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  1. beginging of last story
    6th Feb 2009 08:10
    15 years, 4 months & 29 days ago
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    8th Jan 2009 07:48
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    27th Dec 2008 19:56
    15 years, 6 months & 8 days ago
15 years, 5 months & 19 days ago
16th Jan 2009 21:14

this is just like a prolague you know when if fives you some of the best part before you get to the start of the book okay here it goes

My throat felt like it was on fire I couldn't breath.I swallowed tring to put out the fire."Savannah hang on"a voice called."Jake"I called gasping fro breath what had happened.I chocked and coughed and slowly faded to black.Keevan's large body stood over me with a gun at hand."This is for everything Savvy."He called above me loadin his gun.I thrashed as Jake tackled him.I knew I would die for the mysterious burn in my throat of that he would kill me.My whole body was on fire by know.As in faded lines I could see the two men fight.The air stopped coming as The world went black whatever he had given me wouldn't let me slip out all the way.I made a choice I couldn't move so I lifted my head while he walked upt to me and slammed it on the floor.Blood ran down my head as I was finally slipping away.The last fuzzy picture I saw was keevan with the hand gun loaded over me.I would rather die this way that with a bullet.With that he pulled the trigger

115 years, 2 months & 24 days ago 13th Apr 2009 08:21
OMG im crying litteraly! you are a GREAt story writter you should publish thesE! 10/10
115 years, 2 months & 28 days ago 8th Apr 2009 16:40
Well It has been four years since the accident and Jake Donald. Sometimes in the middle of the night I still see his face and have a total melt down. I have remarried since that was my husbands dying with. I married a man named Alex a wonderful guy who loves me even when I have that spaz attack. We have two kids two year old Jillian and two year old Jake. I have kept his name because I will always love him more tha any other man. I was finally able to find out what happen keevan shot Jake and Jake shot back both dead to this day. The day that Jake died in the hospital my family calls Jake day because he deserves it. My husband loves me and I know that I love him to just not a much as Jake. I am always dying to meet him again,but I know I have to wait I am glad that while this was happening I was pregnant with my other child William of four years since thats the name his father wanted. He looks alot like him sam hair and face I miss him so much. I am happy,but I will never be that happy again I am sorry to say that this story doesn't have a happy ending.
115 years, 5 months & 7 days ago 28th Jan 2009 17:30
My throat felt like it was on fire I couldn't breath.I swallowed tring to put out the fire."Savannah hang on"a voice called."Jake"I called gasping fro breath what had happened.I chocked and coughed and slowly faded to black.Keevan's large body stood over me with a gun at hand."This is for everything Savvy."He called above me loadin his gun.I thrashed as Jake tackled him.I knew I would die for the mysterious burn in my throat of that he would kill me.My whole body was on fire by know.As in faded lines I could see the two men fight.The air stopped coming as The world went black whatever he had given me wouldn't let me slip out all the way.I made a choice I couldn't move so I lifted my head while he walked upt to me and slammed it on the floor.Blood ran down my head as I was finally slipping away.The last fuzzy picture I saw was keevan with the hand gun loaded over me.I would rather die this way that with a bullet.With that he pulled the trigger. I woke up in the maryland hospital shaking and scared. I clung to the covers while my head spun. Where was Jake where was Keevan. I thrashed and cried. A nurse walked into the room thick blond hair tied tightly into a ponytail,"Sweetie Jake isn't gonna make it so I know you are growgy,but I thought you might want to say goodbye. I cried and she helped me to my feet and into his room. He laid on his bed his skin white and eyes blank,"Savvy." He said in a whisper as I kissed him a last time. We had only been married two weeks and know here he was dying."Listen love this isn't the end it is the very beginging for you. You can find another man I know you can just don't sit and have no life that is not the savvy I know be my Savvy don't think I will hate you for remarrying I want you to. Sav be happy that is my dying wish don't be sad that I am going I am going to see my dad and mom and little sister who died at age 4 I love you and I never won't and I wish we had more time together Savannah. Savannah Coraline Goralze with this ring I unwed." He said with a laugh he handed me the ring back as he wiped away a tear. He had given me back my maiden name and I wanted to die."I will see you soon when you are ready love goodbye for now remember please as my dying wish be happy." He nodded of while his heart stopped. I dropped into the hands of a nurse while she held me the world went black
115 years, 5 months & 7 days ago 28th Jan 2009 17:23
Jake grabbed me at the wrist and ran to the police car. "jake were are we going." I asked. He kept quiet while he drove into the darkenss. "Jake where are we going?" I asked again. This time he answered,"out of here." I nodded while he drove. I unfolded the letter and read it to myself,"Jake I think I know who it is." I said . He laughed,"Sure hun like you could figure that out." I threw open the door while he drove."What are you doing hun you will hurt yourself you know I am not like this I am just so worried." I slammed the door shut and sat quietly."Who is it hun come on." I nodded "The person is dislexic you can tell he mixed up the letters in the letter. There is only one person I know that was dislexic and that was keevan. I dated him and when I wouldn't get in the car with his sister I shoved her and she fell right into a car driving by. I didn't mean to to,but she tried to grab me." I let a tear run down my cheek. Jake quickly wipped it away then stood tense."Keevan willians." He asked. I nodded,"Great hun he had a little brother that was in the army with my older brother they got here and he got drunk he left and I didn't stop him so he drowned in a lake." I nodded here we were somehow both tied to a man's families death and he would ge us I knew that.
115 years, 5 months & 9 days ago 26th Jan 2009 17:04
Very good! 9/10
115 years, 5 months & 11 days ago 24th Jan 2009 15:12
Once it was safe we all got up slowly. The air dry as I grabbed the letter on the white table in the hall. Jake as well as the other cops huddled around me I read it slowly. "I was so close you would have been easy to kill,but i was a wimp that won't happen next time so don't give me the chance." I dropped it while Linda walked up to me,"come on hun lets get you up stairs so you can take a nap okay baby girl." I nodded as Jake walked up and down the halls trying to figure out what way he came in. I curled up on the bed and slowly fell asleep.

