My Warriors Cats and Herbs
14 years, 2 months & 22 days ago

21st Dec 2010 10:54
Elegant gold tabby she-cat w/ pretty gold eyes.
Sweet and delecate, but a vicious fighter.
Bloodred tom with purple eyes and a thirst for fighting.
Warsinger's brother.
Independent and obnoxious. Acts in a very arrogant manner.
A pure white she-cat with dark ginger splotches in her fur that look like pools of blood. Red eyes.
Warsinger and Battlestorm's sister.
Silent and self-centered. Keeps to herself.
Graceful white she-cat with striking golden eyes. Has black ears and a small clover-shaped black spash on her pink nose. Has brown and black splotches on her feather-like tail.
A bit shy, though not afraid to fight.
Beautiful white tom with frosty blue-purple eyes and black-streaked fur.
Strong and fierce, but has a rarely shown soft spot for kits. Unafraid to challenge opposing Clans (which tends to get him in trouble)
A jet black she-cat with fiery orange eyes.
Difficult, spacy, and wary. Harsh in judgement, but very friendly to the few who've gotten to know her.
Pale brown tabby tom with pastel green eyes.
Kind of bipolar and takes things the wrong way a lot, though he can be nice.
A flecked, mottled, ticked tabby she-cat with piercing, almond shaped burnt orange eyes and wiry fur that tends to stick out at angles, like a constant wind brushing through her pelt. Sleek-bodied and well-muscled, despite elegant appearance. One of the swiftest runners.
Even-minded and well-tempered, though with all the cunning of a snake. She'll do anything for her Clan, if not in the most reasonable method.
Ashfangs' sister.
Dark gray tabby tom w/ gold eyes.
Friendly and forgiving, to the point where his loyalty has come into question before. He has always proven himself loyal to no one other than WindClan, and is proud of his sister for rising so high in WindClan's ranks.
Brown tabby tom w/ russet-colored splotches on his pelt.
Blue-grey tom w/ a swirly black pattern on his fur. Purple eyes.
Agile and swift, with a flaring temper. Formerly of the Phantom Thieves.
Calico ang gold dhe-cat with amber eyes and black paws.
Shy skittish, and sweet, the opposite of her brother Vortex.
Formerly of the Phantom Thieves.
Pale tan, sandy-colored tom with black ears, black paws, and a black tail. He's quite musular and has wide shoulders with a somewhat stocky build. His eyes are ice blue.
A tad short-tempered, ambitious, and eager. He can be really sweet at times, though.
Son of Vortex and Frostwing.
Nava/Goldhaven (Holly's cat)
A petite, elegant pale brown she-cat with darker, cocoa brown markings along her back. Sun-like yellow eyes.
Daughter of Vortex and Frostwing.
Name: Sootkit
Clan: Rogue
Gender: Tom
Appearance: all black kit except for white muzzle with some white flecks on his face; pink nose; amber eyes like Frostwing's
Kin: Goldhaven, Conner (siblings); Vortex, Frostwing (parents)
Name: Honeykit
Clan: Rogue
Gender: She-kit
Appearance: golden she-kit with black paws and black markings near her shoulder blades and neck; deep brown eyes and black whiskers
Kin: Goldhaven, Conner (siblings); Vortex, Frostwing (parents)
White tom w/ black spots and stripes w/ dark purple eyes.
Patient and enduring.
Dark grey tom with black paws and black spots that look like he was splashed with tar. White fur covers the bottom half of his eye sockets. Bright golden eyes.
Young and inexperienced.
Tom, a bit scruffy-looking, with wiry fur that has a tendency to stick out in different angles. White coar with brown tabby stripes and grey feet. Amber eyes.
Energetic. He seems to go around nearly always in a good mood with boundless enthusiasm.
Handsome, young, adolescent ebony black tom with gorgeous icy blue eyes and sleek, shiny fur. He's muscular and has a well-built frame.
Young, with much still to learn. He'll do his part without much complaint (note the word /much/) and he loves to hang out with his friends and goof off.
Dark golden tom with long fur and a sweeping plume of a tail. Red eyes. Has jet black spots dotting his fur.
Young, but very mature and fast-learning. (Don't think that mean he never goofs off, but Clan above all.)
Blood-colored young she-cat with abnormally bright purple eyes.
Runningwolf's best friend.
Clueless but tough. Doesn't trust easily. Genetically created in a lab and escaped one day, where she made a home in the forest and joined ShadowClan.
Black with blindingly white tabby stripes, frosty blue eyes. Only has one eye. Half of face is severly scarred. The stripes are from an experiment in a lab she was taken to as a rogue where she met FoxScar.
Bipolar. Quiet around all cats except for FoxScar and Eaglethunder.
MercilessNight (rouge)
Dark brown tabby she-cat with unusually bright green eyes and a white chest.
Finally a Warrior!!
Clumsy and very curious, which some cats call nosy.
Pure white she-kit with green eyes.
Energetic and curious, though a rather short fuse.
MercilessNight's daughter.
Silver tabby tom with brown eyes.
Indifferent and slightly full-of-himself.
MercilessNight's son.
Silver tom with two black stripes that go from the base of his ears, down his shoulders and back, to this tail, which is black. He has a large, muscular build, like his father.
The oldest and boldest among his siblings.
Mentor is Shadowveil (Crow's kitty)
Sagekit is a beautiful golden and russet she-cat with white paws. Her emeralde eyes glitter in the sunlight, like a leaf in the summer time. Her build is lithe, yet muscular, like her mother.
Kin: Eaglethunder, Runningwolf, Opalkit, Fallenkit, and Badgerkit.
Mentor is Thornfang
This she-cat is a pure white she-cat, due to the genetic stripes on her mother's pelt. Her eyes are what give her the name 'Opalkit' for they are a pretty green-blue. She is one of the larger kits, along with her brother Fallenkit, beacause they have their father's build.
Mentor is FoxScar
White she-cat with black and silver badger-like stripes and markings. Green eyes. She's exactly identical to the former Badgerkit, the last surviving kit of Runningwolf's first litter, who was killed by foxes. She has more of a delicate build, though.
The smallest and youngest. She tries hard to keep up with her older siblings.
Mentor is Brokenflame (Crow's kitty)
Grey she-cat with a russet chest, belly, and paws. She has honey golden eyes and a very petite fame.
A very friendly and kind-hearted soul, dislikes conflict. Although she will defend SkyClan when needed, she prefers to settle disagreements with words instead of claws. Mother of Russetmoon and Ravenstorm.
Long-haired slate grey tom with dark red eyes and abnormally long claws. A very large cat, though he moves with surprising silence.
Russet-colored she-kit w/ sky-blue eyes. Has a splash of black around her nose.
Black tom with white tail-tip and white mark on his chest and amber eyes. He's rather small, taking much after his mother.
He often isolates himself, preferring his own company as opposed to the incessant chatter of his Clan.
A double-coated she-cat with a silver top coat and golden undercoat. Green eyes.
Sister of two rogues.
Energetic and charismatic. Formerly of the Phantom Thieves.
StarClanners/Dark Forest Cats
Dark russet and black tabby tom w/ flaming green eyes with specks of gold around the pupil.
Defensive, fiercly loyal, and easily angered. Disowned his own kits and RiverClan mate, Icepool, to prove his loyalty. His surviving half-Clan daughter lives in ShadowClan.
Runningwolf's father.
White she-cat with silver eartips and black paws, blue eyes.
Runningwolf's mother.
Ginger-browm tom with a white chest and belly, amber eyes.
Dark Forest.
Runningwolf's former mate.
Tortoiseshell and white she-cat w/ green eyes.
Runningwolf's sister, sacrificed herself in a fire to save her sister.
Small black and white tabby tom.
Runningwolf' son, was killed by a starving she-fox in leaf-bare.
Dark gray tabby tom.
Runningwolf's son, stolen by an eagle.
Elegent gray she-cat.
Runningwolf's daughter, stolen by the same eagle that took her brother.
Small brown tabby tom.
Too weak to fight greencough.
Herbs and Uses
Poppy seeds - used to make a cat very sleepy and to ease pain
Cobwebs - used to stop bleeding
Feverfew - used to cool feverish cats and treat head pain
Lavender - cures fever
Borage leaves - used to treat fevers and helps nursing mothers with their milk supply
Dock leaves - used to sooth scratches; can also make a cat's coat slippery; can be used as a surface for vomiting.
Marigold - leaves used to treat infection and heal wounds and sores
Horsetail - used to treat infected wounds
Burdock root - used to treat infections, especially rat bites
Chervil root - used to treat infections
Wild garlic - rolling in this can help to keep out infection
Dried Oak Leaves - collected during leaf-fall; stops infection
Coltsfoot - used to treat kittencough
Catnip (also called catmint) - used to treat whitecough and greencough; can help to relax a cat
Chickweed - used to help treat greencough
Tansy - used to treat coughs
Thyme - used to calm a cat
Chamomile - used to calm a cat
Dandelion (leaves) - used to calm a cat
Juniper berries - used to treat bellyache, and give strength to recovering cats
Chervil - used to treat bellyache
Watermint - used to treat bellyache
Daisy leaves - used to treat aching joints
Goldenrod - used in a poultice to treat aching joints and stiffness; can also be used for severe injuries.
Ragwort leaves - used alongside juniper berries in a poultice to treat aching joints, sores, or most other hide or muscle retinas, such as scratches, bruises, and broken bones
Comfrey - used to treat broken bones
Nettle (leaves) - used to treat swelling
Wild Basil - used to treat paw problems
Poison Ivy (leaves) - used on cracked paw pads
Celandine - used to treat ailments of the eyes
Snakeroot - used to counter poison
Nettle (seeds) - used to counter poison
Honey - used to treat sore throats; can also be used in poultices to sooth injuries.
Mouse bile - used to remove ticks from a cat's coat
Yarrow - used to make a cat vomit and expel poisons from the body, used mostly when cats have eaten something poisonous.
