated myself to the ??3.00 Adult-only forum since I was of age anyway ^.^
Saving For Potion & Starting Some Quests/Missions
16 years, 7 months & 25 days ago

20th Jul 2008 20:09
Indeed; the potion is an Angel Murfin Potion for reasons mentioned in the previous blog.

As for the quests and missions; I'm starting one just for fun, but the other one - The Fates - I'm doing for that Yuni Potion at the end as one of my pet goals is a Furry Yuni...
Anyway, done all of my dalies and things and it's ten past four in the morning, so I'm going to bed. Nightynight x
Up And Awake At 6:20am...
16 years, 7 months & 28 days ago

17th Jul 2008 22:22
...but only because I've been awake all night long.
I'm a night owl, see.
Anyway, I put a new costumes on AlastairThunder and Ciarrdha today; yay

I also cannot stop buying clothes for my character, which is funny because I'm trying to save for the stuff on my wishlist...
I couldn't believe it when I heard about how expensive an Angel Costume is; I wasn't expecting it to be anywhere near that expensive...I mean...20 -million-? I was informed it'd be cheaper to buy an Angel Murfin Potion instead though, so I shall do that.

Anyway, going to bed now *yawns*.
Chow x