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The Stock Market is where you can invest your own MP in many of the Shops through out Marada. The share price of each shop changes throughout the day, depending on the level of stock, number of customers, weather, profit, events and other various factors. If a company goes bankrupt you will lose any MP invested in this company.

You can buy shares in a company with a price of 100MP or above and below 1,000MP. You can only make one purchase of shares every 3 hours and sell within 2 hours of investing. A purchase can be between 1 and 100 shares in one company.

Level 50+ players can buy shares in any company for Half Price

Offer ends in 1 day and 32 minutes

fangsdrip just sold shares in Eye Make Up for 754MP +8.3%
emmy323 just sold shares in Charms for 260MP +7.4%
emmy323 just sold shares in Balloons for 960MP +10.1%
colleenmurphydevlin just sold shares in Soft Drinks for 212MP +11.6%
juillet51989 just sold shares in Traps for 244MP +23.2%
juillet51989 just sold shares in Toiletries for 618MP +20%
emmy323 just sold shares in Spices for 960MP +53.8%
deathby_chemical just sold shares in DVDs for 55,900MP +453.5%

Invest in my Musical Instruments Shop

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  Musical Instruments News

After a hiatus, the Queen B-Yonce has finally come out with new music. Stans are buying Musical Instruments, causing shares to go up 42.95% to 912MP
27th Oct 2022 11:37

After a hiatus, the Queen B-Yonce has finally come out with new music. Stans are buying Musical Instruments, causing shares to go up 60.9% to 502MP
26th Jul 2022 12:06

Oh no! Justin Beaver has entered his flop era. No one will be seen with Musical Instruments, causing shares to go 41.99% down to 105 MP
26th Oct 2021 20:09

Oh no! Justin Beaver has entered his flop era. No one will be seen with Musical Instruments, causing shares to go 43.1% down to 99 MP
7th May 2021 01:06

After a hiatus, the Queen B-Yonce has finally come out with new music. Stans are buying Musical Instruments, causing shares to go up 56.04% to 142MP
8th Apr 2021 22:24

Oh no! Justin Beaver has entered his flop era. No one will be seen with Musical Instruments, causing shares to go 51.92% down to 100 MP
20th Mar 2021 03:23

Oh no! Justin Beaver has entered his flop era. No one will be seen with Musical Instruments, causing shares to go 32.69% down to 70 MP
9th Oct 2020 14:08

Oh no! Justin Beaver has entered his flop era. No one will be seen with Musical Instruments, causing shares to go 55.93% down to 78 MP
18th Sep 2020 03:18

Oh no! Justin Beaver has entered his flop era. No one will be seen with Musical Instruments, causing shares to go 33.02% down to 213 MP
30th Aug 2020 07:14

Oh no! Justin Beaver has entered his flop era. No one will be seen with Musical Instruments, causing shares to go 30.05% down to 305 MP
1st Aug 2020 19:13