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  1. Weather Events
    20th Jul 2024 15:05
    7 months, 22 days & 8 hrs ago
  2. Experiences
    18th Oct 2023 14:32
    1 year, 4 months & 25 days ago
  3. Minipet colour info
    27th Feb 2022 19:34
    3 years & 14 days ago
  4. What Maps are Needed by Which Goals?
    3rd Jan 2021 12:05
    4 years, 2 months & 8 days ago
  5. DNA Minipets Math
    9th Aug 2015 19:26
    9 years, 7 months & 3 days ago
  6. Useful Mara information
    23rd Apr 2013 18:18
    11 years, 10 months & 18 days ago
  7. **GAMES** What You Can Win
    16th Feb 2015 17:47
    10 years & 26 days ago
  8. New nuts from tree
    21st Jul 2024 08:08
    7 months, 21 days & 15 hrs ago
  9. Item changes
    8th Nov 2023 18:33
    1 year, 4 months & 4 days ago
  10. Maraween 🎃
    19th Oct 2016 18:34
    8 years, 4 months & 23 days ago
🎶 Summer Event 🎶
8 years, 9 months & 10 days ago
1st Jun 2016 06:26

Champion Chibs Team

(Prizes June 13 - more to come)
Alien Clarinet x10
Bee Movie
Blue Shooting Star
Blue Space Food
Blue UFO
Champion Chibs Guide Book
Galaxy Tuba x10
Green Shooting Star
Green Space Food
Green UFO
Hero Boots
Hero Gloves
Hero Headphones
Hero Pants
Hero Skirt
Hero Top
Hero Wig
Hunnie Book
Hunnie Gumball
Hunnie Hums
Hunnie Puffs
Hypnotic Huthiqs Guide Book
Hypnotic Huthiqs Stamp
Justice Jessups Guide Book
Planet Recorder x10
Purple Shooting Star
Purple Space Food
Purple UFO
Red Shooting Star
Red Space Food
Super Cereal
Super Hero Fasoro Stamp
Super Hero Huthiq Plushie
Super Hero Ice Cream
Super Hero Ike Plushie
Super Hero Mordo Plushie
Super Hero Pancakes
Super Hero Sindi Plushie
Super Hero Sindi Stamp
Super Hero Society Game
Super Hero Society Mug
Super Hero Sugar Cube
Super Slushie
Super Snookles
Super Snookles Stamp
UFO Jelly
Yellow Shooting Star
Yellow Space Food
Yellow UFO

Team: Spellcasting Snookles (Finished 4th)

Prizes to winning teams:
Potion Glowing Egg
Cat Umbrella
Dark Cat
Dark Suit
Hanging Plants
Aristocorn Flakes
Spellcasting Snookles Stamp
Enchanting Ercuws Stamp
Levitating Latis Stamp
Hocus Pucus Stamp
Hocus Pucus Keyring
Enchanting Ercuws Keyring
Spellcasting Snookles Keyring
Spellcasting Snookles
Levitating Latis
Hocus Pucus
Enchanting Ercuw
Team Enchanting Ercuw Thank You
Hocus Heroes
Nearly Won on Repeat
What Losing Sounds Like
Spellcasting Snookles Score Book
Hocus Pucus Score Book
Levitating Latis Score Book
Enchanting Ercuws Score Book
Not a Sorting Hat

