15 years, 1 month & 27 days ago

15th Jan 2010 14:30
Dedicated to Sam.
Whenever I'm down and feeling blue,
I wonder if anyone is here for me,
Then I think and maramail you,
You, the Elf, and with the two LE!
Sam, of course I always think,
'What can I send to her today?
'A potion, a LE, and costume and sink,'
I hope you'll appreciate it OK?
This is the last I want to perfect it,
Your special, don't let players tell you different,
I want to say something, I'll give you a hint. . .

Thanks to:
15 years, 3 months & 8 days ago

4th Dec 2009 14:23
shoprgrl89: She's so special she needs her own blog KK?
ronaldmartin, Kisu, and bluenotes: Thanks soo much you guys, for cheering me up on dreary days.
Johncool12- Thanks for making up!
Tegan135- Thanks for the costume!
midnightsunrise giving me a light fairy lati. ( I made a bad trade with it

I wanna back! Oh well)
All my club members: