Koala's Journey
9 years & 9 days ago

4th Mar 2016 08:33
Created as Cookie_Koala on 4.29.05
Renamed Koalski on 3.6.11
Costumed Spy on 8.15.12
Renamed Koala on 9.16.15
Costumed School on 9.22.16
Reached Top of Teacher Career 7.4.19
10.18.20 - Currently working his way back up the Teacher Career since he was already past level 15 when they changed the trophy requirement to having to
accept a level 15 promotion... 😑 (after taking years to get to level 20, this is beyond frustrating, but I guess it is what it is)
11.18.20 He's managed to work his way back up to level 7 so far... still got a long journey ahead of him.
12.18.20 Up to level 10...
1.18.21 Up to 12...
2.18.21 Still at 12... 😑
3.14.21 "Koala is now Level 15 Teacher with daily income of 10,000MP - You also received a new Award for pet profile" Yay! Problem solved! Now to get back up to level 20...
3.18.21 Still at level 15... 😖
4.18.21 Still at level 15... 😒
5.18.21 Still at level 15... 😩
6.18.21 Still at level 15... 😬
7.18.21 Still at level 15... 😐
8.18.21 Still at level 15... 😑
9.18.21 Still at level 15... 😠
10.18.21 Still at level 15... 😡
11.18.21 Still at level 15... 🤬
11.26.21 Finally promoted to level 16! 😅
4.03.23 Koala is now Level 20 Teacher with daily income of 15,000MP
All of your pets now have FREE School MP tuition fees permanently
Thank the LAWD!
Health 500+
Level 250+
Charisma 300+
Magic 500+
Strength 500+
Defense 500+
Speed 500+
Stamina 500+
Coordination 500+
Balance 500+
Art 150+
Language 150+
Geography 150+
History 150+
Maths 150+
Music 150+
Science 150+
Sports 150+
Politics 50
Sociology 50
Computer Science 50
Business Studies 50
Molecular Science 50
Environmental 50
Humanities 50
Law 50
Teacher Job to level 20 - 7.4.19
Books: 500+
DVDs: 250+
CDs: 250+
Instruments: 250+
Gourmet Food: 500+
Play: 500+
Costume: TBD... trying to find a
good costume for a Reese that's a
Teacher, but fear it maybe a while.
He will likely stay Spy until more
Reese costumes are released
(whenever that will be, lol)
With the recent redraw of the
School Pets, I have decided to
make Koala a School Reese!! - 9.22.16