[2] Academy Uniform Badge
[2] Academy Uniform Bag
[2] Academy Uniform Blouse
[2] Academy Uniform Pants
[2] Academy Uniform Scarf
[2] Academy Uniform Skirt
[3] Academy Uniform Top
[3] Bag of Air
[3] Bag of Fire
[3] Bag of Leaves
[1] Bag of Storms
[3] Bag of Water
[3] Blue Concoction
[1] Blue Toy Wand
[1] Book of Soy Saucery
[1] Book of Spells
[8] Can't Spell
[2] Cauldron
[3] Dark Magic Glowing Egg
[2] Disappointed Cupcake
[3] Disenchanted Cupcake
[3] Disgusted Cupcake
[12] Dry Spell
[13] Eleka Spell
[1] Elon Musk
[1] Enchanted Necklace
[2] Fake Magic Box
[20] Forbidden Spell
[] Green Concoction
[4] Green Toy Wand
[2] Half Moon Glasses
[1] Harry Pawter
[2] Harry Pottery
[12] Hidden Spell
[2] Late Toast
[1] Mage Shoulder Guard
[5] Mage Stockings
[2] Mage Veil
[7] Magical Bell
[3] Magical Blue Book
[1] Magical Blue Scroll
[2] Magical Blue Spell Book
[1] Magical Book
[11] Magical Cymbals
[8] Magical Drum
[1] Magical Green Book
[2] Magical Green Scroll
[2] Magical Green Spell Book
[12] Magical Ocarina
[2] Magical Purple Book
[2] Magical Purple Scroll
[3] Magical Purple Spell Book
[2] Magical Red Book
[1] Magical Red Scroll
[1] Magical Red Spell Book
[1] Magical Scroll
[8] Magical Spell
[3] Magical Spell Book
[2] Magical Triangle
[7] Magical Trumpet
[2] Magical Yellow Book
[4] Magical Yellow Scroll
[1] Magical Yellow Spell Book
[1] Mutton
[13] Negative Spell
[5] Oversized Witch Hat
[12] Poison Spell
[2] Propagandalf
[1] Purple Concoction
[1] Quill and Ink
[1] Red Concoction
[2] Red Toy Wand
[5] Short Staffed
[1] Sinister Eye Charm
[5] Sorcerer Beard
[1] Summoned Magic
[5] Toy Wand
[1] Wand Jelly
[14] Witch Spell
[2] Witchcraft
[4] Wizard Spell
[2] Wizard Wig
[1] Wizard of Fl.oz
[] Yellow Concoction
[2] Yellow Toy Wand

2019 - BAND CAMP
Rock Band Team

Band Camp Clarinet [8]
Band Camp Cymbals [10]
Band Camp Drum [11]
Band Camp Electric Guitar [12]
Band Camp Flute [8]
Band Camp Guitar [20]
Band Camp Keyboard [7]
Band Camp Lute [10]
Band Camp Maracas [8]
Band Camp Recorder [15]
Band Camp Saxophone [14]
Band Camp Triangle [15]
Band Camp Trumpet [11]
Band Camp Tuba [11]
Band Camp Violin [11]
Blue Gummy Music Note [5]
Book of Sheet Music [4]
Brass Marching Band Playlist [1]
Bronze Band Camp Guitar [5]
Casual Scarf [2]
Clarinet Marching Band Playlist [3]
Coattail [1]
Drum Marching Band Playlist [1]
Drum Set Necklace [5]
Elegant Band Camp Cymbals [2]
Elegant Band Camp Tambourine [1]
Flute Marching Band Playlist [3]
Giant Blue Gummy Music Note [3]
Giant Green Gummy Music Note [3]
Giant Purple Gummy Music Note [2]
Giant Red Gummy Music Note [1]
Giant Yellow Gummy Music Note [2]
Gold Band Camp Guitar
Gradient Scarf [2]
Green Gummy Music Note [5]
Left Glove [1]
Lush Wig [1]
Marching Band Boy Doll [2]
Marching Band Brochure [1]
Marching Band Corset Skirt [1]
Marching Band Cuffs [1]
Marching Band Girl Doll [2]
Marching Band Glowing Egg [1]
Marching Band Jacket [3]
Marching Band Pearl [2]
Marching Band Playlist [7]
Marching Band Poster [3]
Marching Band Shorts [1]
Marching Band Stamp
Marching Band Top [2]
Music Note Balloon [5]
Music Note Cupcake [1]
Music Note Glowing Egg [1]
Music Note Pillow [6]
Musical Belt [2]
Musical Cookie [1]
Musical Cupcake [1]
Purple Gummy Music Note [5]
Recorder Marching Band Playlist [7]
Red Gummy Music Note [7]
Right Glove [2]
Saxophone Marching Band Playlist [6]
Sheet Music [7]
Shoulder Sash [4]
Silver Band Camp Guitar [2]
Simple Comb Over Wig [2]
Stadium Solo
Swoop Bangs Hair Extension [2]
Tambourine Marching Band Playlist [1]
Yellow Gummy Music Note [3]

