15th Birthday Checklist
5 years, 6 months & 19 days ago

16th Aug 2019 10:58
Birthday Party15th Birthday Book15th Birthday Cupcake15th Birthday PlaylistBirthday LollyBirthday Party WigBlue 15th Birthday CandleCelebrate Glowing EggCupcake HatCupcake Tank TopCupcake SweaterGreen 15th Birthday CandleIce Cream Pinata StampLong Waves Hair ExtensionLoud Party HornM BalloonMarapets BeanieMarapets Sweater
Party Candy FlossPurple 15th Birthday BalloonRed 15th Birthday BalloonRuffled SkirtSchool Girl Cincher
Sheer Arm WarmerSingle Stripe Jacket
Slice of Chocolate 15th Birthday CakeSlice of Vanilla 15th Birthday CakeStrawberry Birthday SundaeSun BalloonVanilla 15th Birthday CakeVanilla Birthday SundaeYellow 15th Birthday Balloon15th Birthday Gift Hunt15 going on 3015th Birthday Toy Gift
Balloon Bouquet
Birthday HeelsBirthday Waves WigBlue 15th Birthday BalloonBook of Party HatsButtoned Collar
Chocolate 15th Birthday CakeChocolate 15th Birthday CupcakeChocolate Birthday SundaeCozy Striped Shorts
Cupcake Scarf
Cupcake Socks
Gift Glowing Egg
Green 15th Birthday BalloonMoon Balloon
Party HornPurple 15th Birthday CandleRed 15th Birthday Candle
Ruffled Tank Top
Short Shawl
Shoulderless Sweater
Slice of Strawberry 15th Birthday CakeStrawberry 15th Birthday Cake
Strawberry 15th Birthday Cupcake
Tropical Tank Top
Yellow 15th Birthday Candle
Missing Elfember Items
8 years, 2 months & 21 days ago

13th Dec 2016 22:32
Carol Singing 2016 Prize Apple Cider Caramels
Bloody Yule Log
Carol Sheet Music
Christmas Drum
Coal Dust Powder Candy
Crackling Fire Sounds
Cranberry Cocktail
Dark Chocolate Coal
Festive Bells
Festive Eggnog ✔
Festive Hot Chocolate ✔✔
Festive White Hot Chocolate
Gingerbread Book
Gingerbread Imposter
Holiday Cards
Holiday Horn
Holy Harp ✔
Mini Cranberry Tarts
Mistletoe Stamp ✔
Mulled Wine
Neopolitan Snowman Ice Cream
Nice List
Sack of Coal ✔
Slices of Fruitcake
Snow Guitar
Christmas Present Prize 2016Banana Crepe
Candycane Sugar Cookies
Chestnut Fudge
Chocolate Ice Cream Crepe
Frost Icy Mix
Fruit Crepe
Ghostly Candle
Gift Wrapped Wreath
Giftbox Ornament
Jolly Icy Mix
Maple Syrup Snow Taffee
Oddly Shaped Present
Peanut Butter Crepe
Stitched Book
Stocking Loot
Strawberry Icy Mix
Strawberry Jam Crepe
Vanilla Ice Cream Crepe
Winter Peaks Stamp
Secret Santa Prize Blue Peppermint Present ✔
Blue Seasonal Present
Chilled Blue Present
Chilled Purple Present ✔✔✔✔
Chilled Rainbow Present
Chilled Red Present
Chilled Striped Present ✔
Dark Seasonal Present
Green Peppermint Present ✔
Green Seasonal Present
Oddly Shaped Present
Pink Seasonal Present
Purple Peppermint Present
Red Peppermint Present
Tall Green Present
Tall Red Present
Tall Snowflake Present ✔
Tall Starry Present
Tall Striped Present
White Seasonal Present
Yellow Peppermint Present ✔✔
Account UpgradesGinger Baddie Trading Card
Journey to the North Pole
Ms Claus Plushie
Ornament Glowing Egg
Santas Milk and Cookies ✔
Santas Secrets
Sleigh Stamp
Missing Thanksgiving Burple Prizes
8 years, 2 months & 24 days ago

11th Dec 2016 17:45
✔ - already have
Blue Stuffed Gobble Plushie ✔
Boiled Gobble Egg ✔
Crafly ✔
Eyru Cap ✔
Gobble Giblets ✔
Gobble Hand Drawn Photo ✔✔
Gobble Pot Pie ✔✔
Gobble Up Stamp ✔
Green Stuffed Gobble Plushie ✔
Holy Corn ✔
Leaf Dress ✔
Lucky Gobble Foot ✔✔
Pilgram Boy Plushie
Red Stuffed Gobble Plushie ✔✔
Run Gobble Run
Slice of Caramel Pumpkin Pie ✔
Slice of Chocolate Swirl Pumpkin Pie ✔
Slice of Pumkpin Cheesecake ✔
Sycamore ✔
Turkey Pop Up Book
Vegan Tofu Thanksgiving Meal ✔
Wishbone Bow ✔
Yellow Stuffed Gobble Plushie ✔✔