15 years, 10 months & 4 days ago

7th May 2009 13:02
WARNING!: if your a prep then GET OUT OF THIS JOURNAL PAGE!!!
heyy epople who arnt preps... do you thuink preps are STUPID? well if you do just comment me and tell me. anyways i think preps are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooprepy! theres 3 girls in my class. there preps. they wear pink and stuff they wear lipgloss! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW thats just gross!!!!! i always where skinny jeans are capri's. PREPS GO DOWN TO DA DIRT!!!!
my friends are DA BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
15 years, 10 months & 4 days ago

7th May 2009 12:58
i have alot of friends. NO PREP FRIENDS!!!!!there ethier emo,punk or tomboy. we always have fun. its sooooo fun having friends. i love lunch the most during school with friends cause we tell funny storys and they make milk come out my nose!!! LOL!!also friends help you with problons. like if someone is picking onyou they give advice or they back you up.i have like milloins of friends. MY FRRIENDS ARE DA BOMB!!!!