Old Goals
13 years, 11 months & 14 days ago

28th Mar 2011 20:03
My Current Goals:
[X] 10 Million MP (Spent it. Trying to make it again.)
[X] 20 Olympic Points
[X] 5 Referrals (For Dukka Caves goals)
[] 10 Rubbish Dump Missions Completed (Currently Level 1?)
[] 45 Knutt Knight Quests completed (Currently 26 33)
[] Complete Troll {Currently level 12?)
[X] Obtain 'Going Bananas' Avatar
[X] Complete 125 Candy Quests
[X] Gain a random bonus stat from the Gym (It was for Minipet Goals)
[] Win an Undying Tombola DVD at the Undying Tombola (Was for Undying Goals)
[X] Complete 200 Computer Repair Quests.(Ziranek Goal)
[X]Win an Eleka Tombola Book at the Eleka Tombola game (Eleka's Castle goal)
[X] 250 avatars
[X] 100 photos
[] 500 Female Clothing Items {Currently 463 473}
[] Full nest {Currently 66}
[] Size 100 Gallery/Shop {Currently 75 88}
[] 50 cards in deck {Currently 33 40}
[X] Lioya fed 200 Gourmet Food items.
* New Goal [] Feed Lioya 350 Gourmet Items (Currently 280)
[] 2000 Elger Quests {Currently 1103 1210}
[] 1000 Snowman Quests {Currently 772 822}
[] 500 Garage Quests {Currently 94}
[] 1000 Farm Quests {Currently 653 873}
[] 1000 Secret Santa Quests {Currently 271 296}
[] 500 Puchala Inn Quests {Currently 5 7}
[] 500 Sewer Quests {Currently 5}
[] 500 Computer Quests {Currently 157 201}
[] 1000 Chocolate Quests [Currently 109 245}
[] 1000 Santa Claws Quests {Currently 433 453}
[] 500 Knutt Knight Quests {Currently 26 33}
[] 1000 Leprechaun Quests {Currently 247 268}
[] 1000 Travis Truck Quests {Currently 145 211}
[] 50 Personal Trainer Quests {Currently 1 4}
[X] 100k BP (Over 200k)
[X] 100k RP {Over 100k)
[] Lioya 100 statted Gym {Currently 70 80}
[] Lioya 500 Magic {Currently 194 244}
[] Lioya 50 Elite {Currently 32 44}
[] Lioya 25 University {Currently 4-6,12 5-9, 12}
[] Lioya 50 Education {Currently 9-14,26 11-14, 27}
[] Lioya 100 Books {Currently 38 55}
[] Lioya 100 DVDs {Currently 40 41}
[] Lioya 100 CDs {Currently 32 33}
[] Lioya All instruments {Currently 132 202}
[] Lioya All Spells {Currently 20}
[] Lioya Charisma 50 {Currently 25 34}
[] Complete all Marapets Goals
Never thought I'd even reach one of those goals(:
The first number is what I previously had. Second number is what I have now <3