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  1. beginging of last story
    6th Feb 2009 08:10
    15 years, 4 months & 26 days ago
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    2nd Feb 2009 08:05
    15 years & 5 months ago
  3. poems
    24th Jan 2009 15:24
    15 years, 5 months & 9 days ago
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    24th Jan 2009 14:54
    15 years, 5 months & 9 days ago
    16th Jan 2009 21:14
    15 years, 5 months & 16 days ago
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    11th Jan 2009 15:15
    15 years, 5 months & 22 days ago
    10th Jan 2009 18:12
    15 years, 5 months & 22 days ago
  8. SO CUTE
    8th Jan 2009 07:48
    15 years, 5 months & 25 days ago
    31st Dec 2008 19:35
    15 years, 6 months & 1 day ago
  10. Books I recommend
    27th Dec 2008 19:56
    15 years, 6 months & 5 days ago
beginging of last story
15 years, 4 months & 26 days ago
6th Feb 2009 08:10

"Olivia!" Savannah called behind me. "Yeah." I called she hurried to me her black hair over her brown eyes. " Can you beleive it we are done with high school. I wish I could stay for summer with you,but sadly I have to see my dad." I smiled as I hugged my best friend she was awsome. "I am going to go to Vivi's really quick they are having a shoe sale and they just got new guy clothing that I have to see." I called she smiled and ran inside her pale blue house. The wind was wet and cold as I hurried to ViVi's around the corner. The store had been repainted a light yellow and the door hot pink. I pulled the door open and ran to the shoes. Sitting across from me was a boy thick back hair and steel eyes trying on shoes Nike to exact. Something inside of me shock and he smile I had to look away. I couldn't tell you why,but the only word that ran through my head was love. I dropped the heels in my hands to the ground and smiled, "Hello I am Olivia Dawn Willard nice to meet you." I extended my hand and he slowly took it then looked up,"Matt Greyson Quilette." He said he could not stop staring. "Look I know it is early,but would you like to go out with me tomorrow?" I nodded as we exchanged phone numbers and both left as I ran home. THe eased through my large window and crawled into bed so excited that for some reason the man that my heart loved was asking me out tomorow night. I fell asleep to the dreams of tomorrow.

I slept for about an hour until Greyson woke me. "you didn't eat your pasta you picked at in and thats all you ate today come on lets get you down stairs to get some food. I was limp still so he carried me down the stairs and sat me at the table where Kara had a peice of chicken on a plate. Grey sat me down in front of it as more silent tears fell down my cheeks. "Stop please stop." Greyson said,"I- I can't take it anymore be my Liza again,please call me every name in the book. Stop looking so sad like you want to die with silent tears and please eat something." His eyes were glazed over as he pulled my hair into a ponytail since he hated my hair up I know that was hard for him. I really would like to eat for him,but my hands didn't work so more tears fell from my eyes. "Greyson leave I will take care of her you are only making things worse that they should be." Kara said as Greyson got up and left. kara sat next to me,"I know you are sad baby girl I know that you are depressed right now nd probly numb,but make yourself talk." I couldn't and that was the truth. I gave her my exhausted look and began doing what I have done since I was little again dig my nails into my skin. "No stop that sweetheart no need for that." She pulled my hands away,"You don't have to eat today,but you will tomorrow, and maybe if you are more stable I will tell you why that happened to your mother. Please promise you will try you are breaking Greyson's heart." she smiled come on you need to atleast take a sip of something." She popped the top of a water bottle and held it to my lips and I swallowed a tiny bit to where I could barley feel it go down as she pulled it away. She picked me up and carried me upstairs and Grey wasn't there. She tucked me into the bed and kissed my head,"He went on a walk he will be back soon I will be here I am not going anywhere." I just closed my eyes again to the sound of Kara's soft cries.
