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  1. War blog one
    11th Jul 2011 10:52
    13 years, 8 months & 1 day ago
  2. War blog two
    11th Jul 2011 10:32
    13 years, 8 months & 1 day ago
  3. PC of my whole Gallery
    31st May 2011 11:45
    13 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
  4. Songs
    6th May 2011 08:38
    13 years, 10 months & 7 days ago
  5. Recent Avatars.
    18th Apr 2011 08:17
    13 years, 10 months & 25 days ago
  6. Complete PC of Gallery
    12th Apr 2011 16:15
    13 years, 10 months & 30 days ago
  7. //dont read//
    9th Apr 2011 11:34
    13 years, 11 months & 2 days ago
  8. For pesonal use
    14th Feb 2011 09:10
    14 years & 28 days ago
  9. Minipet Plates (price guide)
    11th Dec 2010 14:33
    14 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
  10. .
    21st Aug 2010 16:34
    14 years, 6 months & 21 days ago
Complete PC of Gallery
13 years, 10 months & 30 days ago
12th Apr 2011 16:15

Complete PC of Gallery now Completed.

To PC again in 3 months time and compare

Current Total: 251.8 Million

Vampire Tasi Potion x3- 4 million x5
Leprechaun Tasi Potion x4- 4 million x5
Blitzen Costume- 350k x52
Kamilah Costume- 500k
Leprechaun Costume- 800k x2
Midnight Costume- 450k x4
Minipet Costume- 600k
Sleepy Costume- 800k x2
Sparkle Costume- 700k x2
Toddler Costume- 500k x4
Vaapire Costume- 800k
Werewolf Costume- 600k
Blood Soaked Wig- 500k x6
Frozen Wig- 50k x4
Horns Wig- 150k x3
Liberty Wig- 150k x3
Rainbow Wig- 500k x3
Santa Wig- 25k x5
Seasonal Wig- 50k x4
Stoneage Wig- 50k x3
Vampire Horns Wig- 450k x6
Vampire Wig- 400k x6
Blitzen Pearl- 8k x3
Cotton Candy Pearl- 30k
Cowboy Pearl- 30k
Fire Fairy Pearl- 30k
Graveyard Pearl- 90k x6
Kamilah Pearl- 15k x44
Killer Pearl- 450k (may be inflated)
Mini Pearl- 20k x13
Pirate Pearl- 70k x33
Thanksgiving Pearl- 70k x2
Vacation Pearl- 350k x2
Vampire Pearl- 180k x8
Werewolf Pearl- 25k x18
Advent Wreath Book- 10k
Bed Time Book- 80k
Midnight Book- 70k x2
Mini Book- 15k x 13
Pilgrim Book- 200k x37
Pixie Book- 120k
Rudolf Book- 15k x4
Summer Vacation Book- 800k x3
Bedtime Stories- 13k x42
Candy Music- 120k x2
Easter Music- 10k x3
Firework Sounds- 140k
Gobbling Gobbles- 80k x25
Golden Desert Hits- 20k x18
Halloween Hits- 4 million x10
Howling hits- 50k x7
Midnight Music- 20k
Mini Disk- 100k x54
Punk Music- 30k
Rainbow Tunes- 70k x32
Rudolf Christmas Carols- 10k x131
Summer Hits 2010- 800k x8
Thunder Noise- 30k x11
Vampire Attack Music- 90k
Beach Party- 300k x3
Bed Time Monsters- 50k x2
Belly Dancing- 20k x14
Deadly Treat- 400k x2
Earth Fairy- 2 million x2
Fireworks- 130k
First Thanksgiving- 180k x2
Honey I Shrunk the DVD- 100k x17
Midnight Sunrise- 15k
Werewolf- 100k x11
Ata- 80k x2
Batz- 400k
Bugsy- 30k
Dantiz- 600k
Filondor- 3 million x1
Beach- 800k
Leprechaun- 200k
Moneybag- 2 million x3
Peiko- 450k
Prancer- 10k x2
Punk- 800k
Boo Trading Card- 80k x74
Candy Floss Trading Card- 500k x4
Grinch Trading Card- 90k x2
Hasani Trading Card- 500k x5
Lotus Trading Card- 500k x3
Naunet Trading Card- 500k x3
Nutcracker Trading Crad- 20k x23
Punk Xoi Trading Card- 400k x2
Christmas Pudding Male Costume- 450k
Crikey Female Costume- 100k
Devil Male Costume- 500k x3
Drummer Female Costume- 400k x4
Drummer Male Costume- 350k
Elf Male Costume- 60k x12
Goblin Female Costume- 800k x2
Grim Reaper Male Costume- 800k x2
Mental Female Costume- 120k
Mental Male Costume- 100k
