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  1. Yes I will lend my pets.
    7th Mar 2018 20:53
    7 years & 6 days ago
  2. Pet Trades/Pets that would interest me.
    10th Jan 2018 18:56
    7 years, 2 months & 1 day ago
  3. Mags and Newspapers Acorn Needs
    16th Jun 2017 11:21
    7 years, 8 months & 25 days ago
  4. Acorn is missing 45 Books
    27th Dec 2015 21:00
    9 years, 2 months & 16 days ago
  5. Acorn is missing 49 Dvds
    19th Jul 2015 07:36
    9 years, 7 months & 25 days ago
  6. Acorn is missing 42 CDs
    16th Feb 2015 09:16
    10 years & 26 days ago
  7. Complete List of City Goals, Lvl. 33!
    10th Apr 2014 20:46
    10 years, 11 months & 1 day ago
  8. Greeedy Greeedy Gertrude.
    25th Sep 2013 13:36
    11 years, 5 months & 16 days ago
  9. A list of 100+ Cheap Gourmet Foods!
    7th Sep 2013 12:33
    11 years, 6 months & 3 days ago
  10. ~Mara Of Old~
    13th Aug 2012 16:44
    12 years, 6 months & 28 days ago
Acorn is missing 42 CDs
10 years & 26 days ago
16th Feb 2015 09:16

9th Birthday Songs
Bubbly Pop
Christmas Carols
Classical Melodies
Dancing Eggs
Dark Dance
Discontinued Music
Dukka Fairy Songs
Earth Fairy Sonnets
Experimental Music
Firework Sounds
Frankenstein Fusion
Geek Remix
Gingerbread Songs
Goblin Tunes
Greatest Hits by Baby MaraDolls
Greatest Hits by Syn D
Greedy Fairy Music
Halloween Hits
Jelly Tunes
Late Night Lullabies
Minipet Christmas Carols
Number Ones by Huffix
Oasis Album
Peaceful Serenade
Rocket Sounds
Rotten CD
Royal March
Simerian Songs
Snowman Dance
Snowman Songs
Spooky Tunes
Summer Hits 2010
Superhero Anthems
The Best Christmas Carols
Transuranic Tunes
Trashcan Tunes
Undercover Hits
Undying Tunes
Villain Music
War Music

Complete List of City Goals, Lvl. 33!
10 years, 11 months & 1 day ago
10th Apr 2014 20:46

Level 1: You need to check a pet into the Hotel for 28 days

Reward: Chocolate Guitar

Level 2: You need to Complete 10 or more Garage Quests

Reward: 1,000 mps

Level 3: You need to collect your Interest from the Maradan Bank

Reward: City Balloon

Level 4: You need to complete level 2 or higher at the Tarquin's Library mission

Reward: City Cake

Level 5: You need to cure a sick pet at the Hospital

Reward: City Shirt

Level 6: Complete 25 or more Garage Quests

Reward: 2,500MP

Level 7: You need to restock a rarity 5 or more Stamp from the Post Office

Reward: Garage Play Set

Level 8: You need to complete level 5 or higher at the Tarquin's Library mission

Reward: 5,000MP

Level 9: You need to complete a lesson at the School.

Reward: Mafia Potato

Level 10: You need to have 1,000,000MP or more deposited in the Maradan Bank.Visit the Bank the bank while it is open, and then come back here to complete your goal.

Reward: 7,500MP

Level 11: You need to play the Game of the Week.

Reward: 8,000MP

Level 12: You need to buy a Newspaper from the News Stand.

Reward: City Gumball

Level 13: You need to complete level 10 or higher at the Tarquin's Library mission.

Reward: 10,000MP

Level 14: Complete 50 or more Garage Quests

Reward: Mafia Pearl

Level 15: You need to cure a pet from 'Common Cold' at the Hospital.

Reward: Mafia Boss Plushie

Level 16: You need to collect a pet's wages from the Job Centre.

Reward: 15,000MP

Level 17: You need to pay an electricity bill at the Power Station.

Reward: 20,000MP

Level 18: You need to free or bribe a pet from Prison.