Who is doing what



Team Maple Leaf Hat x
Team Acorn Hat x

Anlur xx
Apple Jam Toast x
Apricot Jam Toast x
Bag Of Scout Popcorn x
Bear Scout Plushie xx
Beehive x
Bigfoot Conditioner xx
Bigfoot Hair Brush x
Bigfoot Plushie x
BigFoot Trading Card (UCool
Black Marapop x
Blackberry Jam Toast x
Blue Marapop xx
Blueberry Jam Toast x
Box Of Scout Cookies xx
Bug Guide Book[/b x]
[b]Burnt Marshmallow
Buttered Toast x
Campfire Songs xx
Captured Firefly x
Creative Critter Snacks xx
Diet Black Marapop x
Diet Blue Marapop
Diet Green Marapop x
Diet Purple Marapop xx
Diet Red Marapop x
Diet Teal Marapop xx
Diet White Marapop
Diet Yellow Marapop xx
Fried Egg Toast x
Forest Book x
Grape Jam Toast xx
Green Marapop xx
Grilled Fish on Stick
Koob Summoning Stone (409)
Matcha Toast x
Milk Toast x
Minifoot xx
Mud Ice Cream Treat x
Nature Documentary x
Nest Hat x
Noot Summoning Stone xx
Old Bigfoot Photo xx
Purple Marapop x
Red Marapop xx
Roasted Marshmallow x
Scout Badge Stamp x
Scout Uniform Dress x
Scout Hat
[]Scout Uniform Shirt (275)
Scout Uniform Shorts
Scouts Equipment xx
Scouts Honey x
Scouts Maple Syrup x
Spooky Campfire Stories
Strawberry Jam Toast xx
Strawberry Milk Toast x
Teal Marapop x
Tent Stamp x
Watermelon Popsicle x
White Marapop xx
Wild Flowers xx
Yellow Marapopxx

Current Status
[img][/img] [img][/img]

10 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
31st May 2014 08:44

5.31.2014 - Tarquin Lv 27 Simerian History Vol 4

6.3.2014 - Game Over 110MP x 0 You won 0MP

6.3.2014 - Game Over You did not win any MP (mummy, first pick) xx

6.4.2014 - Game Over 50MP x 0 You won 0MP

6.23.2014 - You have paid your Electricity Bill of 636MP! (5th time no avatar) Paid 4 more times, no avatar.

8.24.2014 - Duck, duck, duck! You have won 1MP from Heckles' Duck!

10.26.2014 - Balloon Burst: You won 0MP!!If you won any items they are now in your Inventory
No Prize
No Prize
No Prize
No Prize

2.5.2015 - Cloud Nine: Game Over 66MP x 0 You won 0MP


4.11.2015 - Cloud Nine: Game Over 280MP x 0 You won 0MP



6.2.2015 - Roll 1
One +
You just rolled a 7
70MP has been added to the prize pot
Game Over
70MP x 1
You won 70MP

6.15.2015 - Dive!! You have accepted Heckles' offer of 0MP! HUH?

1.30.2016 - Game Over You did not win any MP (Mummy Multiplier)

2.6.2016 - [img][/img]

4.13.2016 - 18:22 MST Oh no!! The Grave Keeper woke up and caught you!
All of your pets are now in prison...

5.5.2016 - Game Over You won 0MP!! (Balloon Burst)

11.16.2016 - Still waiting for avatar:

11.29.2016 - Unsolvable?

My dear pet adsfasdga - which I had tenderly raised for years - but which I had to get rid of when a friend was gifting me a pet, is sadly stuck on a frozen account. Crying

11.19.2017 - Balloon Burst - Game Over
You won 0MP!!
If you won any items they are now in your Inventory
No Prize
No Prize
No Prize
No Prize

10 years, 9 months & 28 days ago
15th May 2014 19:12

3.1.2013 - Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won ??10 Account Upgrade Credit!!!

6.1.2013 - Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won ??150 Account Upgrade Credit!!!

5.15.2014 - Congratulations! You guessed correctly! The potato weighed 357KG. You won Burnt Potato and 50,000MP!!

5.17.2014 - Congratulations! You guessed correctly! The potato weighed 112KG. You won Calico Potato and 50,000MP!!

5.19.2014 - Congratulations! You guesed the Ice Fairy's Mystery Item and were selected as one of the 15 winners! You have just received Story of the Ice Fairy!!

5.23.2014 - Congratulations! You have completed the Crossword. Here is your prize: Antoinette Wig 15,000MP

5.30.2014 - Congratulations! You guesed the Ice Fairy's Mystery Item and were selected as one of the 15 winners! You have just received Story of the Ice Fairy!!

6.5.2014 - Congratulations!! You just found a Santa Plushie!!!

6.8.2014 - You just found Rune C inside this tomb!

