14 years, 11 months & 27 days ago

16th Mar 2010 10:58
Steam Spell Book
Rofling Book
Rocket Book
Popup Christmas Book
Hero Zero Book
Halloween Recipe Book
Guide to Magic
Green Waters Book
Frozen Book
Fire Spell Book
Encyclopedia Y
Encyclopedia X
Encyclopedia W
Encyclopedia V
Encyclopedia U
Encyclopedia T
Encyclopedia S
Encyclopedia R
Encyclopedia Q
Encyclopedia P
Encyclopedia O
Encyclopedia N
Encyclopedia M
Encyclopedia L
Encyclopedia K
Encyclopedia J
Encyclopedia I
Encyclopedia H
Encyclopedia G
Encyclopedia F
Encyclopedia E
Encyclopedia D
Encyclopedia C
Encyclopedia B
Earth Spell Book
Climbing Mt Dukka Book
Book of Daggers
It's on the 22cnd March.
I'm ONLY accepting books as presents.
Please send me any book that is NOT on the list above.

To Staff:
15 years & 14 days ago

28th Feb 2010 07:25
To Staff:
Sometimes I log on at school and from other locations. Most of the time, I use chrome but sometimes I use IE. Please don't ban me. (:
15 years, 2 months & 8 days ago

4th Jan 2010 12:12
These are my goals on mara.
-Make Logic read all books on Marapets. []
-Reach 100k [x]
-Reach 500k []
-Reach 1 Mill []
-Turn Danriella into a Baby Dakota []
-Turn Ornithology into a Pink Pucu []
-Turn Viette into a Seasonal Viotto []
-Turn Bayleys into a Midnight Chibs []
-Turn Amette into a Prison Viotto []
-Turn Callai into a Red Crikey []
15 years, 2 months & 14 days ago

29th Dec 2009 06:39
Writers With Respect
:3 The name sucks, but you get the general idea. Anyone, from Basic, Intermediate, or even Advanced is welcome to join. All this group is intended to do is maintain respect for other writers, regardless of ability.
This means when a basic skilled roleplayer comes into Advanced or Intermediate, we don't flame them for a mistake.
If they are doing it on purpose to be irritating, don't fight with them, just report them to staff.
Hard as it is to not fight, you're the better person so you should rise aboove it ;D
It's not hard to be polite and respectful, also it means that topics will get more posts and the Roleplay forums will be more active.

If you want to join, just post your name with # then a number
Eg, #2 - RiRi
And agree with the rules above.
Love youuu