Mistletoe Male Costume- 500k
Pumpkin Male Costume- 700k
Santa Female Costume- 800k
Santa Male Costume- 600k x2
Skeleton Female Costume- 800k
Teenage Witch Female Costume- 800k
Undying Fairy Female Costume- 800k x4
Vampire Female Costume- 600k
Vampire Male Costume- 600k
Werewolf Male Costume- 700k x2
Devil Female Costume- 800k
Grim Reaper Female Costume- 800k
Jack Frost Male Costume- 700k
Advent Tree Instructions 1- 450k
Advent Tree Instructions 10- 450k
Advent Tree Instructions 7- 450k
Advent Tree Instructions 9- 500k
Chocolate Beach Cake- 200k x4
Christmas Eye Make Up- 35k x140
Christmas Stamp- 170k x17
Desert Booster- 220k
Easter Eggs Book- 10k
Female Skating Shoes- 80k x3
Firework Potato- 50k
Fried Egg Plushie- 190k
Fur Blouse- 20k x3
Kamilah Sword- 35k x17
Kamilah Wand- 70k x16
Lace Shirt- 70k x2
Male Skating Shoes- 10k x18
Mini Booster- 190k x2
Mini Shield- 10k x3
Mini Shoes- 190k
Mini Skirt- 200k x2
Mini Stamp- 25k x 25
Mini Sword- 80k x8
Rainy Sword- 10k
Rainy Shield- 10k
Red Cabbage- 15k x100
Royal Boots- 150k
Royal Shoes- 140k
Royal Top- 60k x2
Rudolf Potato- 7k x37
Vacation Gumball- 200k x2
Vampire Shoes- 110k
Vampire Vintage Shirt- 70k x6
Weather Stamp- 100k x19
Werewolf Stamp- 50k x12
Zoosh Gauntlet- 12k x4
Blood Shoes- 200k x9
Firework Wand- 500k x3
Flower Shirt- 200k
Male Eye Shoes- 45k x7
Mini Tights Skirt- 120k
New Years Stamp- 65k
Pinto- 350k
Reon- 480k
Winter Hoody- 340k
Wizard Wig- 140k
Daemon Trading Card- 3.5 million x2
Trailer Male Costume- 1 million
Lush Lake Stamp- 1 million
Swondor Trading Card- 1.3 million
Royal Male Costume- 1 million x2
Teenage Witch Male Costume- 700k
Mutant Viotto Plushie- Need PC (500k minimum)
Black Forest Cake- 150k
Chains Shorts- 50k x2
Death Top- 100k
Royal Wedding Female Costume- 1 million
Santa Stockings- 100k
Winter Jacket- 350k x2
Winter Skirt- 100k x2
Winter Top- 100k x2
Fire Cracker Shield- 20k x12
Firework- 20k x10
Rainy Shield- 20k x2
Rainy Sword- 30k
Rainy Wand- 100k x4
Pumpkin Knives- 100k
Sun Sword- 100k
Mad Scientist Costume- 250k
Light Fairy Book- 1.5 million
Angle wig- 500k
Krick Trading Card- 600k x2

//dont read//
13 years, 11 months & 2 days ago
9th Apr 2011 11:34

SFE- daisycat1


Go away , i knew you'd click on this..

For pesonal use
14 years & 28 days ago
14th Feb 2011 09:10

PC rules:

No advertising topics. This forum is only for checking the price of an item or currency exchange ratio, not buying or selling it.

No asking for price checks on your gallery. We have noticed that such askings are due to laziness or just to show off.

No false pricing. If you do not know an accurate price for sure, do not give one. Continuous false pricing can cost you your account for scamming, especially if you or a friend of yours profits from the false pricing.

A correct price is the average price that an item sells for. This means what most people are selling for, not how much you got for the most expensive one you sold or what you paid on the cheapest one you bought.

Do not give prices based on auctions. These are meant to be priced low and do not reflect the true value of an item.

Do not give prices on items you are buying or selling. Leave it up to someone who will not profit from the sale of an item to give a price.

No self boosting through double posts. Your topic will be deleted.

No advertising while boosting topics, e.g. mentioning voting for you or hinting about your shop while boosting someone's topic.

