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314 Players Online
00:19:18 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
Happy to lend pets for goals Goals:

[x] 500 in Wardrobe
[x] 1000 in Wardrobe
[x] 1500 in Wardrobe
[x] 2000 in Wardrobe
[ ] 3000 in Wardrobe
[ ] 4000 in Wardrobe
[ ] 5000 in Wardrobe
[x] 150 Avatars
[ ] 500 Avatars
[ ] 1000 Avatars
[x] 100 Stamps
[x] 200 Stamps
[x] 300 Stamps
[ ] 400 Stamps
[ ] 500 Stamps
[x] 100 Glowing Eggs
[ ] 150 Glowing Eggs
[ ] 200 Glowing Eggs
[x] 100 Plates
[x] 200 Plates
[ ] 500 Plates
[ ] 1000 Plates
[x] 150 Plushies
[x] 300 Plushies
[x] 500 Plushies
[ ] 1000 Plushies
[ ] 2000 Plushies

[x] 10 million MP
[x] 15 million MP
[x] 20 million MP
[x] 30 million MP
[x] 50 million MP
[x] 75 million MP
[x] 100 million MP
[ ] 150 million MP
[ ] 200 million MP

[x] 25k RP
[x] 50k RP
[x] 100k RP
[x] 200k RP
[x] 500k RP
[ ] 750k RP
[ ] 1 million RP

[color=#33CC99][x] 25k BP

[x] 50k BP
[x] 75k BP
[x]100k BP
[x]250k BP
[ ] 500k BP
[ ] 750k BP
[ ] 1 million BP

[x] Alien Kaala (Himalayn, changed by @Elf in Dec 2022)
[x] Cupid Waylee (Teaowls)
[x] Candy Grint (Jaquine)
[x] Bug Jessup (Aviolan)
[x] Toy Viotto (Pakria)
[ ] Lightning Pucu
[ ] Balloon Poera
[ ] Chibi Ecruw

[x] Hector the Collector
[ ] Circus
[ ] Tarquin's Library
[ ] Ublish’s Layer
[ ] Greedy Gertrude
[ ] The Fates
[ ] Rubbish Dump
Player for 11 years, 8 months & 11 daysJoined 30th Jun 2013 19:32
Main Pet/Battle Pet - Aviolan
Gourmet Food - Teaowls
Instruments - Jaquine
Books/Mags/News/CDs/DVDs - Aussier
Toys - Pakria
Player for 11 years, 8 months & 11 days Joined 30th Jun 2013 19:32

SpineNotches has collected 27 of 101 Giftboxes

Double Crystals
Double Diamonds
Double Scholarships
Double Worms
Dukka Balance
Extra Pet (4)
Missing Food
Missing Learnable
Missing Photo
Missing Plate
Missing Plushies
Missing Wardrobe
Multiple Pet Olympics
Pet Stats
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Wardrobe Selfie
Worm Digging