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  1. beginging of last story
    6th Feb 2009 08:10
    15 years, 4 months & 24 days ago
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    2nd Feb 2009 08:05
    15 years, 4 months & 28 days ago
  3. poems
    24th Jan 2009 15:24
    15 years, 5 months & 6 days ago
  4. recommended
    24th Jan 2009 14:54
    15 years, 5 months & 6 days ago
    16th Jan 2009 21:14
    15 years, 5 months & 14 days ago
  6. read
    11th Jan 2009 15:15
    15 years, 5 months & 19 days ago
    10th Jan 2009 18:12
    15 years, 5 months & 20 days ago
  8. SO CUTE
    8th Jan 2009 07:48
    15 years, 5 months & 23 days ago
    31st Dec 2008 19:35
    15 years, 5 months & 30 days ago
  10. Books I recommend
    27th Dec 2008 19:56
    15 years, 6 months & 3 days ago
15 years, 5 months & 30 days ago
31st Dec 2008 19:35

I sat as the rain beat against the window.My legs were held up to my cheast they were here.They were going to take me away from him a fate worse than death."Allie come on dont look so sad,"Micheal face was soft.I ran my finger through his thick brown hair while he held my fire red hair.His green eyes looked into my bronze as I cried."Why did I have to love you,why,I sobbed.He took my face into his hands,"no" he said softly why did I fall in love with you?" I curled up against him as I heard the horses draw near.I loved Micheal when I first saw him sadly that was the day he was dating my sister Cathy.She wasnt as pretty as I and everyone knew that.She had thick black hair and brown eyes many didnt think we were sisters others though witch and princess.My sister sent them as pay back.The rope around my ankle burned as I cried while he sat in the corner.The
horses stopped outside while my last word to him was I love you.

My mother just looked my at me like I was a freak show. I snapped my fingers,"Hello rude to stare." I rolled my eyes as she blocked the doorway. "You are not going inside until we talk." I had to laugh as I walked to the side of the house. I climbed the lattice on the side of the house. Once I was up to the window I popped it open and jumped in. I looked back through the window to see her stunned expression. I jumped up and locked my window and door and blared slipnot. I just hoped she would think I was a lost cause and would leave.
114 years, 9 months & 10 days ago 22nd Sep 2009 08:08
"I remember walking to the 7-11 on Tuesday March 8 2009 at midnight. I had just faught with my mother and wanted to get out we lived about ten minuets away. I wanted a stupid slushie. I got to the alley where I cross through like a short cut to 7-11. A man was standing in the alley. He was tall maybe 6-1. Built bigger but not fat in anyway. He was a square jaw and a bald head I didn't get close enought to see his eye color. He had an accent English I think.He was calling her love. He was wearing all black,he was holding something I couldn't tell until I got closer when I relized it was a gun. I froze as he held it to the girl he was with. She was maybe a little taller than me soft blonde hair super skinny. She didn't scream,but she cried. I didn't have my cell phone to call the cops maybe I should have brought it but it was dead anyway. He kissed her head the placed the gun where his lips where. He pulled the trigger and her body jerked forwrd then she dropped to the ground. I screamed and he saw me I ran and hide in the mexican resturant a few minuets away then you came for me." The man looked at me,"What else Jaden?" I froze and rose from the chair,"Thats it! That what I have been telling people I don't know where he went!" The man nodded as he went to talk to the man outside the interagation room. Stupid op thought he closed the door all the way,but I could still hear them,"Richie she doesn't know anymore. Officer Donald said.
"I know poor this so young and pretty." said officer Richard. How did me being pretty have anything to do with it. My hair is black and falls a little below my sholuders and it is straight. My eyes are blue and my skin as white as they come. He walked back into the room,"We found someone who fit your description he has the sam egun you described and we found him on yoru street calling you name does David Hatman ring a bell?" I froze,"Mr.Hatman is my English teacher,crap thats the girl his new girlfriend her name was Annalynn no wait Addalyn something." He nodded,"we are taking him into custody and you have 24 hours to say goodbye to your loved ones welcome to the witness protection program Jaden."
114 years, 9 months & 20 days ago 12th Sep 2009 14:00
I was at the school gates when I saw Ziggy. In his black Slipnot shirt and black skinny jeans ith our friends Airinella, Harper,and Jake. I brushed past them as Ziggy pulled me to him,"Row whats wrong?' He asked pulling
114 years, 9 months & 25 days ago 6th Sep 2009 16:13
A small man came from the bushes,"I want you miss." He whispered. She rolled her eyes,"No right now leave." He nodded and headed off into the trees. "Anyway you have met Adam correct?" I nodded Adam was the oldest vampire in Wisconsin. "Well I am a year younger than he is so I almost was the oldest vampire. Soon after Armando's murder I refuse to call it death. Adam offered himself to me and I rejected him. He killed every other man in the bar so no one else would offer themselves to me. I was horrifed so I ran,but he caught up with me. I ditched me in the willows around back. After that Adam hasn't tried again but when ever I see him I see passion and anger burn through his eyes.
114 years, 10 months & 1 day ago 1st Sep 2009 08:00
to old never write on this one
115 years, 3 months & 1 day ago 31st Mar 2009 16:45
stories out of nowhere so here I go again.

