Spells and Bootleg Temple Items, Battle etc.
8 years, 8 months & 12 days ago

29th Jun 2016 09:17
Spells (thanks, Gennie)
Level 1 Spells Pet Level 1
Level 2 Spells Pet Level 5
Level 3 Spells Pet Level 10
Level 4 Spells Pet Level 15
Level 5 Spells Pet Level 20
Level 6 Spells Pet Level 30
Level 7 Spells Pet Level 40
Level 8 Spells Pet Level 50
Level 9 Spells Pet Level 75
Level 10 Spells Pet Level 100
Bootleg Temple Items to Consider:
Bankruptcy Book
Being Elger
Book of Easter Eggs
Book of Wings
Christmas Carol Book
Christmas Lights Book
Creepy Book
Error Book
Fried Eggs Book
How to Fish
Maramail Grammar Guide
On Fire Book
Puchalla Village Book
Snowman Hats Book
Stock Market Crash Book
Summer Vacation Book
Surviving 9 Years Book
Turkey Troubles
Witch Cook Book
Basically the odd hours are daylight where Knutt Knight is available and the even hours are night time, where troll is available instead.
The only time this is different is between 7-9am MST. For these three hours it's constant daylight so KK will be open throughout this time.
Bastille = Sean
Beano = Jenna
Boxie = Gidget
Cloudl3ss = Camille
Commander = Jake
Crazyangel = Colette
Indale = Indre
Cloud Nine
9/25/17 Game Over
798MP x 57
You won 45,486MP
Congratulations! You reached the top of the Jackpot Pyramid!
You found a total of 28,308MP inside the Jackpot Pyramid 9/26/17
dips are gourmet foods you can feed your pet (as long as they are over a rarity of 10, though i dont know any under it)
enchanted dips you can use on /that pet specific pet/ to change its color (though most of the time, basic colors are the result of them)
Essences will turn your pet into the pet named on the essence (like essence of paffuto will make your pet a paffuto)
Feathers (not sure if they actually work yet) have a chance of changing that pet to the color of the feather
Summoning stones are wardrobe items that will make pets/whatever appear around your doll
holograms are also wardrobe items that will make items/things appear around your doll depending on the hologram
skins are wardrobe items that will change the 'skin' of your doll. For instance i am wearing the tiger skin right now.
Posted by Sassy on Forums and copied by me.
For future reference, the falls only works on minipets from the Mini Pet, DNA Minipet, and Gourmet Minipet categories in the wishlist.
Fish, Undying, Bug, and Wild cannot be changed colour.
Posted by gennie on Forums and copied by me because I have the memory of a cabbage.
Also posted by gennie on Forums in re: battling
I'm going to jump in and say that the goose axes are more for advanced/seasoned battlers, mostly do to their cost. For just starting out 40 mill for a pair is a bit expensive for a weapon set. A better, more affordable choice for beginners would be Staff of the Light Fairy, which is on shop search.
As for statting, Strength and Speed are used together to increase your pet's weapons damage, so you nee to train both, as well as Health. Truthfully, you should train Strength, defence, speed and health evenly, and at half your pet's Level stat.
Magic can be trained indefinitely, but you can only use 5x your pet's Level stat in battle. Basically, you train your pet's magic to 900, but it's level is only 126, in battle, when healing, it'll show your magic as 630/900.
It is good to train your magic though, for later on, but best to leave magic at 0% unless you have, and can use 50 magic. This counters the 3rd wand bonus loss when using 25% or more magic. With 0% magic selected you gain a bonus equivalent to your weakest wand. So 2 wands act as if you had 3."
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per YUE 12/5/16 So glad he/she posted this.