Pet Prices Links
13 years, 1 month & 7 days ago

4th Feb 2012 16:22
Arinya - 2 million
Astro - 1.5 - 2 million
Basil - 35 million/trades for up to twice as much
Chibs - 17 million/trades for up to 20 million
Crikey - 5 million
Daisy - 4 - 5 million
Dakota - 3.5 million
Decadal - 60 million +plus
Echlin - 6 million (not very popular so difficult to trade)
Ercuw - 12 million
Eyru - 8 - 12 million
Figaro - 6 million (trades for up to 10 million)
Gizmo - 2 million
Gobble - 7 million (can be difficult to trade)
Hump - 20 million (trade value only - only available through pyramids. Not very popular so difficult to trade)
Huthiq - 1.5 million
Ike - 3 million
Justin - 35 million (not easy to trade)
Kronk - 1.5 million
Kujo - 4 million
Lati - 12 million
Limax - 16 million
Lorius - 25 million/trades for up to twice as much
Mordo - 6 million
Nino - 6 million (not easy to trade)
Oglue - 1.5 million
Phanty - 800,000
Poera - 800,000
Pucu - 10 million (not easy to trade)
Quell - 8 million
Raulf - 18 - 20 million
Rofling - 100 million/trades for twice as much
Rusty - 4 million
Sindi - 8 million/trades for up to 10 million
Snookle - 8 million
Sybri - 7 million
Tasi - 15 million (hard to trade)
Troit - 2.5 million
Viotto - 6 million (not easy to trade)
Vixen - 6 million
Vlad - 8 million
Willa - 8 million
Yuni - 8 million
Zoink - 800,000
Zola - 30 million/trades for twice as much
Zoosh - 1.5 million
Fluctuations in Pet Prices
Fluctuations in pet prices depends on a few things worth mentioning here.
The release of account upgrades and limited account upgrades have an impact on pet values. It seems from past experience current account upgrades generally reduce the price of a pet featured in that upgrade substantially. The value will gradually increase again with the retirement of the upgrade. This follows the basic market principle of supply and demand. The more potions/enchanted plushies available the lower the price, the more scarce and in demand the higher the price.
Lately the newly released costumes in the account upgrades that are well received have increased pet prices not featured in that upgrade. This can be seen in the case with the Troit that was valued at 1.5 million and now commands about 2.5 million or more. I have sold quite a few Troit Potions because people love the look of the Troit in the newly released costumes (i.e. Daylight Costume).
Difficult to Trade
There are some pets that are simply not as popular as others such as the Echlin and Hump. These will be harder to trade and will generally trade for less than the going price unless a trader has a real desire to acquire those specific pets. For example the pet may have a name or stats that the trader is looking for or they simply like the pet species.
Costume Values
To find the worth of your costume and costumed pet simply search the costume in trades and add it to the value of the pet. For example: if a Blue Troit is worth 2.5 million, a Spring Troit should be worth about 16.5 million. This is because the Spring Costume is currently selling 14 million, the lowest price in trades, so add it to the 2.5 million for the current price of the Blue Troit and you will have your pet value.