His hand wrapped around my curls. They fell to my side as he slowly kissed my lips. I savored the moment while our lips touched and then gently pulled away. He gave a soft smile staring me down with his soft green eyes. I smirked while I ran a finger through his black hair. "Gavin, I whispered in his ear,"I love you." He smirked and then kissed me again. " I love you to." I laughed while he kissed my head and slowly got up from the couch. I pursed my lip out and batted my eyelashes. He could only laugh and smile. He eased himself out the window. Then slowly ran down the street his eyes dark. The sun reflected off his soft tan skin while the sun changed to orange. His mind was clouded with HER that girl he sadly had fallen in love with. He could only see her blonde curls alluring green eyes and the softest skin. Sadly he couldn't stay with her eventhough that is all his heart wanted,"I love Jamie Moorine Gulivine the cold blooded ones." He shook his thoughts he was a lycan. She wasn't only a vampire she was a cold blooder meaning her whole life the only blood she drank was lycaning blood. She knew what I was,but she loved me for reasons only she knew. He loved her eventhough he really shouldn't. He spun as the wind wrapped around him and his body covered in thick jet black fur and ran into the woods lycan territor.

Jamie sat on the bed her hands folded against her chest. She loved him ans she couldn't tell you why. she sat as she slowly sipped her lycan blood. The lycan's blood was thick and had suck a sweet smell she couldn;t resist. Only Gavin's blood could she resist. She genlty put the cup aside as sat. She shouldn't love him he killed her father and brother,but she did. She took another sip of the blood the sweet smell filled her lungs as she slowly let it out. She opened her eyes and let herself laugh. Gavin would taste better though she would never dare find out. Then she got up and as fast as she could jumped out the window and ran to the grove of dead plants and people the vampire's land.
115 years, 4 months & 14 days ago 15th Feb 2009 20:34
115 years, 5 months & 25 days ago 5th Jan 2009 17:35
I woke up the next morning to mother yelling at me to come up for breakfast.I rolled out of bed in a white corset with white pants as I ran up the stairs.I sat at the table in perfect view of Micheal holding Cassey outside.For some reason he didnt look Like he was holding her with love it seemed like force.He told her something as she was headed for the freem."Why must you dress like that go put a jacket on its hard as is!"Micheal called while walking through the door."Im sorry these are sleeping clothes I didnt know you would be here this early."I snapped as I went to wash my dish."Listen to me I dont want to be with your sister your mother paid my father so just dont look so,so you know what I mean."He yelled."Well get out of my freaking house then."I yelled back.He ran out the front door slamming in behind him."Good at least he doesnt like you."Mother called,"Go to the grove and get some lemons."I grabbed a basket and went toward the grove.George sat outside with a pipe in his mouth and a beer on the ground
"Come back girl we can work this out."George said super drunk."Thats why I left you Drunker,and if you ever touch me again you will regret it".He ran up to me and kissed me hard I slapped his face till he slammed me on the ground yelling to go back to the grove and say we made up.I punched him in the jaw until Micheal showed up and hit him full force into the jaw again as he cowarded away."Thats how you know I care."He called as he rode off on his horse.I stood im the middle of the grove did I love him?I think I might and that would cause a grand problem for all so I sat under the lemon tree and let my thoughts run through my head to the sound of the children laughing.
115 years, 5 months & 29 days ago 2nd Jan 2009 10:55
I woke up to my mother sitting in the corner."She is alright."my mother called as many left the room.A man that sat in a white chair stayed.He had golden blond hair and crystal blue eyes with the tannest skin unlike my pale skin.My mother laughed,"Thats Micheal he saved you he is also dating Cassey."My head spun as I looked at her why would anyone that handsome date my sister Cassey.She was ok not many wanted to be with her.She had thick Black hair and eyebrows and her tan skin.She was not as thin as I and couldnt sing as well either.The way that Micheal looked at me it sure didnt look like he was in love with my sister.He ran out of the room staring at me for only a second then slamming the door.Mother put her head in her hands."Why are you so pretty,no man will look at Cassey you took George."Mother said sadly."She never said she wanted George and she can have him."I snapped."Allie you are amazing and any man you want you can get let your sister have this one,I know you hate the thought but deal with it.""fine I dont want him anyway!" I yelled as she spun around."I would cut all your pretty red hair if I was sure your father wouldnt try to kill me from the grave!"She yelled as she slammed the door
115 years, 5 months & 29 days ago 2nd Jan 2009 10:41

