Other events 2019
5 years, 6 months & 28 days ago

15th Aug 2019 12:45
Beige 15th Birthday Gift Bag x 1
Black 15th Birthday Gift Bag x 2
Blue 15th Birthday Gift Bag
Bronze 15th Birthday Gift Bag x 1
Brown 15th Birthday Gift Bag X 2
Gold 15th Birthday Gift Bag
Green 15th Birthday Gift Bag x 1
Light Green 15th Birthday Gift Bag x 1
Maroon 15th Birthday Gift Bag
Orange 15th Birthday Gift Bag X 2
Pink 15th Birthday Gift Bag X 2
Purple 15th Birthday Gift Bag x 4
Red 15th Birthday Gift Bag x 3
Silver 15th Birthday Gift Bag x 3
Teal 15th Birthday Gift Bag x 2
Yellow 15th Birthday Gift Bag x 3
15 Going on 30 X 1
15th Birthday Toy Gift
Balloon Bouquet x 2
Birthday Heels x 1
Birthday Waves Wig
Blue 15th Birthday Balloon
Book of Party Hats
Buttoned Collar*
Chocolate 15th Birthday Cake x 1
Chocolate 15th Birthday Cupcake*
Chocolate Birthday Sundae*
Cozy Striped Shorts*
Cupcake Scarf*
Cupcake Socks
Fifteen* x 1
Gift Glowing Egg* X 1
Green 15th Birthday Balloon
Moon Balloon* X 1
Party Horn x 2 (1 broken)
Purple 15th Birthday Candle
Red 15th Birthday Candle
Ruffled Tank Top*
Short Shawl
Shoulderless Sweater*
Slice of Strawberry 15th Birthday Cake
Strawberry 15th Birthday Cake x 1
Strawberry 15th Birthday Cupcake x 1
Tropical Tank Top
Yellow 15th Birthday Candle
Blue 15th Birthday Pinata x 6
Blue Chibs Face Pinata x 4
Blue Decadal Face Pinata X 8
Blue Ice Cream Pinata x 7
Blue M Pinata x 3
Green 15th Birthday Pinata x 9
Green Chibs Face Pinata x 10
Green Decadal Face Pinata x 9
Green Ice Cream Pinata x 7
Green M Pinata x 4
Purple 15th Birthday Pinata x 6
Purple Chibs Face Pinata x 12
Purple Decadal Face Pinata x 8
Purple Ice Cream Pinata x 10
Purple M Pinata x 8
Red 15th Birthday Pinata x 9
Red Chibs Face Pinata X 6
Red Decadal Face Pinata x 7
Red Ice Cream Pinata x 6
Red M Pinata x 1 (or green) + 10
Yellow 15th Birthday Pinata x 7
Yellow Chibs Face Pinata x 8
Yellow Decadal Face Pinata X 3
Yellow Ice Cream Pinata x 12
Yellow M Pinata X 6
+ 1 e cream
2 Pinata costume
15th Birthday Book x 4
15th Birthday Cupcake* x 5
15th Birthday Playlist* x 7?
Birthday Lolly X 6
Birthday Party Wig x 1
Blue 15th Birthday Candle x 6
Celebrate Glowing Egg* x 7
Cupcake Hat x 1
Cupcake Tank Top x 3
Green 15th Birthday Candle x 6
Ice Cream Pinata Stamp* X 3
Long Waves Hair Extension* X 2
Loud Party Horn* x 8
M Balloon X 2
Marapets Beanie* x 1
Marapets Sweater X 4
Party Candy Floss* x 6
Purple 15th Birthday Balloon X 8
Red 15th Birthday Balloon x 4
Ruffled Skirt* x 1
School Girl Cincher* x 3
Sheer Arm Warmer* X 3
Single Stripe Jacket* x 1
Slice of Chocolate 15th Birthday Cake x 2
Slice of Vanilla 15th Birthday Cake X 2
Strawberry Birthday Sundae x 5
Sun Balloon X 3
Vanilla 15th Birthday Cake x 3
Vanilla Birthday Sundae x 7
Yellow 15th Birthday Balloon x 6
>4 . + ± > 10 missed..
