Rule Changes
6 years, 4 months & 28 days ago

15th Oct 2018 08:24
Everything that was added to the new rules:
"To keep the game balanced and fair for all, all trades of items/pets/currency must be fair and evenly balanced. If not, they will be classed as a 'giveaway'. It is very important that you read and understand the rules on giveaways below."
"Rules about Games and Dailies
You can only play games and dailies on your own account as often as permitted. You cannot get someone else to do these for you or do them for someone else. The use of "bots" or "auto refreshers" is prohibited as this gives you unfair advantage over other players. We log every time a game or daily is played and can easily notice players abusing this rule and cheating will result in the loss of your account."
"This includes making outrageous bids on Auctions then banking your marapoints, either to help friends get more mps or to deter other players from bidding. Anyone found to be doing this will be fined the full amount that they bid on the Auction."
"ALL giveaways need permission from staff. You should send a support ticket asking permission listing ALL the items/currency/pets you intend to give away. Failure to gain permission will result in your account banned until we review the situation. This includes giving away any unbuyable/rare/retired items, any currency and/or pets to any other player.
We do not define any fair, like for like trade as a 'giveaway'."
"Large amounts of donations to the Pot of Gold or Club also require prior approval. If an account is dumping lots of items in the Pot of Gold without permission it will immediately be banned as a safety precaution.
The max amount given to one player in ANY kind of giveaway is to be determined by staff. We will base this on an undisclosed formula based on your game play and circumstances. A general guidline however is a maximum of giveaway valued at 10% of the value of your account, with a maximum set at 5 million MP value per player. However, each case will be evaluated individualy and our decision is final.
This giveaway limitation applies SITE-WIDE. Using Clubs to try to bypass this will result in similar punishment. If in doubt, contact us by Support Ticket first.
Attempting any giveaway without prior staff approval will result in an applicable fine or loss of the items/pets/currency in question or permanent loss of your account.
Frequent contests, competitions and giveaways should be limited to a Club. If you do not have a Club you can create one to hold these using the Club Quiz, Raffle and other features. We are not responsible for any items won in a Club from players who join, win and leave. You should make sure that the Club Rank/Club Points system is in place to limit this.
If you do not want to own a Club there are strict limiations about contests, competitions, giveaways and gifts.
You cannot hold contests in your shop or gallery or anywhere on your profile or blogs - create a Club!
You may have contests on the Word Games forum only. You may NOT require an entry fee in the form of points or items from the users in order to enter your contest. All prizes are to be supplied yourself. You cannot ask for donations from other players. All forum contests must end within 72 hours. Once started the giveaway must be completed. If staff have to complete the giveaway on your behalf you will be fined for this."
"Do not give anything away until you have received confirmation from Staff.
These rules are required to stop the unbalancing the site. They will also safeguard the accounts involved from being regarded as multiple accounts. It will also help us to determine if a giveaway is genuine OR the result of a compromised account.
If the intended accounts involved do appear to be multiple accounts, the request to giveaway will be denied and the multiple accounts will be banned.
There is however one exception to this rule. You can giveaway Account Upgrades Credit within 24 hours of purchase from Paypal via the Currency Exchange without prior permission. This does not include any bonus AU Credit or items gained on another account as a result of any Account Upgrades Promotion!"