I ran up and down the river bank while the children ran through the feilds.The girls long white cotton gowns flowed out around them as they ran.One girl stood out the most her red hair like mine forced into a ponytail with a large smile and dimples.I waved as she laughed and tagged for other kids."Allie come inside I need you."my mother called from the hill house.I ran up the hill staying away from the grove my ex boyfriend was there and I didnt want to be."Allie wait I need to tell you something,"George called.
"What I have to go,"I snapped.
"Come on we can work this out,"his voice soft as he grabbed my hands."We cant, let go!"I yelled. His hands became tighter."You are the only girl my age with cute red hair green eyes and Ivory skin I need you,"George yelled back.I pulled my hands free and ran as he grabbed the back on my gown.His buddies ran out of the house."Dude let go you look stupid get off the ground."His friends grabbed hin off the ground and dragged him back to the grove as I got to my feet and hurried to the hill house."Im here mother what did you need?" She smiled and handed me a bag with herbs,"Take this to Gorner his daughter is sick again,she said.I ran down the hill and to the renver the farm land where he waited."Thanks sweetie,hey you going out with anybody?"he said with a laugh.
"No im not and dont want to be." I said sharply."Thats fine my boy Grey wanted to ask you out." i rolled my eyes and left while he was still talking no use.George's mother was in the freem the market as I walked past."You little bat just because you are the prettiest little thing here you think that no one is good enough."his mother called.She ran up next to me yelled as she pulled me by my hair down to the ground.I fired punches as she did until her large man like build picked me up with ease."Go swim!" she yelled as she threw me into the river.I saw blood as the world went black and my air gone only to the sound of yes finally and ohh no help while the world turned black.
115 years, 5 months & 30 days ago 1st Jan 2009 13:10
  1. beginging of last story
    6th Feb 2009 08:10
    15 years, 4 months & 24 days ago
  2. last new story
    2nd Feb 2009 08:05
    15 years, 4 months & 28 days ago
  3. poems
    24th Jan 2009 15:24
    15 years, 5 months & 6 days ago
  4. recommended
    24th Jan 2009 14:54
    15 years, 5 months & 6 days ago
    16th Jan 2009 21:14
    15 years, 5 months & 14 days ago
  6. read
    11th Jan 2009 15:15
    15 years, 5 months & 19 days ago
    10th Jan 2009 18:12
    15 years, 5 months & 20 days ago
  8. SO CUTE
    8th Jan 2009 07:48
    15 years, 5 months & 23 days ago
    31st Dec 2008 19:35
    15 years, 5 months & 30 days ago
  10. Books I recommend
    27th Dec 2008 19:56
    15 years, 6 months & 3 days ago