6.14.2014 - Ice Viotto Plushie from EPM

6.17.2014 - Won Capsule Machine Token from Balloon Burst

6.18.2014 - Congratulations! You have just received a Bronze Trophy and 100,000MP from the Weekly Quest Contest. Congratulations! You found the 'Weekly Quest Challenge' Hidden Avatar! (Aquarium)

6.21.2014 - Pink Candycane Plushie from EPM

6.23.2014 - Cloud Nine: 1,475MP x 77 You won 113,575MP

6.26.2014 - Congratulations! You got a Pear Gumball!

7.2.2014 -You have just received Ice Fairy Doll!!

7.2.2014 - Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Pumpkin Plushie! EPM

7.3.20140- You have just received Staff of the Ice Fairy!!

7-11-2014 - You have entered the FREE Prize Draw
You also won a Capsule Machine Token!

7.12.2014 - Pink Kidlet Plushie from EPI.

7.13.2014 - Won a Capsule Machine Token from Bubble Burst.

- SNAP!! You won Blue DNA!!

7.18.2014 - Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Pink Willa Plushie! EPM

7.24.2014 - Congratulations! You got a American Gumball!

7.25.2014 - Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Flayee Plushie!

8.6.2014 - Steampunk Azul Plushie from EPM

9.1.2014 - Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won ??15 Account Upgrade Credit!!!

10.9.2014 - 1,000,000 from Gigantic Fairy

10.24.2014 - Ice Fairy's Mystery Item - Ice Fairy Music!!

10.24.2014 - You were in the top 400 highest Birthday Party Event winners. You have been given a Party Pooper Trading Card.

10.27.2014 - Greendinorox also gained a Hieroglyphic Y!!! Congratulations! You have received a Female University Hoodie! [University}

10.29.2014 - Congratulations! You guessed correctly!
The potato weighed 116KG You won Burnt Potato and 50,000MP!!

11.1.2014 - Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won ??10 Account Upgrade Credit!!!

11.15.2014 - Congratulations! You guesed the Ice Fairy's Mystery Item and were selected as one of the 15 winners! You have just received Ice Fairy Wings!!

11.20.2014 - Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 6 Years Old status!

11.26.2014 - You were in the top 250 highest Pumpkin Hunt Winners. You have been given 1,500,000MP and a Halloween Elger Trading Card. You were one of the lucky Pumpkin Hunt Account Upgrade winners. You now have ??2 Account Upgrades Credit. Congratulations!

11.27.2014 - You won a Peach Gumball. You won a Angel Gumball.

12.1.2014 - Thank you for buying Emo costume for 5,250 - and the avatar!

12.22.2014 - Congratulations! You guessed correctly!
The potato weighed 116KG You won Green Potato and 50,000MP!!

1.3.2015 - Congratulations! You guesed the Ice Fairy's Mystery Item and were selected as one of the 15 winners! You have just received Pingi!!

1.5.2015 - Congratulations! You guessed correctly! The potato weighed 357KG You won Cotton Candy Potato and 50,000MP!!

1.9.2015 - You were in the top 100 highest Turkey Treat Event Winners. You have been given 750,000MP and a Gobble Skin!

1.9.2015 - You won a Frozen Gumball

1.25.2015 - Thank you for finishing my Quest on time. Here is your reward.. Sumo Sally Trading Card 5,000BP

1.25.2015 - SOLD: Vortex Park News Aug 2014 XX 500,000MP 25th Jan 2015 04:28 AM

2.4.2015 - Thank you for buying Frozen Meatball for 2,582MP (Charity Shop, SS=92,996)

2.16.2014 - Congratulations!! You just found a Recycled Balloon!!!

2.17.2014 - 515MP x 53 You won 27,295MP [Cloud 9[/b]

2.23.2015 - Congratulations! You guessed correctly! The potato weighed 357KG You won Breeze Potato and 50,000MP!!

2.27.2015 - You picked up Enchanted Negative Xoi Plushie (regular plushie machine)

3.2.2015 - You just found Kamilah Code 6 inside the Jackpot Pyramid! Jackpot!!! Congratulations! You reached the top of the Jackpot Pyramid! You found a total of 29,118MP inside the Jackpot Pyramid

Poison Pit has it's own blog

3.16.2015 - You caught Red Squid Plushie (Thank you DeathWithLove for the map and GB!)

3.30.2015 - You were in the top 250 highest Valentine's Day Hunt. You have been given 1,000,000MP and a Cupid Female Costume, Cupid Male Costume and Crush minipet!