114 years, 10 months & 13 days ago 21st Aug 2009 21:22
I was numb after that my body wasn't mine anymore it refused to move. My voice wouldn't speak and tears rolled down my cheeks and no sound came from my throat. "Liza come on baby lets get you to a sink to wash the blood off your arms." I was limp as he picked me up and carried me to the sink where Kara was waiting with a bar of soap. Grey sat me down on the edge of the sink as Kara held one of my bloody arms under the sink and whispered,"This will hurt bad baby." I didn't move, speak,or move my head. It did hurt bad like fire,but no emotion came out I was silent. "Kara I am worried she can't move or speak." Greyson called. She nodded and rinsed my arm,"I think she is in shock Grey her body is numb she has no feeling you will be carrying her around for a while. The real problem is that Grey she has to eat something soon and if she can't move or speak I doubt she will eat." He nodded and kissed my head and whispered,"I am so sorry." He shrugged,"I don't mind carrying her, but I will get her to eat I do not want her left alone right now since I have to sleep you need to be in the room watching her while we sleep since Gavin has work would you mind?' Kara smiled and brushed away a tear,"Never of course I couldn't mind not like I need the sleep." they both laughed softly as Kara wrapped my arms,"okay baby why don't you get some sleep okay." She spoke to me like I was three eyars old,but I didn't even care. Greyson picked me up and carried me to the bed and layed me down next to him. I didn't move from how he had me laying and just looked at the ceiling tears still silently falling from my eyes. "You will be okay I promise." I didn't move as Kara sat in the chair next to me and I just stared up waiting for death or sleep to take over I didn't care withc one.
114 years, 10 months & 13 days ago 21st Aug 2009 20:11
I shiftered against him and began to shake. Then I scrambled to sit up and hobbled to the mirror. My legs were cut everyone and my mascara left streaks across my cheeks. My clothes coated in blood I gasped. Greyson came up to me ans smiled,"yes you are very beautiful." I gave him an annoyed look,"Kara would you explain?" He asked. She nodded and led me upstairs and as we got to my room said,"We are going to go meet the guy that imprinted you at a resturant and I am having a vamp friend come and watch your mother." I shook my head,"So..?" She laughed,"You have to get dressed up." She pulled open the closet to expose a little black dress that took my breath away. It went a couple of inches before my knee and was in a pattern that looked like black ace bandage all the way around making it look woven with a large black bow on the right shoulder. Kara smiled and helped me into it and also helped me brush my and just let my curls fall. The top of the dress was a corsett that pushed my brea.sts up and slimmed my already small stomach. I smoked out my eyes and red lipstick along with black four inch heels. The gashes on my legs were gone,"How?" I asked as she just smiled,"I healed you I gave you some of my engery." I hugged her and walked down the stairs. Gavin was wearing a tux with a blue bowtie and Greyson a grey suit with a red tie. Kara was behind me in seconds in a tight green gown. "Wow>' Grey said as he held his hand out to me and I took it. Maybe I was okay with being owned as long as I get to choose.
114 years, 10 months & 16 days ago 19th Aug 2009 18:52
I rolled on my side still on the floor to my moms soft screams she must have just seen me move. Kara was by my side when my eyes opened in small slits as I could see Gavin holding back my mom. I moaned in pain. "You okay son't scare me like that Eliza Lynn ever." She whispered burrowing her head in my hair. "Help me up to my mom." I mouth that she picked up on and gathered me in her arms and sat me on the couch next to her,"Mom!" I hollared seeing she was okay. I nuzzled into her hair and sobbed. She stroked my hair and ran her fingers along my spine,"Don't scare me like that Liza,I would go crazy with out you." she said holding me tight. I pulled away from her embrace when i saw Greyson. My legs wobbled and I fell as he launched out to catch me. "Owww." I moaned as he picked me up and sat on the wing back chair in the corner of the room. He rocked me like a baby and whispered," I was afraid I lost you." I nodded and cried harder as he just held me as outside it began to rain.
