Things I need to do
9 years, 8 months & 17 days ago

26th Jun 2015 03:36
Build Toy collection
Move gallery items to trades
Do missions for Beanstalk
Quest for Runes
Quest for Simerian Slates
Quest for Crystals
Quest for Diamonds
Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed
9 years, 9 months & 2 days ago

10th Jun 2015 10:55
Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 16 Months Old status!
To reward you for your loyalty and staying with Marapets for this long, King Baspinar has just given you a Loyal minipet!
where has the time gone?
note to self
9 years, 9 months & 14 days ago

29th May 2015 10:02
gallery - red speiro pen.
Greedy Gertrude x6
9 years, 9 months & 15 days ago

29th May 2015 03:01
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time. Here is your reward..
Enchanted Blue Lorius Plushie
2 Billion MP goal
9 years, 11 months & 1 day ago

11th Apr 2015 07:27
I know I'm a long way off but I hope to reach this by the end of the year.