The Riddler Version 2.0
14 years & 2 months ago

12th Jan 2011 16:43
This a non-chat board version of The Riddler which will be played instead of the regular version until further notice. I, purplecowzrule will post on the club chat board to let everyone know when this changes.
Version 2.0 will be played monthly. At the beginning of every month a new set of trivia questions will be posted. For each answer you get correct you will be given a different prize. Prizes will vary monthly. Prizes for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person to submit all answers correctly will also be given. Participation prizes will be given as well.
January 2011
Question 1: How many times a year does the sun set and rise in the Arctic?
Prize: Random Scratch Card
Question 2: What percentage of fresh snow is composed of air?
Prize: Random Set of Contact Lenses
Question 3

n the average, one inch of rain is equivalent to how many inches of snow?
Prize: Snow Storm DVD
Question 4:The word "mogul" comes from the Austrian word "mugel," which means "small hill" or ______?
Prize: A Random Glowing Egg
Question 5:Ice hockey made its Olympic debut at the _____ Summer Olympics in Antwerp, Belgium?
Prize: Winter Music CD
Question 6: The first known biathlon competition took place between two Norwegian guard companies during what year?
Prize: A random piece of candy
Question 7: If the air is cold and dry, what type of snow is made?
Prize: A random pearl
Question 8: What is a 6 pointed star-shaped snow crystal called?
Question 9: There are ____ types of snow crystals.
Question 10: A snow crystal's shape depends on what?
1st place prize:
2nd place prize:
3rd place prize:
Participation prize: Iced Snowflake Cookie