114 years, 10 months & 16 days ago 18th Aug 2009 20:46
"Liza." my mom said wrapping her arms around me. My dad stood tall,"what the hell is going on here,who are you." He snapped pointing at Greyson. Grey's face remainded calm,"Greyson William Davidson." He said with a smile. He dad turned around and grabbed me by the shoulders,"You never told us were you were going you scared your mother half to death!" He snarled and fro the first time in my life he slapped me hard across the face. Then everything happen to quickly Kara and Gavins fangs appeared something I hadn't seen yet and Grey growling. I held a hand to my face while my mothers eyes remaned stunned. Kara held a hand out to me when my dads hand balled up into a fist. I reached up as she pulled me to my feet beside her. I was shaking my breathing rigid,"Your fine Liza." She cooed running a hand through my hair. My mom just looked at me," I don't care if you gave birth to her she is MY daughter." My mom tugged at me so willingly I went to her and was wrapped by her embrace. "No one hits a women if they truely are a man." Grey said hands buckled into fists. "Rena come over her." My mother shook her head. He ran to her and with one punch to the head knocked her to the floor. I fell with her she was out cold,"Mom." I whispered. Gavin pulled me away wow vamps are strong and then gathered my mother in his arm and within seconds had her on the couch. "Liza!" I spun around withc was stupid of me as a vase knocked to to the ground. I gasped then screamed as I pulled glass from my leg. "You are so dead." Gavin said as Grey and Gavin launched. "Liza, Liza." Kara said shaking me. Great I mummbled here I was bleeding all over the floor in a room with two vampires wonderful. Soon I blacked out.
114 years, 10 months & 17 days ago 18th Aug 2009 18:08
I woke up to a letter on the bed,"I am down stairs when you wake up get dressed I grabbed some clothes frpm your house see you down here love Grey." I sighed and looked on the chair and grabbed the clothes he was such a guy he had grabbed my tight pink tank top and by super short and tight shorts and my pink vans authentic only shoes I wear. I smiled and get dressed and pulled my hair into a ponytail and ran down the stairs. "Damn." Greyson said as he pulled me to him and kissed me his hands in my shorts belt loops. "Hey!" My dad called as I pulled away and sat in his lap. Greyson thought he was being stealth and pulled my hair out of the ponytail,"Grey." I snapped. He just smiled as he looked at the small flick of color under a microscope. "What the hell is that." I said as Greyson smiled,"That is what goes into you when you are imprinted each one of us has a color and Once I looked at this I can tell you whose this is." I nodded as he peered inside,"So who's is it I said seeing the small flick of green. His jaw tightened and wrapped a had around me,"My dad's." He whispered. I just looked up and forced a smile and looked away. Greyson went crazy,"Damn damn damn it!" He screamed knocking stuff over. "Grey!" I screamed pulling myself to him and kissing his neck as his hand fell to my waist. "You are mine Liza no one elses." I pulled away and shook my head,"I am mine I am not someones property ever." I said as he kissed me. I huffed and pulled away as someone knocked at the door. Kara cam edown the stairs and hugged me and answered the door. A man stood on the other side and Kara shifted uncomfortably,"Hi dad." I whispered as mom followed behind him.
114 years, 10 months & 17 days ago 18th Aug 2009 15:32
"Why did she fall asleep." Kara asked. I couldn't open my eyes ,but I was awake. "Because would you be okay after that your body begins to feel like it is on fire." I heard Kara sigh,"Poor baby." Gavin whispered,"Greyson there is an extra bedroom upstairs you can lay her down in there." Panic set in as I clung harder to him,"I think she is saying no." Greyson whispered as I pulled open my eyes. "Morning." Greyson said kissing my head,"Please,Please take me home,please." He just looked at me and brushed a strand of hair from my face,"Not yet come on lets get you upstairs." I thrashed,"No." He smiled and whispered,"I will be with you." He said as he carried me up the stairs and layed me in the bed. He cuddled close to me as I burrowed my haead against him chest,"I love you." He whispered. I nodded and said,"I don't know." with that I fell asleep.
