Complete List of City Goals, Lvl. 33!
10 years, 11 months & 1 day ago

10th Apr 2014 20:46
Level 1: You need to check a pet into the Hotel for 28 days
Reward: Chocolate Guitar
Level 2: You need to Complete 10 or more Garage Quests
Reward: 1,000 mps
Level 3: You need to collect your Interest from the Maradan Bank
Reward: City Balloon
Level 4: You need to complete level 2 or higher at the Tarquin's Library mission
Reward: City Cake
Level 5: You need to cure a sick pet at the Hospital
Reward: City Shirt
Level 6: Complete 25 or more Garage Quests
Reward: 2,500MP
Level 7: You need to restock a rarity 5 or more Stamp from the Post Office
Reward: Garage Play Set
Level 8: You need to complete level 5 or higher at the Tarquin's Library mission
Reward: 5,000MP
Level 9: You need to complete a lesson at the School.
Reward: Mafia Potato
Level 10: You need to have 1,000,000MP or more deposited in the Maradan Bank.Visit the Bank the bank while it is open, and then come back here to complete your goal.
Reward: 7,500MP
Level 11: You need to play the Game of the Week.
Reward: 8,000MP
Level 12: You need to buy a Newspaper from the News Stand.
Reward: City Gumball
Level 13: You need to complete level 10 or higher at the Tarquin's Library mission.
Reward: 10,000MP
Level 14: Complete 50 or more Garage Quests
Reward: Mafia Pearl
Level 15: You need to cure a pet from 'Common Cold' at the Hospital.
Reward: Mafia Boss Plushie
Level 16: You need to collect a pet's wages from the Job Centre.
Reward: 15,000MP
Level 17: You need to pay an electricity bill at the Power Station.
Reward: 20,000MP
Level 18: You need to free or bribe a pet from Prison.
Reward: Mafia Boss Stamp
Level 19: You need to complete level 15 or higher at the Tarquin's Library mission.
Reward: Dumpster Diving for Dummies
Level 20: You need to buy an item from the Games Redemption Shop.
Reward: 30,000MP
Level 21: Read one of your pets 100 or more Newspapers.
If you have done so already, view its book/newspaper list and then come back here to complete your goal.
Reward: 40,000MP
Level 22: You need to buy an item from the Recycling Centre.
Reward: Capone
Level 23: You need to complete level 20 or higher at the Tarquin's Library mission
Reward: 50,000MP
Level 24: Complete 100 or more Garage Quests. If you have done so already, visit the Garage and then come back here to complete your goal.
Reward: 60,000MP
Level 25: You need to own any Mafia coloured pet. Once you own a mafia pet, view its profile and then come back here to complete your goal.
Reward: Male Mafia Costume
Level 26: You need to complete level 25 or higher at the Tarquin's Library mission
Reward: Female Mafia Costume
Level 27: You need to gain a Charisma stat from a School lesson.
Reward: 75,000MP
Level 28: Read one of your pets 200 or more Newspapers.
If you have done so already, view its book/newspaper list and then come back here to complete your goal.
Reward: 100,000MP
Level 29: Complete 150 or more Garage Quests.
If you have done so already, visit Garage and then come back here to complete your goal.
Reward: Bandana Wig
Level 30: You need to buy a Recycled Costume from the Recycling Centre.
Reward: 125,000MP
Level 31: You need to complete the Tarquin's Library mission
Reward: 150,000MP
Level 32: You need to rename at pet at the Town Hall.
Reward: ??2 Account Upgrade Credit
Level 33: Wait for a news update for new levels to be added to these goals!