No harassment or rude conduct. If you are caught harassing or being excessively rude, you will be forum banned. If you continue afterward, we may take it further.

All other site rules apply and we will deal with any form of rule breaking as we see fit.


No price checks. If you do not know what an item costs, ask in the Price Check forum.

No false prices. Saying an item is worth less than its real value in order to buy it for less is considered scamming. The penalty for scamming is a frozen account.

No telling a buyer that their offer is not worth it. What they are offering is solely their business and the seller's business. If you are not happy with their offer, simply do not sell to them.

No self boosting through double posts. Your topic will be deleted.

No advertising while boosting topics, e.g. mentioning voting for you or hinting about your shop while boosting someone's topic.

No harassment or rude conduct. If you are caught harassing or being excessively rude, you will be forum banned. If you continue afterward, we may take it further.

All other site rules apply and we will deal with any form of rule breaking as we see fit.


No price checks. If you do not know what an item costs, ask in the Price Check forum.

No false prices. Saying an item is worth more than its real value in order to sell it for more is considered scamming. The penalty for scamming is a frozen account.

No Live Auctions. There is real auction feature, so please use that.

No conditionary sales, such as putting unbuyable items into your shop or making cheap auctions if a certain item sells. This is considered scamming.

No exaggerating an item's rarity. For example, you cannot say an item that regularly restocks in the main shops is extremely rare, regardless of its current selling price.

No arguing prices with a seller. They are entitled to sell for whatever they wish and as long as they do not falsely claim that their price is the average price, it is not breaking any rules.

No self boosting through double posts. Your topic will be deleted.

No advertising while boosting topics, e.g. mentioning voting for you or hinting about your shop while boosting someone's topic.

No harassment or rude conduct. If you are caught harassing or being excessively rude, you will be forum banned. If you continue afterward, we may take it further.

All other site rules apply and we will deal with any form of rule breaking as we see fit.

Minipet Plates (price guide)
14 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
11th Dec 2010 14:33

Just for those wondering what price to put them as;

- Plates have now real use yet
- The only need for plates for now will be Blitzen
- A plate costs you 1,250 mp's
- A plate can be obtained every 4 hours.

Using this information I'd give a PC of these plates at 10k for ordinary plates (eg, nerd plate) and 25-30k for coloured plates (eg green nerd plate) taking into consideration the fact that the minipets will have used a ball of yarn to change to that colour.

For rarer minipets there will be limited 'production' of plates and so 50-100k would be suitable for a plain and 100k for a coloured minipet plate.
Keep in mind if you search around you'll find the best deal.
I'm sure offering 50-100k for someone to take a souviner and supplying two sets of yarn to change the colour of the yarn to and from its origional colours would clearly please any member.
All you'd need to do is find someone who owns the minipet or look around galleries and trades

14 years, 6 months & 21 days ago
21st Aug 2010 16:34

???????????? ???????????? ?????? ???????????? ??????????????? ?????????????????? ??????????????????
???????????? ???????????? ?????? ?????? ????????????????????? ?????????????????? ?????? ????????????
???????????? ?????? ???????????? ???????????? ??????????????? ?????????????????? ??????????????????

If someone wants to enquire about a frozen account they should send a SUPPORT TICKET even if they need to make a temporary account to do so.

DO NOT SEND EMAIL. Email is only for lost passwords and missing AU credits. You will get a faster response from support tickets if it's about a frozen account.

Frozen accounts are not an emergency. Do not maramail staff, you will just be advised to send a support ticket.

  1. War blog one
    11th Jul 2011 10:52
    13 years, 8 months & 1 day ago
  2. War blog two
    11th Jul 2011 10:32
    13 years, 8 months & 1 day ago
  3. PC of my whole Gallery
    31st May 2011 11:45
    13 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
  4. Songs
    6th May 2011 08:38
    13 years, 10 months & 7 days ago
  5. Recent Avatars.
    18th Apr 2011 08:17
    13 years, 10 months & 25 days ago
  6. Complete PC of Gallery
    12th Apr 2011 16:15
    13 years, 10 months & 30 days ago
  7. //dont read//
    9th Apr 2011 11:34
    13 years, 11 months & 2 days ago
  8. For pesonal use
    14th Feb 2011 09:10
    14 years & 28 days ago
  9. Minipet Plates (price guide)
    11th Dec 2010 14:33
    14 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
  10. .
    21st Aug 2010 16:34
    14 years, 6 months & 21 days ago