RP OC for Audalana
6 years, 10 months & 13 days ago

29th Apr 2018 18:53
Name: Nanami Thorpe (her nickname is Nan but only by her closet friends)
Gender: female
Age: 17
Species: elf
Profession: works on the ships by the docks. Captain of the ship (I have no idea I’ll name the ship later) she can control the water.
History: Nanami was raised by her older sister, Kimmer, when their
parents died from illness. When Nanami was 14, Kimmer left her to elope with her boyfriend. Both were found dead on the side of the road two days later.
Nanami is now struggling to stay alive and to keep a hold on her ship, since she is the only girl in the water. Very few people respect her for her water talent, so she has stopped showing it to everyone. It is not a secret, but just a fact she does not feel that she needs to share about herself.
Nanami is adventurous with a soft heart. She wishes that she could be a mom more than anything, but she knows that she cannot provide a safe life for any children right now.
Appearance: Nanami is tiny, about 5ft 3 inches. She has sea green hair and one brown eye, one green eye. She has a light figure with not a lot of curves, but stunning nonetheless. You can normall find her wearing a tank top with comfortable pants and boots. (I’m thinking like a Tomb Runner type outfit)