16 years, 3 months & 27 days ago

15th Nov 2008 19:37
One day this girl named Brianna was walking home from a bar she was wasted kind of.So on her way home she seen a man standing on her sister's porch saying "Where is she!!?" She was very scared s she hid in a bush.the man ringed the doorbell and her sister opened the door and............The guy shot her.So Brianna thought that he really didn't shoot her.Then the man said "Where is Brianna!!?".........Then Brianna ran but the guy seen her run away.So he went chasing after her. She prayed that nothing would happen to her.So then she kept running and sh seen a other guy with a gun.
16 years, 4 months & 22 days ago

21st Oct 2008 16:07
I really want to trade my two daisies for a poera. but nobody will offer.

please help me get a poera in any way if it is like telling me or giving me a enchanted plushie or about something else that i could do to get the poera.Please help i will appreciate it