4.1.2015 - Congratulations! You just found a Toy Jokemo! (Not an April Fools joke, lol)

4.5.2015 - You found 100,000MP (Fishing)

4.10.2015 - Congratulations! You guesed the Ice Fairy's Mystery Item and were selected as one of the 15 winners! You have just received Ice Fairy Tiara!!

4.18.2015 - Game Over 8,587MP x 15 You won 128,805MP (Cloud Nine)

4.19.2015 - Congratulations! You won a Headless Costume at the Guillotine.

4.19.2015 - You have fed PurrrfectPrincess the Mental Knutt Pine Nuts You have been rewarded with: Mental Costume 100,000MP

4.22.2015 - You found a One Hundred Dukka Coin!! (Archaeology)

4.27.2015 - WOW! That was amazing!! I'm impressed!
You have won 1,000,000MP (Gigantic Fairy)

4.28.2015 - Congratulations! You have just received a Silver Trophy and 150,000MP from the Weekly Battle Contest.

5.4.2015 - You dipped Milk Chocolate Newth into the Poison Pit and... It's now Leopard Skin!

5.7.2015 - You caught Purple Squid Plushie

5.12.2015 - Congratulations! You guesed the Ice Fairy's Mystery Item and were selected as one of the 15 winners! You have just received Ice Fairy Tiara!!

5.21.2015 - 'Yay! You found me in grave 3!!'
You have won 19,819MP as a reward

6.1.2015 - Congratulations! You have just received Greedy Fairy Music for having 7 of Frozen Cheese Pizza in your Gallery!!!

6.1.2015 - Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won ??15 Account Upgrade Credit!

6.10.2015 - You have fed tishalook the Mental Knutt Macadamia Nuts You have been rewarded with:
Mental Costume 100,000MP

6.10.2015 - You won a Cola Gumball

6.13.2015 - Congratulations! You won Sugar Potato bonus prize

6.22.2015 - You caught Red Squid Plushie

6.27.2015 - Congratulations! You won Sugar Stack Plushie bonus prize

7.4.2015 - Capsule Machine Token from Balloon Burst

7.5.2015 - You picked up Black DNA Plushie (EPM)

7.11.2015 - You won a Water Gumball

7.12.2015 - Congratulations! You were in the top 250 highest Pool Party Ticket Winners. You have been given 1,000,000MP and a Lord Splishy Splashy Trading Card.

8.1.2015 - You won a Funky Gumball

8.2.2015 - You won a Digital Gumball

8.3.15 - You dipped Country Terrine into the Poison Pit and...It's now 11 Olympic Pts!

8.15.15 - You have entered the FREE Prize Draw
You also won a Capsule Machine Token!

8.21.2015 - Congratulations! You have just received Greedy Fairy Stamp for having 23 of Hollowed Out Eyes Contact Lenses in your Gallery!!! (Added stamp to stamp collection)

9.29.2015 - Congratulations! You have just received a Bronze Trophy and 100,000MP from the Weekly Battle Contest.

10.8.2015 - Congratulations! You have just received a Bronze Trophy and 100,000MP from the Weekly Quest Contest.

10.12.2015-won a capsule machine token in Balloon Burst.

10.26.2015 - Congratulations! Tasque just knocked over the Sugar Stack. As you were the player who added the last Sugar Cube you have won the jackpot of 1,030,808MP.

11.3.2015 - Congratulations! You won Sugar Potato bonus prize

11.17.2015 - Congratulations! You guesed the Ice Fairy's Mystery Item and were selected as one of the 15 winners! You have just received Ice Fairy Doll!!

11.21.2015 - Chibi Zetlian Plushie (EPM).

11.28.2015 - Capsule Machine Token from Balloon Burst.

12.9.2015 - Halloween Treats Stamp won from Balloon Burst.

1.6.2016 - You picked up Enchanted Blue Crikey Plushie

1.25.2016 - You added Sugar Cube number 107 to the stack You took a cube from the stack and it did not fall over
Congratulations! You won Sugar Potato bonus prize

1.29.2016 - You dipped Chokeberry into the Poison Pit and...It's now Spiked Pear!

2.25.2016 - Game Over You won Ten Dukka Coin

3.1.2016 - You picked up Grey Zoosh Plushie (EPM)

3.4.2016 - You spin the wheel, throw the Dagger and...
You have won 1,000,000MP!!!

3.4.2016 - You dug up 9,726RP (EE, just a regular space)

3.8.2016 -You dug up Magic Rainbow Bean

3.14.2016 - Capsule Machine Token from Balloon Burst.

