17 years, 7 months & 10 days ago

2nd Aug 2007 20:56
I have recently decided to lend items for avatars! Here is a list of items I lend:
10 Cola Marapops
All 5 diffferent colored Fattys
Sketch Costume
DNA minipet & a TV
Maramail me if you are interested in borrowing any of these items. I do not lend for free, a tip is greatly appreciated (price depends on the item borrowed)
first blog entry!!!!
17 years, 8 months & 19 days ago

23rd Jun 2007 20:59
wow, i'm surprised it took me so long to find the blogs. I think this is a good place for me to write my goals, so here goes:
1. get 750 elger quests
2. get 300 candy tree quests
3. get 500 farm quests
4. find a costume/species that i can settle on for taang
5. train all my pets to level 20, but train rectangle to level 30 (once i get this i will set the goal higher)
6. get all my pets jobs, preferably with promotions
7. get a full wardrobe of all female clothes&shoes
I guess thats all for now, to be updated later once i've finished some or all of these goals!