Life update (i'm back)
10 years, 8 months & 12 days ago

5th Jul 2014 03:39
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been around for ages a lot of stuff has happened, I now work most Fridays and Saturdays I'm out of home, struggling with school, and will hopefully be in a new relationship soon, and I just really need to go on a social media kick, so starting now, hopefully you will be seeing a lot more of me. xx
Ublish's lair update
11 years, 5 months & 11 days ago

5th Oct 2013 03:28
I think i'm up to about level 9, so getting up there a bit, probably helps that I am a millionaire on here haha

Getting my 3000 word essay done very slowly
11 years, 5 months & 14 days ago

2nd Oct 2013 01:08
I have a 3000 word essay due for my counselling class, it's about 749 words so far, I hope I can get it done, it's going very very slowly, I've still got two weeks till I can hand it in
Life stuff (university)
11 years, 5 months & 16 days ago

30th Sep 2013 03:38
I failed my last uni assignment, for the first time ever. Guaranteed it had something to do with maths, sometimes it worries me about the fact that even though I do love my course, there's a lot of compulsory maths/research stuff. I'm going to need some tutoring, I just hope I pass the subject.