3.14.2016 - You won a Chocolate Chip Gumball

3.15.2016 - Enchanted Plushie Quell Plushie from EPM

3.30.2016 - Congratulations! You guesed the Ice Fairy's Mystery Item and were selected as one of the 15 winners! You have just received Ice Fairy Wings!!

4.6.2016 - Congratulations! You guesed the Ice Fairy's Mystery Item and were selected as one of the 15 winners! You have just received Ice Fairy Tiara!!

4.12.2016 - Game Over You won Twenty Dukka Coin (Dukka Dash)

4.16.2016 - You added Sugar Cube number 461 to the stack
You took a cube from the stack and it did not fall over
Congratulations! You won Incredibly Sweet Potion bonus prize

4.16.2016 - Capsule Machine Token from Balloon Burst.

5.1.2016 - Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won ??5 Account Upgrade Credit!!!

5.5.2016 - Congratulations! You guesed the Ice Fairy's Mystery Item and were selected as one of the 15 winners! You have just received Ice Fairy Stamp!!

5.17.2016 - You found a One Hundred Dukka Coin!! Simeria

5.18.2016 - You picked up Black Gobble Plushie (EPM)

5.22.2016 - Congratulations! You guesed the Ice Fairy's Mystery Item and were selected as one of the 15 winners! You have just received Ice Fairy!!

5.27.2016 - Game Over 839MP x 100 You won 83,900MP
(Balloon burst)

6.12.2016 - WOW! That was amazing!! I'm impressed!
You have won 1,000,000MP (Test your strength)

6.21.2016 - You have 430 or more Stamps in your Stamp Album and you have just received 220,000MP.

6.25.2016 - Thank you for finishing my Mission (Trotters) on time. Here is your reward.. Red Zoink Potion 100,000MP

6.25.2016 - You have completed level 50 of the Undying Woods Goals ??2 Account Upgrade Credit

8.18.2016 - 'Thank you for buying Daylight Crystal Ball for 21,797MP' You have earned 40RP from this purchase

11.17.2016 - You picked up Brown Kaala Plushie (EPM)

11.18.2016 - Your pet auction of Shaggier received a high bid of 10,015,000MP from LedZeppelin.

11.21.2016 - You grab an Injured Costume!! (Ant Hill)

12.7.2016 - You dipped Rowan - Wooden Nymph Skin!

12.24.2016 - Congratulations! You have just received Greedy Fairy Music for having 3 of Orange Chocolate Justin in your Gallery!!!

12.27.2016 - flame5528 fed Favolos Green Beans
Favolos was just about to eat Chepiz but is now full
You now have a Chepiz in your Inventory

1.4.2017 - You have paid your Electricity Bill of 1,990MP! You also won a How to run a Power Station!

3.17.2017 - You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and...It's now Ball Joint Skin!

4.10.2017 - Huthiq Hat from Enpiah

6.4.2017 - Test your strength: WOW! That was amazing!! I'm impressed! You have won 1,000,000MP

6.17.2017 - You found a One Hundred Dukka Coin!! (Archaelogy)

7.14.2015 - TweedleDumm fed Favolos Snow peas
Favolos was just about to eat Chlug but is now full
You now have a Chlug in your Inventory

7.17.2017 - You added Sugar Cube number 21 to the stack
You took a cube from the stack and it did not fall over
Congratulations! You won Sugar Potato bonus prize

7.17.2017 - The Sultan of Kamilah Desert has given you a massive 100,000MP tax refund (random event)

8.1.2017 - Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £10 Account Upgrade Credit!!!

8.25.2017 - Congratulations! You guessed correctly!
The potato weighed 43G You won Stone Potato and 50,000MP!!

8.27.2017 - You picked up Enchanted Beige Knutt Plushie (EPM)
- You picked up Invisible Equilor Plushie (EPM)

9.5.2017 - You dipped Rowan into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poisoned Potato

10.7.2017 - The Sultan of Kamilah Desert has given you a massive 100,000MP tax refund (random event)

10.9.2017 - Splat! Grey Fertiliser fell out of Pipe 6 just before you blocked it

11.8.2017 - You spin the wheel, throw the Dagger and...
You have won 1,000,000MP!!!