Halloween (missed 2018's)
Astro Cake Pop x 5
Green Candy Corn Plushie x 1 (broke /

+ 4
Ghost Scarf* x 4
Hand Candle x 5(+1?)
Beelzebub items this year and some retired ones - THIS YEAR COMPLETE
Beelzebub Poop x 5
Beelzebub Ice Cream x 2
Beelzebub Cupcake x 3
BONE TRUMPET X 1 AND glowing egg form forums.(not The band ones /: )
(Possibly) from the pog drop: Hellhound poop, Neapolitan Ghost Ice Cream Lolly (in attic for avatar), lemon coffin lolly (chb other flavors, Coffin, ghost tales or the trumpet...), green apple one (chb many helhound poops), another hellhound poop ( a lot of item missed, so I gave up hope at this point) - storm song (coffin bag, storm dvd)
No pet favor /:
Basil Cake Pop x 1
Bat Headband* x 2
Bat Necklace* x 2
Bat Scarf* x 1
Daisy Cake Pop X 1
6 x > 5k (plus <10k from attic) THIS YEAR COMPLETE
Arinya Cake Pop x 5
Candy Corn Ice Cream* x 1
Candy Corn Plushie* (purple) x 5
Cat Purse* x 4
Cat Slippers* x 2
Chain Belt* x 1
Count Vladula* x 4
creepy eye cupcake x 4 (is Black Eyeball Cupcake* probably)
creepy red eyeball cupcake x 3 (Red Eyeball Cupcake*?_
Crikey Cake Pop x 2
Curved Horns* x 3
mystery Red Potion* x 3
Rose Necklace* x 3
Slime Book x 2
Smeary Makeup* x 2
Swept Bangs (hair ext.) x 4
Tarot Top* x 1
Tissue Ghost x 2
Torn Sleeves* (goves) x 2
2019 Pumpkin x 2
Addow Cake Pop x 4
Alien Pumpkin x 1
Aqua Pumpkin x 2
Azul Cake Pop
Blue Candy Corn Plushie* x 2
Bone Trumpet*
Bootleg Pumpkin x 2
Breeze Pumpkin x 1
Bronze Pumpkin x 4
Checkered Pumpkin x 1
Cobweb Pants* x 2
Dakota Cake Pop x 8
Fairy Pumpkin x 1
Fat Pumpkin x 2
Ghost Dress* x 3
Gold pumkin
Happy Pumpkin Glowing Egg*
Ice Fairy Pumpkin x 2
Light Fairy Pumpkin x 1 + 1? (in gallery)
Mystery Yellow Juice x 1
Pampered Pumpkin
Pirate Pumpkin
Pixie Pumpkin x 1
Plushie Pumpkin x 1
Pumpkin Balloon
Pumpkin Dress* x 1
Pumpkin Mug* x 1
Pumpkin Scarf*
Royal Pumpkin x 1
Silver Pumpkin x 1
Skater Pumpkin x 2
Stacked Pumpkins* x 1
Starry Pumpkin x 3
Voodoo Pumpkin x 4
Witch Pumpkin
bat cookie* x 4
bat dress* x 4
Bolimo cake pop x 4
candy corn candle x 4
cat glowing egg* x 2
Creepy blue eye cupcake* x 8
Crindol cake pop x 3
Doyle cake pop x 1
equalor cake pop x 8
Fancy gloves* x 2
Mystery green juice x 3
misterious purple juice x 5
red candy corn plushei x 4
Rose crown
Royal ruff x 1
The Good the Bad and the Oglue* x 1
Tucked apron x 2
Christmas Tree Gummy x 2
Elegant Elf Dress x 2 - from wordsearch & bell
Elf Balloon x 2
Elf Candy Floss x 1
Elf Espresso* x 1
Elf Ice Cream x 1 (in attic for avatar)
Elf Keyring x 1
Elf Mug x 3
Elf Photo* x 1
Elf Stamp x 1
Elf Video Game* x 4
Elfember Days* x 2
Elfember Essence* x 3
Elfember Nights* x 1
Elfember Songs* x 1
Sack of Toys* x 1
(started the 14th) COMPLETED in 3/4 days
Angelic Guitar 10/10**
Blue Star Gummies* x 79
Blue stocking* x 69
Christmas Bell 19/10**
Church Bell 18/10**
Green Star Gummies x 66
Green stocking x 78/79
Jingle Bell 13/10**
Krampus Bell 20/10**
Peppermint Violin 21/10**
Purple Star Gummies x 93?
