16 years & 8 days ago

5th Mar 2009 19:15
Since I doubt I will ever get a Angel Chibs by trading, I suppose my next alternative is Temple and a Chibs Potion.
Shaunski is named after my very best friend in the entire world, Shaunna. And it seems that only a Angel Chibs, would be worthy enough to be name dafter such an amazing friend.
We have been friends since the first day of second grade, both of us having no friends at all, we met by chance when we sat next to each other. We both opened our backpacks to get out our supplys the teacher wanted us to have out to begin class. She wanted us to mark our floppy disks for the computer lab and she would collect them. I brought out my old grey one while Shaunna, brought out a giant box of 30 floppy disks. I looked over to her and said quietly "You know, were only supposed to have 1 for the class". She looked at back at me and gave me a small smile. "I know but my mom had me bring the big thing of them, incase anyone else needed one."
We continued to talk during the entire day, our friendship growing the most during freetime on the playground. By the end of that day, we knew that from that day on, we would be best friends forever.
Now, it's 9th grade and we both go to the same English class and Algebra class together. We always sit next to each other in English and pass notes under our desks. During Algebra, we work together during partner work and never get anything done since were too busy gossiping during class. At the end of the day, we always hang out at the Aquatic Center for a hour, before Shaunna leaves to go swimming and I to go home, and relax on the computer.
Made Shaunski a Chibs on March 8th, 2009 at 19:40:00 MST!!!
Changed her costume to Burnt at 19:47:00 MST x]. Thought it fit her perfectly for the time when Shaunna burned heself on the toaster oven x].
Changed to Prison on April 3rd, 2008 at 21:40:00 MST. Only cost me 48k to do it too XD. Thought she need a cossie change x].
Temple- 27/30
Level 1- Rune K(350k), got Mumy Bread
Level 2- Rune P(220k), got 10k mps
Level 3- Rune J(288k), got Simerian Necklace
Level 4- Rune R(399k), got 25k mps
Level 5- Rune R(375k), got Wooden Temple
Level 6- Rume M(249k), got 50k mps
Level 7- Rune AE(255k), Shaunski gained 1 level stat!!
Level 8- Rune E(317k), got Simerian Pot
Level 9- Rune F(193k), got 75k mps
Level 10- Rune C(275k), Shaunski gained 2 Coordination stats!!
Level 11- Rune E(307k), Shaunski gained 2 Strength Stats!!
Level 12- Rune N(270k),Rune C(119k), got 100k mps
Level 13- Rune P(169k),Rune AE(299k), Shaunski got 5 Charisma stats
Level 14- Rune T(179k),Rune W(99k), got Mummy Book
Level 15( half way done!! )- Rune Z(139k), Rune D(163k), got 1 AU Credit
Level 16- Rune Q(99k),Rune E(303k), got 125k
Level 17- Rune E(299k), Rune N(444k), got the Avatar and Shaunski gained 3 Speeds Stats!!
Level 18- Rune P(90k),Rune U(275k), got Mummy Dance
Level 19- Rune L(138k), Rune H(264k), got 250k mps
Level 20- Rune J(323k), Rune P(134k), got Horus Minipet
Level 21- Rune L(189k), Rune R(340k), Shaunski gaind 10 Magic Stats!!
Level 22- Rune Q(462k), Rune E(499k), Rune E(499k), got The Mummy DVD.
Level 23- Rune Q(449k), Rune B(217k), Rune A(288k), Shaunski gained 5 Health Stats!!
Level 24- Rune I(297k), Rune M(121k), Rune E(349k), Shaunski gained 10 Sports stats!!
Level 25- Rune J(149k), Rune R(299k), Rune U(199k), got 500k mps
Level 26- Rune G(124k), Rune N(123k), Rune S(327k), got Poseidon Trading Card
Level 27- Rune S(198k), Rune J(139k), Rune L(399k), got Temple Stamp
Level 28- Rune S(197k), Rune E(269k), Rune N(207k), got 750k mps
Level 29- Rune B(172k), Rune P(72k), Rune F(249k), got 2 AU Credits
LEVEL 30!!!- Rune E(260k), Rune D(219k), Rune Q(235k), Can change Shaunski to any color now.
Total Spent So Far- About 13-14 mil
Shaunski is nft =]. Ask and you will be shot ^^.