11.13.2017 - You opened Dukka Treasure Chest and found a Two Hundred Dukka Coin

11.15.2017 - You picked up Invisible Basil Plushie (EPM)

11.20.2017 - You picked up Black Rusty Plushie (EPM)

11.21.2017 - Congratulations! You were in the top 250 highest Pumpkin Hunt Winners. You have been given 1,500,000MP and a Carvey Trading Card.

11.28.2017 - Congratulations! You have just received a Silver Trophy and 150,000MP from the Weekly Battle Contest.

11.29.2017 - You dug up British Bean

11.30.2017 - Won Hoop Earrings from Balloon Burst

12.4.2017 - Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 3,270 Days Old status! To reward you for your loyalty and staying with Marapets for this long, King Baspinar has just given you Capsule Machine Token!

12.6.2017 - Congratulations! You just found Tennis Ball on the ground (Random Event)

12.18.2017 - Congratulations! You guessed correctly! The potato weighed 43KG You won Pumpkin Potato and 50,000MP!!

12.22.2017 - Congratulations! You have just received Greedy Fairy Book for having 38 of Frozen Cheese Pizza in your Gallery!!!

12.25.2017 - WOW! That was amazing!! I'm impressed!
You have won 1,000,000MP Gigantic Fairy

12.30.2017 - You picked up White Daisy Plushie (regular plushie machine)

1.9.2018 - Space Quell Plushie (EPM)

1.9.2018 - Beauty Contest Winner [img][/img]

1.29.2018 - You picked up Enchanted Chocolate Leido Plushie EPM

2.5.2018 - Won a Capsule Machine Token from Balloon Burst

2.6.2018 - You picked up Enchanted Easter Kaala Plushie (EPM)

2.12.2018 - Happy New Year! You are a lucky winner of the Santa Claws Raffle. You have won random bonus prizes.

2.25.2018 - Game Over You won Five Hundred Dukka Coin (Dukka Dash)

3.1.2018 - Congratulations! You have solved the Anagram!! Here is your prize... Blue Blood 95MP

3.3.2018 - You insert 250MP and move the claw down...
You picked up Icefairy Chibs Plushie

3.5.2018 - You insert 250MP and move the claw down...
You picked up Hairy Chibs Plushie

3.8.2018 - You move the claw down...
You picked up Enchanted Brown Chibs Plushie EPM

3.11.2018 - TweedleDumm fed Favolos Celery
Favolos has rewarded you with 1 AU Credit!

3.13.2018 - WOW! That was amazing!! I'm impressed!
You have won 1,000,000MP Test Your Strength

3.16.2018 - Last Jackpot Winner
MommaCats won 740,784MP on 15th Mar 2018 08:05
when Taylor245 knocked over the Sugar Stack

4.2.2018 - You move the claw down... You picked up Cotton Candy Chibs Plushie - EPM

4.28.2018 - TweedleDumm fed Favolos Fiddlehead
Favolos was just about to eat Salad but is now full
You now have a Salad in your Inventory

5.1.2018 - Ball Dress Costume from Poison Pit (in Trades for 22 mill)

5.13.2018 - Congratulations! You matched 4 Corners at Bingo and won a Ten Dukka Coin.

5.13.2018 - Congratulations! You guessed correctly!
The potato weighed 26KG
You won Checkered Potato and 50,000MP!!

7.21.2018 - Congratulations! You were in the top 100 highest Safari Event Winners, earning lots of points for your camp! You have won 1,000,000MP, a Manticore, a Capsule Machine Token and £1 Account Upgrade Credit. Thank you for playing and supporting Marapets!

7.24.2018 - Won Capsule Machine Token from Balloon Burst

7.27.2018 - Congratulations! You guessed correctly!
The potato weighed 73KG You won British Potato and 50,000MP!!

8.11.2018 - Congratulations! You just found Magenta Doyle Plushie on the ground

8.23.2018 - Capsule Machine Token from Balloon Burst.

8.26.2018 - You grab an Injured Costume!! from Ant Hill

11.7.2018 - You just walked into a Pirate! 'Yarrrrr! Here's a Seventy Dukka Coin for you matey!'

11.7.2018 - You move the claw down...
You picked up Enchanted Grey Pucu Plushie (EPM)

11.12.2018 - Congratulations! You guessed correctly!
The potato weighed 73KG
You won Green Potato and 50,000MP!!

12.24.2018 -Congratulations! You guessed correctly!
The potato weighed 73KG
You won Blitzen Potato and 50,000MP!!

1.1.2019 - You move the claw down...
You picked up Enchanted Coral Mordo Plushie (EPM)

1.1.2019 - Won Capsule Machine Token from Balloon Burst.

