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  1. STAFF:
    3rd Dec 2009 08:17
    14 years, 6 months & 24 days ago
  2. Special Thanks!
    6th Nov 2009 20:49
    14 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
  3. My Pet's names and what they mean!
    1st Nov 2009 18:02
    14 years, 7 months & 24 days ago
    1st Nov 2009 17:54
    14 years, 7 months & 25 days ago
  5. Surrender Your Souls!
    30th Oct 2009 18:09
    14 years, 7 months & 27 days ago
  6. ~ ??? All About Me ??? ~
    13th Oct 2009 13:21
    14 years, 8 months & 13 days ago
  7. My Goals!
    11th Sep 2009 22:06
    14 years, 9 months & 16 days ago
  8. You select Crysus to get into the portal and....
    3rd Sep 2009 09:42
    14 years, 9 months & 25 days ago
  9. 1k Questions (well, 987 xD)
    2nd Sep 2009 07:37
    14 years, 9 months & 26 days ago
  10. My Dream Pets / Pets given to me
    26th Aug 2009 14:08
    14 years, 10 months & 2 days ago
1k Questions (well, 987 xD)
14 years, 9 months & 26 days ago
2nd Sep 2009 07:37

1.] How much MP do you have now?
66k ... For now |D
2.] How much do you want?
3.] Are you a boy or a girl?
4.] How old are you?
Old enough.
5.] Do you like Mara?
6.] Who told you about it
Google magic, my friend 8)
7.] Do you have pets?
8.] Whats your favorite animal?
Dogs / Foxes / Cats / Pandas.. alot |D
9.] How many friends do you have?
10.] Who is your best friend on Mara?
11.] If you could pick one superpower, what would it be?
Invisible or Super-Speed
12.] Do you bump often?
13.] How many people do you think own a Mara account?
Not alot.
14.] Yes or no? You can trust people who lied for a good cause
Depends on the person... AND the "good" cause.
15.] Do you like school?
Only the Law classes
16.] Why did you join Mara?
I was /really/ bored... but I love this site 8D
17.] Have you donated anything?
18.] Where do you live?
In my house :l
19.] Are you in a relationship?
Yep x3
20.] Do you like pizza?
21.] Yes or no? Love is non-existent, it's all about intimacy.
/Hell/ no :l
22.] Which Forum do you visit most?
Restocking, Advertising, and Price Check
23.] Do you cry often?
24.] What's your favourite type of weather?
Cloudy with the sun peaking out after the rain
25.] Do you believe in online love?
26.] Are you in an online relationship?
Stalker :l
27.] Yes or no? The inflation on items is fair
28.] Do you own a house?
29.] What do you think of the war?
30.] Did you ever take a day off just to play Mara?
31.] Who's your favourite actor/actress?
32.] What are you looking forward to?
I can tell you what I'm not, /school/.
33.] What kind of music do you hate?
Rap, Country.. Alot.
34.] Are you a good or an evil person?
Very good x3
35.] Can you burp the alphabet?
Ew :c
36.] If not, would you like to? (If you can, post )
37.] What do you think of cvskatagirl?
38.] Yes or no? It's okay to be a nudist
I don't care, as long as they're not around me :l
39.] Would you identify with the statement: "Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die!"?
40.] What's your favourite donation item/Monthly collectible?
41.] Do you have that item?
42.] What is your character wearing?
43.] What do you fear most?
Losing the people I love.
44.] What's your favourite type of music?
Rock / Metal.. Little speedcore here and there.
45.] Do you like Comics?
I love Mangas :3
46.] Yes or no? You would beat someone to smithereens if s/he said bad things about you
47.] Where do you like to be?
Law School
48.] What's your favourite emotion?
Happy and Loving 8D
49.] Do you have a role model?
I have an Anime Idol 8)
50.] Do you believe in the supernatural?
No :l.
51.] Which sport(s) do you like most?
Badminton, Volleyball, Tennis, Tetherball, and Softball
52.] What's the first letter of your username?
53.] Do you have a Dream Avi?
Yeppers! Hobo 8)
54.] What would you do if you saw a dead (wo)man lying on the floor?
Be Traumatized.
55.] Would you laugh at somebody if s/he was made fun of?"
Depends if I hate that person 8)
56.] What are your hobbies?
Chatting and hanging out.
57.] What's your favourite movie?
Liar Liar
58.] Who's your favourite artist?
Alot.. I'd have to go with Bullet for my Valentine
59.] If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?
Less Paranoid.
60.] Which emoticon have you probably used most since you joined?
8D, 8), xD, =P, XP
61.] Yes or no? Fear is a weakness
62.] Have you entered one of the Arenas?