I woke up to Linda's loud scream she was standing right next to me. "Ohh my god get Jake and a doc please." I sat frozen,"Why?" I asked. "Don't move sweetie please relax." Linda said. I sat as I found a white letter tied perfectly around my hand and blood running up my arm. "I can't feel it." I said softly. She nodded while the doc rolled in. "Wait my letter I am going to read it." I shouted. Everyone sat and nodded alright. I riped the letter open and read, "I am closer that you think I am here right now in your room as everyone worries all huddleed ariund your bed I am here and you hae no clue I am here and here to stay." I room was quiet and do to the lose of blood the room went spinning.
115 years, 5 months & 11 days ago 24th Jan 2009 14:45
Pretty good. There are a few grammar mistakes but it is a great story! 9/10
115 years, 5 months & 12 days ago 24th Jan 2009 13:19
I walked to the breakfast room at 6:30 in the morning with Linda at my side. I could I could see Jake getting up uncomfortably from the chair in the t.v room. I smirked and sat down. Jake sat next to me and tried to kiss me as I moved my face, "What part of I am mad at you don't you understand?" I said. The cops all laughed as he sat was down the row. After the breakfast he sat down by me,"Look I am sorry okay I didnt mean to hurt you." Jake said softly. I nodded and walked away at the same moment the room was filled with the same sound as what we had heard at the house pops. I drove to the ground while everyone else dove at the same time some grabbing guns and vests and heading outside. The windows broke and doors were covered in holes while the last thing we heard outside was,"I can't do this not today anyway." It was the same cold voice like the one over the phone he could'nt kill us when he has the chance. I shook the thought away as jake grabbed me and held me. "Okay i forgive you only becasue I am totally freaked out." I said softly he held me close ." It's okay nothing will happen to you." He whispered. "By the way that's one way to make up fast." he chuckled I laughed as I let him hold me in the middle of broken glass.
115 years, 5 months & 12 days ago 23rd Jan 2009 20:57
I walked into the bathroom at 10:23 pm when I could hear the cops in the office talking,"Dang I want so of her." one called."She is fine I think we should kill Jake." They all laughed until I heard Brock's thick voice,"Thats it I warned all of you I have to call Jake I promised." "Brock come on dont he will kill us." "Go get Savannah and Linda now." I ran into the bunker room and laid there. "Get up girls and follow me." We both got up and hurried into the office Jake's voice was on the other end of the phone,"what were you thinking really I could fire any one of you if I wanted leave my girl alone of I will kill all of you in your sleep!. Where is she let me talk to her." I walked through the crowd,"I am here Jake." I said softly. "Good dont listen to them Sav they are retarded for saying that,but you are a S/L/U/T for walking around in your night clothes." The whole office was quite as I answered,"Thats fine Jake maybe I am,but trust me you will regret saying that and find somewhere to sleep in the t.v room tonight I mean it bye." I walked out of the room and crawled into bed. I didn't like this side of Jake and he would pay for it. By midnight he walked into the bedroom and gathered me in his arms,"Hey hon." he said. I punched him hard in the jaw while he sat stunned,"I thought I told you to sleep in the t.v room I meant it I dont know why you have freaking problems here,but no one calls me a S/L/U/T without regreting it so get out!" I screamed he kissed my head and headed for the door and slammed it behind him. I hated when he was like this and it make me reflect on why I married him.
115 years, 5 months & 17 days ago 19th Jan 2009 11:52
  1. beginging of last story
    6th Feb 2009 08:10
    15 years, 4 months & 29 days ago
  2. last new story
    2nd Feb 2009 08:05
    15 years, 5 months & 3 days ago
  3. poems
    24th Jan 2009 15:24
    15 years, 5 months & 11 days ago
  4. recommended
    24th Jan 2009 14:54
    15 years, 5 months & 11 days ago
    16th Jan 2009 21:14
    15 years, 5 months & 19 days ago
  6. read
    11th Jan 2009 15:15
    15 years, 5 months & 24 days ago
    10th Jan 2009 18:12
    15 years, 5 months & 25 days ago
  8. SO CUTE
    8th Jan 2009 07:48
    15 years, 5 months & 28 days ago
    31st Dec 2008 19:35
    15 years, 6 months & 4 days ago
  10. Books I recommend
    27th Dec 2008 19:56
    15 years, 6 months & 8 days ago