>>> Status Update on MaraThings . <<<
4 years, 4 months & 30 days ago

12th Oct 2020 23:18
I am returning 10/20 after a very huge unbelievably long hiatus so I am updating a bit of my status of marathings on here .
FRIEND REQUEST - Open as long as we've spoken to each other . It might sit in my inbox until we speak in case we do get to

I prefer to have marafriends I know .
PHOTO/PLATE/READING SWAP TRADES - Looking for pet photos , plates , kind of maybe magazines/newspapers ( especially pre-2020 ) for my swap trades . Currently don't have a list of specifics since my collections are small , feel free to browse them ! If I reject the trade then it's probably because someone else offered first so feel free to re-offer on the next duplicate trade or mm/mt me to reserve a plate to trade

NON PLATE/PHOTO TRADES - MP/AU preferred or perhaps tc and also maybe books that unisuni has not read . Definitely prefer TCs currently . I am willing to haggle and beat ISP . I have another blog the items that I prefer to trade for in case you were wondering.
WANTED ADS: As I was gone I'm trying hard to catch up to get items I love for my collection and use so I appreciate any help. THANK YOU. No reselling here.
PETS - Not for trade ! Love my pets .
MM / MMT - Feel free to contact me via either but I prefer MM if it's related to trades . I am figuring out MMT so I might take a while to respond as I am also not checking that as much . Love getting MM .
PET LENDING - I am up to pet lend as long as I know what goal/avatar it's for

GALLERY - Currently not for trade , perhaps later but not now .
*GALLERY COLLECTIONS: I like to casually collect non-le enchanted plushies and jars of food.
*NON-GALLERY COLLECTIONS: I am casually starting to collect minipets.
SHOP - Check out my shop ! Thank you to anyone who has bought anything from there

I am willing to haggle on items if you mail to ask .
BLOCKED?: I do not support price manipulations of any sort , if I discover something resembling that then you will be blocked .
There are all the things of interest I can update on but can update later .