2022 Goals
4 years, 2 months & 24 days ago

26th Dec 2020 15:37
My End Goal is to have a completely LE/RES pet line-up.
(x) Royal Mordo - HisRoyalMajesty
() Armoured - LancersHope
() Ice
(x) Snowman Viotto - PaxMagellanic
(x) Bug Poera - CreepyCrawly
(x) Pirate Willa - NatashaYar
(x) Killer Mordo - Erupting
() Nightmare Astro
(x) Wizard Troit - Thaumaturgus
(x) Eleka Rusty - NicelyNaughty
() Gothic
() Space Fairy
(x) Space Rofling - Aystar
(x) Enpiah Gobble - KewpiePie
() Glass
(x) Underwater Poera - Tsuneni
(x) Water Tasi - BubblyPersonality
() Skater Snookle - SeamusHarper
() Daylight Figaro - TranceGemini
(x) Breeze Nino - Adverser
() Moonlight
(x) Fire Fairy Ecruw - EurekaMaru
() Defective
(x) Fancy Dakata - CharlemagneBolivar
(x) Simerian Ike - SagelySly
(x) Mummy Eyru - PandemicParanoid
() Stone
() Evil Clown
() Daisy
(x) Nefarious Oglue - Eelze (formally known as Nodda and NaNaNaBooBoo)
(x) Ghost Ercuw - MillionVoices
() Digital
(x) Detective Huthiq - StalkerDeuce
I would also like to reward myself with a Costumed LE that compliments the Goal Pets, once I conplete a Goal Set.
(x) Sports Figaro (Lush Lake) - DylanHunt
() Candy Zoink - (Candyland)
(x) Toy Sybri - (Slater Park) - BrassRing
() Dark Fairy - (Eleka's Castle)
() Desert - Kalimah Desert
() Seasonal - Biala
() Doll - Lowlyhood
() Old - Puchalla
() Island - Minipet Island
() Light - Simeria
() Pixel - Ziranak
() Skeleton - Undying Woods
() Bee - Foxfire Forest
() Mermaid - Jenoa
() Nimbus - Nimbus
(x) Pirate -(Dukka Caves) - NatashaYar
(x) Slime (Sewers) - SnotMyPet
() Dragon (Baspinar's Castle)
(x) Valentine (Slater Park) - BekaValentine
(x) 40 Tattoos (40/40)
(x) 175 Face Makup Colour (175/175)
(x) 175 Eye Makeup Colour (175/175)
(x) 1500 Plates (1500/1500)
Complete World Goals
(x) Puchalla Village
(x) City of Marada
(x) Candyland
(x) Kamilah Desert
(x) Lowlyhood
() Undying Woods
Gift Boxes (Non-Extra Pet)
(x) Fasoro Falls
(x) Whirlpool
10Mil a Month in Bank
(x) January
(x) February
(x) March
(x) April
(x) May
(x) June
(x) July
(x) August
(x) September
(x) October
(x) November
(x) December