16 years, 4 months & 25 days ago

17th Oct 2008 20:15
my starsign this week says that as long as i have you ,
to tell all my thoughts , secrets, and gossip, then
i will always be with you, through rocky roads, up and down bits, gory scenes, and tough times.
for all the times i have neglected, ignored or hurt you, i am sorry.
post this to the people out there, who make your day, the sunshine within. for all the people who are optimistic about life then this is for you. for all the people who i love and cherish, this is for you.
to all my friends , family , and acquantence's then this is for you.
to my cousin who tragically died a couple of weeks ago, and to my grandmother who died to the horrible disease cancer, and to my grandfather whom i never met, then this is for you. to all my unique people in my life thank you for being there everyday. when i am angry or sad, thank you for being there. thank your kind soul that you read this.
tomorrow when you awake to a bright sunny day, and remember this, then you will always have someone in your life that cares. if you have any close friends or family that have passed away , then this is for them. thank you grandma, grandad, and to my free-spirited cousin>for all the moments we shared . i will never forget you. with love jiminy52 xxx