Reward: Mafia Boss Stamp

Level 19: You need to complete level 15 or higher at the Tarquin's Library mission.

Reward: Dumpster Diving for Dummies

Level 20: You need to buy an item from the Games Redemption Shop.

Reward: 30,000MP

Level 21: Read one of your pets 100 or more Newspapers.
If you have done so already, view its book/newspaper list and then come back here to complete your goal.

Reward: 40,000MP

Level 22: You need to buy an item from the Recycling Centre.

Reward: Capone

Level 23: You need to complete level 20 or higher at the Tarquin's Library mission

Reward: 50,000MP

Level 24: Complete 100 or more Garage Quests. If you have done so already, visit the Garage and then come back here to complete your goal.

Reward: 60,000MP

Level 25: You need to own any Mafia coloured pet. Once you own a mafia pet, view its profile and then come back here to complete your goal.

Reward: Male Mafia Costume

Level 26: You need to complete level 25 or higher at the Tarquin's Library mission

Reward: Female Mafia Costume

Level 27: You need to gain a Charisma stat from a School lesson.

Reward: 75,000MP

Level 28: Read one of your pets 200 or more Newspapers.
If you have done so already, view its book/newspaper list and then come back here to complete your goal.

Reward: 100,000MP

Level 29: Complete 150 or more Garage Quests.
If you have done so already, visit Garage and then come back here to complete your goal.

Reward: Bandana Wig

Level 30: You need to buy a Recycled Costume from the Recycling Centre.

Reward: 125,000MP

Level 31: You need to complete the Tarquin's Library mission

Reward: 150,000MP

Level 32: You need to rename at pet at the Town Hall.

Reward: ??2 Account Upgrade Credit

Level 33: Wait for a news update for new levels to be added to these goals!

Greeedy Greeedy Gertrude.
11 years, 5 months & 16 days ago
25th Sep 2013 13:36

Level 1 Hungry Pizza* - 479k (Didn't have the points) Prize Thunder Potato
Level 2 Ice Fairy Pearl* -499k Prize 250 mp
Level 3 Can of Fairies* - (15k bp 1:2 ratio - 30k mp) Prize Thunder Shirt
Level 4 Rainbow Swirl Icecream - 1 mp! Prize 500mp (Yay a cheap one!
Level 5 Can of Peas - 1265 mp - Prize 750mp (Another cheap one! Yay!
Level 6 Jessup Easter Egg* - 300k mp - Prize 1000mp (At least it was in SS!
Level 7 Dakota Dip -245k mp - Prize 1250 mp (Good thing I already had it!
Level 8 Advent Tree Lolly - 402k mp - Prize Thunder Sword
Level 9 Roasted Socks* - 150k mp - Prize 1500 mp
Level 10 Gingersnap Latte - 4k mp - Prize 1750 mp
Level 11 Jester Potato, Mouldy Fruit*, and Chocolate Strawberry Easter Egg - 3 mil mp - Prize 2000 mp (Its Official I hate Gertrude)
Level 12
Spaghetti Bolognese*, Fasoro Easter Egg*, Tiger Beetle - 600k mp - Prize Sniffles
Level 13
Christmas 2010 Dinner, Roast Pork* -269k mp - Prize 2,500

*Had to Purchase!

A list of 100+ Cheap Gourmet Foods!
11 years, 6 months & 3 days ago
7th Sep 2013 12:33

Yep, found all of these in shop search for 1,000 mp or less. If the prices rise, that means people have been buying them. Also, if you restock from the main shops you can probably get them even cheaper!

