Elger Runs
8 years, 8 months & 23 days ago

18th Jun 2016 18:24
Start: 1923
End: 2067
Quests done: 144
Initial cash stack: 1,407,793
End cash stack: 7,425
x28 Air
x14 Ash
x8 Dark
x10 Digital
x30 Earth
x20 Energy
x34 Fire
x22 Grime
x22 Ice
x22 Light
x20 Love
x14 Shadow
x18 Steam
x24 Water
TOTAL: 276
Avg crystal price: 7,362
Haunted House stamps: 2
Expected Profit (avg crystal price x amount of crystals achieved - [intial cash stack - end cash stack]):
2,032,089 - 1,400,368 = 631,721 MP
Start: 2067
End: 2,323
Quests done: 256
Intial cash stack: 2,408,632
End cash stack: 3,444
x30 Air
x42 Ash
x40 Dark
x40 Digital
x34 Earth
x50 Energy
x24 Fire
x40 Grime
x36 Ice
x40 Light
x40 Love
x16 Shadow
x36 Steam
x38 Water
TOTAL: 506
Avg crystal price: 7,558
Haunted House stamps: 3
Expected Profit (avg crystal price x amount of crystals achieved - [intial cash stack - end cash stack]): 3,824,348 - 2,405,188 = 1,419,160 MP
Sewer Cleaner Progress
8 years, 9 months & 10 days ago

1st Jun 2016 00:49
First completion
Bug plushies - 1m ea
20 bug plushies in total asked for
= 20m
21 - No UBS
22 - No UBS
23 - No UBS
24 - No UBS
25 - White fert and Tarantula 2.5m + 2m
26 - No UBS
27 - No UBS
28 - No UBS
29 - Brown fert 2.5m
30 - Painted lady butterfly 2m
total spent: 29m
Bug plushies - 1m ea
20 bug plushies in total asked for
= 20m
21 - blue fert 2.5
22 - angelwing butterfly 500k
23 - no ubs
24 - blue fert 2.5
25 - no ubs
26 - no ubs
27 - brown fert 2.5
30 - no ubs
28 - orange fert 2.5
29 - yellow fert 2.5
total spent: 33m
1 - 69k + 198k