Broom - used in poultices for broken legs.
Catchweed - used to help protect freshly-applied poultices by sticking them over the area. Green and fluffy seeds.
Lamb's ear -a herb used along with ragwort to help strenthen exhausted, weakened cats.
Parsley -used to stop queens milk.
Deathberries - of no medicinal value; bright scarlet berries that, when ingested, can easily kill a cat if they are not quickly enough expelled from the cat's body.
Nightshade - of no medicinal value; is poisonous.
Holly berries - of no medicinal value; poisonous like deathberries.
Same Herbs- Different Putting.
Borage Leaves:
To be chewed and eaten. The plant can be distinguished by its small blue or pink star-shaped flowers and hairy leaves. Great for nursing queens as it helps increase their supply of milk. Also brings down fever.
Burdock Root:
A tall-stemmed, sharp-smelling thistle with dark leaves. A medicine cat must dig up the roots, wash off the dirt, and chew them into a pulp, which can be applied to rat bites. Cures infection.
A delicious-smelling, leafy plant that's hard to find in the wild; often found growing in Twoleg gardens. The best remedy for Greencough.
A sweet-smelling plant with large, spreading, fernlike leaves and small whiite flowers. he juice of the leaves can be used for infected wounds, and chewing the roots will help bellyache.
Spiderwebs can be found all the forest. Medicine cat's bring it around an injury to soak up the blood and keep the wound clean. It stops bleeding.
A flowering plant, like dandelion, with yellow or white flowers. The leaves can be chewed up to a pulp and eaten to cure shortness of breath.
Indentifiable by its large leaves and small bell-shaped flowers, which can be pink, white, or purple. The fat black roots of the plant can be chewed into a poultice to mend broken bones or soothe wounds.
A plant similar to sorrel. The leaf can be chewed up and applied to soothe scratches.
Dried Oak Leaf:
Collected in the autumn and stored in a dry place to stop infections.
A small bush with flowers like daisies. The leaves can be eaten to cool down body temperature, particually for cats with chills or fevers.
A tall plant with bright yellow flowers. A poultice of this is terrific for healing wounds.
A sweet, golden liquid created by bees. It's hard to collect, but it soothes throats; especially ones burned by smoke.
A tall plant with brisly stems that grows in marshy areas. The leaves can be used to treat infected wounds. Usually used as a poultice.
Junpier Berries:
A bush with spiky dark green leaves and purple berries. The berries soothe bellyaches and help cats who are having trouble breathing.
Lavender: A small, purple, fowering plant that cures fever.
A bright orange or yellow flower that grows low to the ground. The petals or leaves can be chewed into a pulp and applied as a poultice to wounds. It stops infection.
Mouse Bile:
It's awful-smelling, but it instantly rids a cat's pelt of ticks. Be sure to wash paws thouroughly in water afterwards.
Poppy Seeds:
Small black seeds shaken from a dried poppy flower, these are fed to cats to help them sleep. Soothes cats suffering from shock and distress. Not recommended for queens with kits.
A flowering herb that is rubbed along a cat's pelt, used for preserving a cat's body for burial.
Stinging Needle:
These spiny green seeds can be administered to a cat who's swallowed poison, while the leaves can be applied to a wound to bring down swelling.
A strong-smelling plant with round, yellow flowers. Good for curing coughs, but must be used in daily, small, douses.
This herb can be eaten to calm anxiety and frayed nerves.
A leafy green plant found in streams or damp earth. Usually chewed into a pulp and then fed to a cat suffering bellyache.
Wild Garlic:
Rolling in a patch of this will held prevent infection, especially for dangerous wounds like rat or fox bites.
A flowering plant whose leaves can be made into a poultice and applied to wounds or scrathes to expel poison.
Swifty's list of special herbs:
Pourcupine Needles:
These are very hard to find, but, if you come across them, they can be used as stitches to put togther and help heal any badly torn part of the body. After they are applied, make sure to bite off the sharp part of the needle.
Deathberry Juice:
Squish the berries with your paws onto a leaf and rub the leaf gently on the cat. It will instantly numb the area that you rubbed, but make sure you thoughoughly wash your paws in a stream or water. Make sure the cat you applied it to does NOT lick the spot with the juice on it. If it ever does get into the cat's system, make sure to use some Yarrow as quickly as possible to get it out.
The dandelion must have the white fluff on it, not the flowery yellow part. Have a cat roll over and make sure the fluff gets up their nose. It will instantly make them sneeze several times over to clear any stuffed nose.
Pine Needle Branches:
Make sure not to pinch yourself, but roll over gently on the branch to rid yourself of any odor. It will get rid of the smell or mouse-bile, crowfood, skunk, or any other bad stench.
These dark blue berries are hard to find, but they help cure any burning pains and cool down body temperature from battles. They can be eaten, but only dose one or two berries at once.
A sliver of this piece of wood is very strong smelling and will make a cat salivate. Rub the Birchwood along the cat's throat to make them swallow anything large, or if they have been nocked out.