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Do not mail me asking for votes or to join your club. I will do neither and will give you a stern talking to.

  1. 19th Oct 2017 08:51
    7 years, 4 months & 24 days ago
  2. The 'I don't think we're in Kansas' list
    20th Aug 2017 12:36
    7 years, 6 months & 21 days ago
  3. Spring Treasure Chest
    5th Aug 2017 04:38
    7 years, 7 months & 7 days ago
  4. Temple Run 4
    13th May 2017 06:48
    7 years, 9 months & 30 days ago
  5. Dear Staff
    6th May 2017 05:46
    7 years, 10 months & 6 days ago
  6. Teshure chess
    11th Apr 2017 02:18
    7 years & 11 months ago
  7. Pick 4 numbers from One to Twelve please
    9th Sep 2016 14:06
    8 years, 6 months & 1 day ago
  8. Temple Run 3
    2nd Feb 2016 01:23
    9 years, 1 month & 10 days ago
  9. Valentine
    18th Sep 2015 00:41
    9 years, 5 months & 25 days ago
  10. Something to remind myself
    23rd Jul 2015 17:29
    9 years, 7 months & 20 days ago
9 years, 11 months & 9 days ago
2nd Apr 2015 14:38


For Staff// New IP address
10 years, 2 months & 26 days ago
17th Dec 2014 15:49

Parents got a new router so they have a new internet connection. Thanks Staff!

Update - I also use the Uni Wifi and I've moved to a temporary housing that has different wifi as well. I basically change it as I go from place to place.

My Pets
10 years, 3 months & 15 days ago
27th Nov 2014 13:35

Since I'm bored I might as well update this with actual reasons.

Beatable (Created by me) - I had this weird idea when I was doing my 4th/5th year English homework. It was looking up the meaning of certain words, it was actually the word Abatable. So I wondered if it was a free name from mara and it was along Beatable and two others that ended with '-able'. I gave away the others except for Beatable because I had recently won an enchnated sindi plushie from the plushie machine and used it on Beatable. He was costumed Superhero for a while because I loved the irony with the costume and then decided to change it to Minipet because it was so cute. I think it was one of the first Minipet sindis out there but w/e.

Chippin (Created by me, name suggested by Chesh(toyboks)) - This one is fairly new. I saw it on the news and I thought, 'I must have one!' so I went out and bought a Dakota potion, I had spent all my money on the potion and had to earn more for the costume lol. I was thinking of names and asked around the forums, the top picks that I thought of were Coppern and Colinton but Chesh had offered her help so I asked for a name and she had suggested the name Chippin which I loved from a previous time she had helped me re-name a pet (Edimund). So yeah that's it really, look at how cute he is!

Diversions (Was given away to me) - Diversions was given to me by someone, he was originally a Simerian Zoink but someone on the forums were looking for a pet to costume Christmas so I posted, I wasn't really expecting for the person to accept but she did and now he is Christmas. I quite like him to stay this way because he had given me so much Christmas related avatar lol

Edimund (Created by me, name changed from Neckerchief to Edimund.) - I had to admit I liked the name Neckerchief but I couldn't handle having more than two pets with the letter 'N' as a starting letter. I just wanted to change it to something plus a Neckerchief didn't really suit the name. I initially wanted it to be Necktie but I think it's taken. I then renamed it to Edimund, with the help of Chesh. I adored the school pets and the snookle from the start, I believe I had bought a rainy snookle potion then bought the school costume. Regardless I love him, so cute and if they do get a revamp I hope they do it some justice.

Gracidea (Created by me) - Coming from the flower in pokemon that changes Shaymin's forme [img][/img] <-- It's a pretty flower isn't it? This was the first pet in this account after being banned from my old account...I knew that I wanted her to be an Earth Fairy Viotto from the start, to reflect the whole Gracidea thing but when the Spring Pets came out I was conflicted. I had asked around in forums on what type of Viotto she should be and the majority was Spring. The only problem is that I had already bought an earth fairy costume for a whopping 10m from someone, I had gotten it from selling the gourmet Wedding Cake, I had bought that from 1AU a while back when they came out and stuck it in my attic thinking nothing of it. When I was selling it I was shocked that someone had offered around 10m, maybe it was more (I forget) and was shocked. Anyway back to the costume, when the Spring costumes retired and I had still not bought one I felt stupid. I remember selling that same Earth Fairy costume for 20m not thinking anything about it but then marapets got hacked and I was so scared that it was hacked money so I kept it in the bank and took a support ticket out asking if it was legit. Turns out that it was and I got to keep it. I bought the potion first (I think it was a plain one?) then the costume and then Gracidea got to where she is now. (Such a long story and I don't even think it makes any sense.)

Hyouka (Created by me) - This is the start of many Japanese naming spree that I had. I named him Hyouka because it meant ice-cream or frozen desserts in literal Japanese. I had named him, I think this before the ice cream pets came out or just around the same time that the AU came out. I actually spent a whole lot of AU on this one just to get the Mordo lol I didn't get the name from looking up what ice-cream is in Japanese though, I got the name from the Anime of the same name. I loved that anime so much, everything about it was well made: the characters, the settings, different plots. It was brilliant and I suggest you watch it.

