Outdated list of pets' avatars
10 years, 11 months & 17 days ago

25th Mar 2014 18:21
I am lending the following:
(Exchange rates are current as of
April 14, 2016, MM me for updated rates) Tips are appreciated, as I keep these pets around to benefit others, I do not make anything from lending. I really like to receive photos/plates/magazines/newspapers that
I do not have, but a monetary tip is always welcome, too! :-)
- minipet avatars (Must borrow pet to get these avatars - except Scorpi)
Exchange fees (
add 1,000 for sending fee):
Easter Knutt (Nahncie) 42,340
Can beat low level trading cards. MM for status.
- Easter minipet
- Wax
- Billy
- Bitty
- Blissaur
- Lambit
CottonCandy Kidlet (Ok2Pi) 36,300
- Crabs
- Dracone
- Jinn
- Spidly
- Delayed
- Scorpi (make plate & add to collection)
Space Echlin (flame5528) 169,580
- Newspapers (100+)
Digital Oglue (DarkenedLover) 94,100
- Sphinx (wrong color)
- Fluffy
- Battle: beats level 25
Love Daisy (Aquilliah) 97,800
- Lovebug
- Jacko
- Rubble
- Bullo
Detective Yakubi (Grindl) 28,200
- Devilray (wrong color)
- Yhing
- Experiment 667
- Vampry
Valentine Crindol (TweedleDumm) 52,940
- Sixth (wrong color)
- Batty
- Lustress
- Crush
Simerian (Lentenor) 34,180 <-- in temple and unavailable
- Pulika
- Wallet
- Zorg
- Charmer (ripe May 30, 2016)
Nimbus Raulf (Myrt) 240,520
- Swoop
- Tokem (ripe June 9, 2016)
- Rudolph (view plate)
- Kringle (view plate)
Alien Phanty (Greendinorox) 1,575,720
Tarquin: rare books (Encyc A, Book of Fate and more)
Avatars 19 (80+ instruments)
- Princess
- 2 Million
- Witchlet
- Marley
- Pudine
- Bookworm
- Homeless Fairy
- Stray
- Selene
- Drum
- Bell
- Bongos
- Obese Fairy
- Obese
- Morbid Obese
- Super Obese
- Stop Eating
- Plump
- Heavy
portalling pet (Fishmasterx) 1,854,960 <-- in temple
Avatars 62+
- Instruments (44 avatars, see list below)
- Minipets (2 avatars: Pyri, Tri, Eggy (wrong color). Not ripe -Pongin (ripe Oct 28, 2016)
- Gourmet (2500+) (7 avatars: Obese Fairy, Obese, Morbid Obese, Super Obese, Stop Eating, Plump, Heavy, Schnoodle)
- Glaxis (view in gourmet list)
- Books: (5 avatars) 160 Newspapers: 281 (@300 Homeless Fairy) Magazines: 710 DVDs: 214 CDs: 254 (Groovin, Moonlight Fairy, Music, Sako, Selene)
- Play (2 avatars) (1350+) (Bottled, Forest Fairy)
- Transformations: (1 avatar) (198) (Rainbow Fairy)
- Battle (Health 397/Magic 590/Strength 310/Speed 315/Defense 256) High level weapons/wands attached (2 Golden Goose Axes, Moonlight Crystal Ball, Yellow Magic Powder)
- Olympics (Intermediate - Weight Lifting, sometimes Expert, eg Swimming)
Mummy Daisy (Shaggier) 122,260 (available for trade) Check to see which minipets are attached, I am currently rotating.
Gromps will be ready by May 25, 2016.
If traded, no minis or other attachments will be included.
Devil Echlin (Vyral) 89,220 <-- In temple
(How to get the avatars)
Costume + mini:
Easter, Bitty, Blissaur minipets (view each minipet attached to Easter pet, Nahncie) Lambit - take a photo of the Easter pet.
Marney (attached to Alien pet, Greendinorox)
Aging minis:
(Must borrow pet they are attached to, check above to see if mini is correct color)
Devilray (wrong color)
Pingl (wong color)
Pumkitty (none available at present)
Sixth (wrong color)
Sphinx (wrong color)
Special Minipets:
No pet exchange fees, but tip is appreciated (will accept items in lieu of MP - magazines, newspapers, plates, photos, preferably ones I don't already have)
I have not updated this list since the new avatars were released, MM me to see if I am lending any you might be interested in
Fatty (View your pet with 5 different colored (red, blue, pink, yellow and green) Fattys attached) These are in trades. MM me before offering.
Make a plate (unless more steps are indicated):
Baylien (random when making a plate)
Bonbon (random when making a plate)
Bewmel (view plate in your collection)
Devilray (currently unavailable, wrong color)
Gamma (random)
Kringle (make plate, add to collection, view collection)
Leaflit (random)
Meepo (random)
Midoat (random)
Minti (random)
Nimble (random)
Poani (random)
Pumpkin Wiz
Rock (random, currently broken, avie comes from Minti)
Rudolph (view the plate in your collection)
Scorpi (view plate in your collection)
Solaroo (random)
Sooty (random)
Sunny (random)
Toxic (random)
You need a
specific pet for these (I lend only the minipet):
Bullo - Daisy pet (I can lend a Daisy if needed)
Chibi - Dress character in a Chibis costume and attach minipet to a Chibi pet)
Clovite - Attach to a Leprechaun pet for 20 days.
Deci - Attach to a pet for 10 days
Floof - Hairy pet
Frolan - Frostfire pet (age for 10 days)
Hart - Valentine pet
Heart - Love pet (I can provide a Love pet if necessary)
Liam - Rotten pet
Pat - Leprechaun pet
Pumpking - Halloween pet
Nicky - Fire pet
Plague - Basil pet
Polar - Polar pet
Turkiey - Gobble pet
Unlucky - unattach from a Voodoo pet
View the Minipet (no aging necessary):
Pink Fidge
DNA Minipets - Several available for lending. The I Love My Minipets avatar is obtained by attaching a DNA mini to a pet and having it watch TV in your marahome until 100% happy.
Learnies:Bookworm avatar - Greendinorox has read over 2500 books
44 instruments @ level 10 (Bagpipe, Bass Guitar, Bell, Bongos, Castanets, Cello, Clarinet, Claves, Cymbals, Drum, Electric Guitar, Electric Violin, Faun Flute, Flute, French Horn, Guitar, Harp, Horn, Hurdy Gurdy, Koudi, Lute, Lyre, Mandolin, Maracas, Midi, Panflute, Pear Ukulele, Piccolo, Recorder, Saxophone, Shamisen, Slide Whistle, Snare Drum, Taiko, Tambourine, Theremin, Triangle, Trumpet, Tuba, Ukulele, Viola, Violin, Whistle, Xylophone), still working on rare instruments: accordion (level 5), digeridoo (1), glockenspiel (1), ocarina (1), piano (1) TOTAL 450 instruments (All from Fishmasterx)
Other Avatars
Going Bananas (have 500 banana items in your gallery)