1.28.2019 - Congratulations! You guessed correctly!
The potato weighed 26KG
You won Grey Potato and 50,000MP!!

5.24.2019 - (1) £30 Account Upgrades Credit
Won by MommaCats
Gold Raffle Winner
Level 50-75
(2) Poison Pit 1 AU
(3) Balloon Burst - Capsule Machine Token

7.1.2019 15 AU checklist win

7.8.2019 - Balloon Burst - Capsule Machine Token

8.20.2019 - Balloon Burst - Capsule Machine Token

11.4.2019 - Test your Strength - 1,000,000MP

2.23.2020 - 78,345 coins was correct
MP1,000,000MP One in a Million

4.4.2020 - You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit £1 Account Upgrade Credit

4.11.21 - WOW! That was amazing!! I'm impressed! 1,000,000MP Test Your Strength

4.23.2021 - Congratulations! You matched three prize symbols Fruit Machine
Capsule Machine Token is now in your Items

5.25.2021 - TweedleDumm turned into a Blitzen Basil at the Whirlpool

1.12.2023 - TweedleDumm turned into a Stone Zoosh at the Whirlpool

Musical Treasure Chest
5 years, 9 months & 15 days ago
28th May 2019 19:44

Calm Gaze Contact Lenses
Curly Band Wig
Eager Eyes Contact Lenses
Foot Stage
Marching Band Blouse
Marching Band Boots
Marching Band Cap
Marching Band Coat
Marching Band Flag
Marching Band Flowing Skirt
Marching Band Gloves
Marching Band Hat
Marching Band Pants
Marching Band Shoes
Marching Band Skirt
Marching Band Trumpet
Microphone Stand
Music Stand
Musical Instruments
Short Band Wig
Stage Lights

Marching Band Pop Up Book

What I can trade
Curly Band Wig
Eager Eyes contact Lenses
Marching Band Skirt
Marching Band Flag
Music Stand
Musical Instruments

Missing after the Crash
8 years, 2 months & 7 days ago
4th Jan 2017 18:45

Other odd glitches:

Dec 8 2017 (~8:40 MST) Bought and added Moola card to deck. Deck shows I have 170. Figured I'd be getting the Battle Fairy TC. But I've apparently already added it. Will need to count the cards I have to see what's going on.

As I come across things I can track, I will add them here:

Gourmets missing from Jewel (the only ones I can be sure of):
Puddle of Piddle
Puddle of Slime

Potato Chips:
Re-purchased the following:

Queen Eleka - Diet Floral Marapop (bought for 50K)

Misc Gourmets
Chocolate Cream Donut (had one according to blog)

As of March 13, I have 865 avatars. However I had earned at least 925 before the crash.
Burple (win against Burple 2016)
Clovite (attatch to Leprechaun pet for 20 days) in progress Aug 2017

Jewels profile collections totals do not match what is shown on the individual collection details:

Books (1484) Jewel has read 1,517 Books
DVDs (252) Jewel has watched 249 DVDs
CDs (286) Jewel has listened to 284 CDs
Instruments (512) ok
Gourmet Food (2884) Jewel has eaten 3,004 Gourmet Foods
Play (1888) Jewel has played with 1,813 items
Transformations (315) ok
Spells (1) ok
Weapons (5) ok

Vault codes to be reentered

  1. Weather Events
    20th Jul 2024 15:05
    7 months, 22 days & 8 hrs ago
  2. Experiences
    18th Oct 2023 14:32
    1 year, 4 months & 25 days ago
  3. Minipet colour info
    27th Feb 2022 19:34
    3 years & 14 days ago
  4. What Maps are Needed by Which Goals?
    3rd Jan 2021 12:05
    4 years, 2 months & 8 days ago
  5. DNA Minipets Math
    9th Aug 2015 19:26
    9 years, 7 months & 3 days ago
  6. Useful Mara information
    23rd Apr 2013 18:18
    11 years, 10 months & 18 days ago
  7. **GAMES** What You Can Win
    16th Feb 2015 17:47
    10 years & 26 days ago
  8. New nuts from tree
    21st Jul 2024 08:08
    7 months, 21 days & 15 hrs ago
  9. Item changes
    8th Nov 2023 18:33
    1 year, 4 months & 4 days ago
  10. Maraween 🎃
    19th Oct 2016 18:34
    8 years, 4 months & 23 days ago