purple stocking x 85
red stocking* x 77
Santa Bell 14/10*?
Silent Night Bell 16/10**
Sleigh Bell 21/10**
Snow Triangle 23/10**
Yellow Star Gummies x 89
yellow stocking x 85
Black Stocking Present x 6
Blue Stocking Present x 5
Green Stocking Present x 4
Long Black Present x 3
Long Blue Present x 2
Long Green Present x 3
Long Orange Present x 1
Long Pink Present x 5
Long Purple Present x 3
Long Red Present x 2
Long White Present x 3
Orange Stocking Present x 6
Pink Stocking Present x 4
Purple Stocking Present x 4
Red Stocking Present x 4
White Stocking Present x 1 + 2 from code
-10 + 2? gained form questing-
Advent Tree Mug x 2
Big Santa Secret*
Blue Bauble*
Blue Christmas Tree Gummy x 2
Blue Poinsettia* x 4
Bronze Christmas Tree Star* x 4
Candy Cane Ice Cream*x 2 (already eaten but in attic for avatar)
Chocolate Christmas Tree Cupcake x 4
Christmas Lights*
Christmas Tree Cupcake*
Christmas Tree Mug x 2
Cookie Espresso* x 2
Fur Trim Necklace*
Green Bauble
Ice Cream Jelly
Jingle Bell Tree Decoration x 2
Knitted Muffler Scarf*
Knitted Pattern Hat
Peppermint Espresso** x 2
poinsettia x 8
Polar Bear Cookie* x 6
Purple Christmas Tree Gummy x 4
red Poinsettia* x 6? (delted some, but how?)
Rudolf Tree Decoration x 6
Santa Serenades*
Seasonal Incense* x 2
Secret Santa Mug x 4 /1 broke and o wrong pet/
Secret Santa Stamp x 4
Snow Fox Glowing Egg**[b]
Snowman Mug x 4
Snowman Scarf* x 6
[b]Star Tree Decoration
Strawberry Christmas Tree Cupcake* x 2
Winter Scent* x 2
Vanilla Christmas Tree Cupcake x 2
Yellow Christmas Tree Gummy
Bear Skull* + 1 for 15k
Black Poinsettia* x 6
Krampus Burger x 2
Krampus Cookie x 4
Krampus Goatee x 1
Krampus Heels* x 2
Krampus Horns Glowing Egg** x 1
Krampus Naughty Book*
Krampus Suspenders* x 3
Krampus Sweatpants* x 2
Poison Jelly* x 2
Red Bauble* x 9
Red Christmas Tree Gummy* x 5
Red Star Gummies* x 6
Seasonal Ice Cream* x 1 (in attic of ravatar)
Slice of Krampus Cake*x 4
Smell of Evil* x 6
Smell of Failure* 5 + for 400 & 52
[illnesses: 4 / 1 / 3 / - / 1 / -? / 1 / 1 + 1? /]
lotery spends: +- 6k / 7500 / 700 + red rofling plush / 1179 + ornge mordo ballon! / <500 / 7000 / 2703 + water wardrobe / 90 + 552 / 1050 / 891 + 3900 / 909 / 9954 / 3548 / 320 + 778 / 280 + 967