Poem written for me. <3
14 years, 1 month & 2 days ago

10th Feb 2011 08:55
Isn't this just the sweetest thing ever?
This red star is here for everyone here,
When in need, she is always near,
This shining star is alert and kind,
People who hate her have lost their mind.
This star has patience like the tide,
And she is always by another???s side,
I trust this star because of her traits,
And her smile passes on at rapid rates.
This star is there for not one, but all,
She???ll grab your hand when you begin to fall,
I trust this star; she???s always ready to go,
And we all believe this star is Roe.
And a new one:
A friend that is there is one that would care;
But Roe is here to share for us everywhere.
A candle needs light that glows so bright,
while Roe's the star you see at night.
When you have trouble with a foe, to solve the fight she will do so;
If you need help and don't know where to go,
come to the welcome arms of a person named Roe.