Banana Lolly
Banana Split
Beef Fajita
Big Ben Cake
Blackberry Pie
Blood Pudding
Blue Heart Lolly
Burnt Turkey
Butterscotch Sundae
Can of Bones
Can of Lorius Wing
Can of Peach
Candycane Cookies
Candycane Ice Cream Cone
Carnivorous Plant
Chicken Fajita
Chocolate Almond Cone
Chocolate Almond Lolly
Chocolate Bagels
Chocolate Brownie Sundae
Chocolate Chip Lolly
Chocolate Covered Cookies
Chocolate Crunch Lolly
Chocolate Lolly
Chocolate Mallow Kisses
Chocolate Mousse and Cookies
Chocolate Strawberry Treats
Chocolate Sugarcone
Chocolate Sundae
Chocolate Swirl Cone
Chocolate and Cream Cone
Christmas Tree Cookie
Deep Fried Ice Cream
Double Chocolate Swirl Cone
Duck with Shallots
Egg Sausage Bacon Muffin
French Bread
Fried Slug
Frozen Lamb
Garlic Bread
Giant Arnuts
Giant Banana
Giant Black Rose
Giant Blue Rose
Giant Pineapple
Giant Plum
Giant Red Rose
Giant Yellow Rose
Giant Zikola
Glass Donut
Grape Ice Cream Cone
Green Gummy Kidlet
Half of a Apple Pizza
Half of a Banana Pizza
Half of a Candycane Pizza
Half of a Christmas Pizza
Halloween Mint
I Heart You Candy Heart
Kidlet Dip
Kiwi Ice Cream Cone
Lamb Fajita
Large Caramel Apple Spice
Large Caramel Hot Chocolate
Large Cinnamon Dolce Frappuccino
Mashed Potato and Gravy
Milk Chocolate Lorius
Mint Ice Cream Cone
Octopus with Apple
Old Boot with Cream
Old Fairy Potato
One Slice of Stuffed Crust Pizza
Orange Chocolate Lorius
Pinwheel Cake
Pistachio Ice Cream
Poison Berries
Pork Crown Roast
Pork Fajita
Pork Ribs
Quail with Potato
Queen Eleka Pearl
Radioactive Ice Cream
Rainbow Potato
Seaweed Lamb
Sewage Pearl
Sewage Spaghetti
Smoked Ham
Spaghetti Cream Puff
Spaghetti Pizza
Star Fruit
Steak and Kidney Pie
Strawberry Ice Cream Cone
Strawberry Lolly
Strawberry Mountain Cake
Strawberry Sundae
Sultan Potato
Test Your Strength Pearl
Test Your Strength Potato
Three Quarters of a Christmas Pizza
Toad in the Hole
Trash Potato
Vanilla Sugarcone
Warm Bread
Water Apple
White Blood
White Chocolate Crindol
White Chocolate Lorius

~Mara Of Old~
12 years, 6 months & 28 days ago
13th Aug 2012 16:44


The first City map:

The first Candyland map:

The first Gigantic Paradise map:

The first Clubs building:

The first Help page picture:

The first Maramail Rofling picture:

The second version of the Island:

The first login picture:

The second login picture:

The first ever Marada map:

Another old Mara Map

The first ever Site Search picture:

The first ever Shop Search picture:

The first ever Puchala Village picture:

The Second:


The first ever undying woods picture:


An older version of Biala


The first ever Tantua:

Old Emoticons











The Error Quell:


Dukka Town

What it looked like when you logged in

The Original King

Old Park


Another Old layout


And another


And another


Old Screenie


  1. Yes I will lend my pets.
    7th Mar 2018 20:53
    7 years & 6 days ago
  2. Pet Trades/Pets that would interest me.
    10th Jan 2018 18:56
    7 years, 2 months & 1 day ago
  3. Mags and Newspapers Acorn Needs
    16th Jun 2017 11:21
    7 years, 8 months & 25 days ago
  4. Acorn is missing 45 Books
    27th Dec 2015 21:00
    9 years, 2 months & 16 days ago
  5. Acorn is missing 49 Dvds
    19th Jul 2015 07:36
    9 years, 7 months & 25 days ago
  6. Acorn is missing 42 CDs
    16th Feb 2015 09:16
    10 years & 26 days ago
  7. Complete List of City Goals, Lvl. 33!
    10th Apr 2014 20:46
    10 years, 11 months & 1 day ago
  8. Greeedy Greeedy Gertrude.
    25th Sep 2013 13:36
    11 years, 5 months & 16 days ago
  9. A list of 100+ Cheap Gourmet Foods!
    7th Sep 2013 12:33
    11 years, 6 months & 3 days ago
  10. ~Mara Of Old~
    13th Aug 2012 16:44
    12 years, 6 months & 28 days ago