114 years, 10 months & 18 days ago 17th Aug 2009 12:34
i dug my nails into poor Grey's arm. I could see that I drew a little blood,"Liza relax." I pressed myself tighter against him,"Don't leave me here alone." I whispered. He gave me a confused look,"Never would I dare." He whispered back and kissed my head. "I don't understand." My mom said. My dad just smiled,"I should have told you Kara I posed as an uncle in there side of the family her other dad let me Liza I am so sorry.." Grey held up his hand to interrupt,"We can get back into happy little family mode later we have a problem." He sat on the couch as I stuck like glue to his hip,"Liza was imprinted by a shifter, most likely when she was in the hosptial he need to cheack if you know what I mean Gavin." My dad looked at me and ran a finger through his blonde hair,"Alright, Greyson you let Kara hold her in her lap and keep her face on you." I just looked up as I began to shake. "Do you love me enough to trust me?" Greyson asked,"I always will Grey." I whispered. With that He sat me in Kara's lap,"Give Gavin your wrist." I looked up he had a table lamp set up with different sized knifes. I slowly handed him my hand. "This is going to hurt Liza bad I mean bad." I froze while he held my face in his hands,"GO." he yelled to Gavin. I felt the worst pain of my life it felt like fire burning alway up my arm I screamed and screamed and screamed until my voice was raw. "Done." gavin called as I fell against Greyson and closed my eyes and soon enough I was asleep.
114 years, 10 months & 18 days ago 17th Aug 2009 11:08
He threw everything into the back of his truck,"Get in." Grey called over his shoulder. "Where are we going Grey?" I whispered. He smiled and kissed my hand,"Your parents the real ones." My eyes flew open as I shook my head,"Wait what Grey I have to tell my other mom." He shrugged his shoulders,"Fine." I slide into the seat next to him and turned up the radio to 21 guns playing. Grey laughed and said,"One of my favorites." I nodded and forced a smile,"Me to." By the time we turned the corner of street I had already jumoed out of the car and ran to the doorstep. A large black dog sat at the door waiting
114 years, 10 months & 20 days ago 15th Aug 2009 16:14
"Shhhh Liza shut up." Greyson whispered him hand over my mouth dragging me back to the pinic blanket we had layed out. We were half an hour away from home and I knew only very few if anyone could hear my screams. My body began to shake as a weird whimpering noice appeared from nowhere. "It's okay Liza, your fine." I spu around the noice was me coming from throat. "I am sorry Liza I should have told you,but.." I shook my head,"But what." I snarled looking him dead on. "Losing you I was afraid of losing you Liza." I pulled away," Don't call me Liza only people I know and love can call me that!" I snapped while he jumped up and grabbed my wrist. "Listen to me I am so sorry...crap Liza." I turned around to see him tracing the scar that traced from my thumb down to the start of my wrist. "I have had that forever." I said watching him trace it with his fingers. "No it is not a scar." Greyson said through his teeth. 'Then what the hell is it?" I growled. "N-nothing." He said getting up and gathering up all of out stuff. "Stop lying to me Grey what is it." I yelled. He just turned to face me," Like an imprint by a shifter has claimed you when you were little Liza they are with you every second and will come to take you away from everyone you know." I gasped,"I an so not anyones property." I said my voice shaking. "You have out hormones running through your veins." I put my hand up to interupt," Wait so what am I if I have this running through me." I said running my finger over the scar. "Well you could be a vamp, a shifter or you could be a normal person usually by age 21 we can tell." I sighed,"Great I just turned twently last week."
114 years, 10 months & 20 days ago 15th Aug 2009 11:35
  1. beginging of last story
    6th Feb 2009 08:10
    15 years, 4 months & 26 days ago
  2. last new story
    2nd Feb 2009 08:05
    15 years & 5 months ago
  3. poems
    24th Jan 2009 15:24
    15 years, 5 months & 9 days ago
  4. recommended
    24th Jan 2009 14:54
    15 years, 5 months & 9 days ago
    16th Jan 2009 21:14
    15 years, 5 months & 16 days ago
  6. read
    11th Jan 2009 15:15
    15 years, 5 months & 22 days ago
    10th Jan 2009 18:12
    15 years, 5 months & 22 days ago
  8. SO CUTE
    8th Jan 2009 07:48
    15 years, 5 months & 25 days ago
    31st Dec 2008 19:35
    15 years, 6 months & 1 day ago
  10. Books I recommend
    27th Dec 2008 19:56
    15 years, 6 months & 5 days ago