Khyan (Created by me, used to be Glabella name changed to Khyan) - I had named him Glabella because I remember from my early years on this account about people talking about a Glabella which was apparently the skin between the eyebrows and above the nose. I thought the name was really funny but I decided to change it when I acquired enough AU for a name certificate. The story on why I changed it to Khyan is actually pretty simple: there's this British Youtuber called Khyan and I actually like what he does, I believe it's mostly comedy (I recommend 'Freudian Slip'). Then I bought a Yuni potion and used it on him, I initially wanted an Icefairy Yuni, having seen them when they were released and thought they were so cool (pun not intended) and pretty that I must have one. I then realised that it didn't suit the name so what I did first was costume him British so I can get the avvie (It was relevant because I recently got my British citizenship that year) then bought a colour concoction from someone and then used it on him turning him into an Icefairy Yuni, what are the odds? I costumed him toddle because I thought it was the only cute Yuni there is lol

Marethyu (Created by me) - Where to start with this one? I had created this pet when I was searching mara for names from the book series 'The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel' which is the only book series I have actually read to date. I am still waiting on a movie but I guess it will never come out along with the 13 Reasons Why movie. Marethyu in the book means 'Death' so I initially wanted it to be a Halloween Ercuw or Yuni but since Halloween Costumes are expensive I decided to go for Nightmare instead which is colour now imo. I got the Sybri when I bought one and immediately got the LE. Lucky me I guess.

Nyanpasu (Created by me) - I just want to say that this pet needs to be a baby because it would reflect the person that says this word in the anime 'Non Non Biyori'. I don't watch a lot of anime but I do watch the ones that my brother watches that I think are funny or mind provoking. Anyway back to why this pet needs to be a Baby Chibs. If you look up the person that says the word/phrase 'Nyanpasu' you can see that they have similar eyes (Renge Miyauchi to those who are curios) and OMG I just wanted it. It may not look similar to you but I think so.

Pinehearst (Created by me) - This actually took me a lot of thinking on whether to turn him into a Decadal or not. I wanted a Decadal but all the cool 'Deca' names that I like were taken (Decade and Decadence) so I created Pinehearst in hopes that I would eventually turn him into a Decadal, which I did eventually. I costumed him Superhero because it fit with the origin of the word. It came from the TV series Heroes during Season 3 you'll notice the name. I just thought it was pretty neat that I have a Decadal.

Soccus (Created by me) - Soccus is basically what it sounds like. When I first noticed that a poera can wear the toy costume I immediately thought of names that can fit a sock puppet. I wanted to give up but then I went to Latin names, which I always found rather interesting anyway, and found branching words that were not even partly Latin. Comes from the old english 'Socc' meaning light slipper. Which comes from Soccus meaning light, low heeled shoes.

Utatane (Created by me) - Comes from the Japanese Vocaloid Utatane Piko. Name meaning 'sound of singer'. Nothing much is to be said about this pet except for the fact that I like the Vocaloid.

Bretien, Gallacher and Nichijou (All created by me) -
Breiten the name was taken from a forum post a while back that listed all the free names that you can get and I had asked for Breiten. It took a while for him to actually get to a Skater Huthiq because I had no idea what to make him. Skater pets where always pretty awesome to me and I remembered wanting them when they came out in AU and found that I was too poor to ever own one lol
Gallacher is just a variation of the last name Gallagher. I think one with a 'C' sounds better than that of a 'G'. Also when you say Detective Gallacher it sounds almost legit and professional.
Nichijou is another anime that I thoroughly enjoyed and laughed at so many times that I ended up watching it twice. This is why I had created the pet. I wanted to rename her but had second thoughts. Name meaning 'Ordinary Life'

10 years, 6 months & 7 days ago
4th Sep 2014 11:07

My IP address may have changed because I have moved into my cousins house for uni. So don't ban me pls, I may also come back to my old IP address because that's my parents house.

Also I switch between my phone and laptop a lot.

  1. 19th Oct 2017 08:51
    7 years, 4 months & 24 days ago
  2. The 'I don't think we're in Kansas' list
    20th Aug 2017 12:36
    7 years, 6 months & 21 days ago
  3. Spring Treasure Chest
    5th Aug 2017 04:38
    7 years, 7 months & 7 days ago
  4. Temple Run 4
    13th May 2017 06:48
    7 years, 9 months & 30 days ago
  5. Dear Staff
    6th May 2017 05:46
    7 years, 10 months & 6 days ago
  6. Teshure chess
    11th Apr 2017 02:18
    7 years & 11 months ago
  7. Pick 4 numbers from One to Twelve please
    9th Sep 2016 14:06
    8 years, 6 months & 1 day ago
  8. Temple Run 3
    2nd Feb 2016 01:23
    9 years, 1 month & 10 days ago
  9. Valentine
    18th Sep 2015 00:41
    9 years, 5 months & 25 days ago
  10. Something to remind myself
    23rd Jul 2015 17:29
    9 years, 7 months & 20 days ago