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The Stock Market is where you can invest your own MP in many of the Shops through out Marada. The share price of each shop changes throughout the day, depending on the level of stock, number of customers, weather, profit, events and other various factors. If a company goes bankrupt you will lose any MP invested in this company.

You can buy shares in a company with a price of 100MP or above and below 1,000MP. You can only make one purchase of shares every 3 hours and sell within 2 hours of investing. A purchase can be between 1 and 100 shares in one company.

Level 50+ players can buy shares in any company for Half Price

Offer ends in 15 hours and 8 minutes

Toshiyori63 just sold shares in Soft Drinks for 424MP +7.1%
samham69 just sold shares in Charms for 52,000MP +7.4%
phixaxion just sold shares in Flowers for 1,177MP +11.8%
Inkcap just sold shares in Clothing for 2,265MP +12.7%
phixaxion just sold shares in Smoothies for 414MP +23.6%
chall231 just sold shares in Spices for 948MP +21.5%
Inkcap just sold shares in Illegal Concoctions for 858MP +34.9%
samham69 just sold shares in Batteries for 110,400MP +35.3%

Invest in my Glowing Eggs Shop

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Number of Shares

Between 1 and 100 shares

Price per share last week
Current price per share

  Glowing Eggs News

Everything looks grey during a blackout! Uninspired Maradans stick to the basics and the share price of Glowing Eggs is down 54.97% to 620MP
17th Mar 2022 20:47

The recent rainbow has lifted spirits and inspired Maradans to add colour to their wardrobes! The share price of Glowing Eggs is up 30.95% to 1,134MP
26th Feb 2022 07:11

Everything looks grey during a blackout! Uninspired Maradans stick to the basics and the share price of Glowing Eggs is down 52.03% to 852MP
28th Sep 2021 09:18

Everything looks grey during a blackout! Uninspired Maradans stick to the basics and the share price of Glowing Eggs is down 31.08% to 388MP
7th Apr 2020 00:20

Everything looks grey during a blackout! Uninspired Maradans stick to the basics and the share price of Glowing Eggs is down 51.02% to 551MP
13th Mar 2020 00:56

The recent rainbow has lifted spirits and inspired Maradans to add colour to their wardrobes! The share price of Glowing Eggs is up 35.02% to 1,091MP
22nd Dec 2019 18:33