63.] What's your favourite game?
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Series.
64.] If you had to kill somebody, how would you do it?
By /not/ doing it 8)
65.] Did you seriously answer the question above?
Yeah, but wisey-like tongue.gif
66.] What's your favourite activity on Mara?
67.] Do you think the world is good as it is now?
Defiently not.
68.] What/who do you like to watch most?
69.] What's your darkest secret?
Why the /heck/ would I tell you that? It's dark after all ;P
70.] What's ur favurite genre?
71.] What are you looking for in a partner?
Already have one, and that is all you need to know 8)
72.] Yes or no? Compared to others, you act mature
By the people I know.. Yes.
73.] Who's your favourite person?
74.] What's the strangest thing you can do?
75.] Are you proud of that?
Yes cause that is me and me says HI 8)
76.] Have you ever bitten someone else?
Yeah, My brother cause he made me mad :l
77.] Can you remember your last dream?
I can remember the dream I had when I was 4 LOL
78.] What was it about? (If you can't remember, run around in circles panicing)
Something /really/ weird.
79.] As a child, what job did you want to have?
Vet and then everything from there was and still is, Law.
80.] If you could give away 1 billion dollars/euros/whatever, but couldn't give it to yourself, to who/what would you donate it?
Donate it to save America's economy 8l... and charity
81.] Do you practice any kind of self-defense sport?
Yes. Hapkido - Martial Arts.
82.] If so, what? If not, would you like to?
Look up.
83.] What's your favourite kind of flower?
Gonna have to be roses.
84.] Are you afraid of sharks?
85.] Can you play any kind of musical instrument?
86.] If so, what? If not, would you like to?
Look up.
87.] Are you introvert or extrovert?
In the middle.
88.] Do you have white teeth?
89.] Do you consider yourself to be polite?
90.] Ever pulled a prank on someone?
Tons of times.
91.] Would you want to do that (again)?
Heck ya!
92.] What colour is your skin?
93.] Do you think it's rude to fart/burp in public?
If they don't say excuse me.
94.] Did you ever yell at your teacher?
95.] Ever used rubber gloves?
96.] Do you prefer to wear tight or loose clothes?
97.] Ever wanted something badly but couldn't have it?
Yes ; _ ;
98.] What/who was it?
a Snake
99.] Which of the 7 deadly sins does probably correspond to you most?
100.] And which of the 7 virtues?
101.] Are you bored yet?
Im actually suprised im doing this
102.] Are you listening to music at the moment?
103.] Why are you taking this quiz?
104.] When you eat breakfast, it usually consists of...?
I barley eat breakfast.
105.] What do you think of vegetarians?
I see nothing wrong with them.
106.] Which country do you hate most?
Don't get me started.
107.] And which do you like most?
America, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, and Switzerland
108.] What are you really good at?
109.] Do you think others would be jealous of that?
Probably not.
110.] How many hours a day do you sleep?
111.] What's your shoe size?
112.] Is that normal to you?
I don't see why not.
113.] Yes or no? People are all the same, if you'd take away half of the Earth's population, no one would mind
114.] Ever been in a fight?
Too many times.
115.] How about one that involved combat?
116.] As a child, what was your favourite activity?
I can't quite remember. I guess Drawing.
117.] Do you work out?
A bit.
118.] What's your favourite colour?
Blue (tints of it), Green, Silver, and Camouflage
119.] Have you been honest with all the questions so far?
120.] Are you usually an honest person then?
121.] What's your dream job?
Becoming a Criminal Affairs Prosecution Attorney.
122.] What do you think of Oreos?
Love 'em.
123.] Yes or no? Death is inevitable, there is no afterlife or whatsoever
I don't know. Once your dead, your dead buddy.
124.] Do you like being in charge?
Depends on the situation.
125.] What's your favourite candy?
126.] If you could change into an animal, which animal would it be?
A Fox.
127.] Imagine, you're walking in a somewhat abandoned dark alley at night, suddenly you hear a maniac's laugh echoing through the alley, what do you do?
Laugh. Really. Really. Hard.
128.] Was the maniac you?
Could be LOL
129.] What time is it where you live?
9:32 Am
130.] When do you usually go to bed?
131.] Which of the following corresponds to you most? Gangster, emo, punk, gothic, jock, geek, other?
132.] Do you like my questions?
Yes 8D
133.] You lied didn't you?
No :l
134.] Did you have (or do you still have) a monster in your closet?
135.] Under your bed?
136.] What do you think of Halloween?
Love it
137.] What about Valentine's Day?
It's okay
138.] Yes or no? Celebrities are good role models
No. Druggies :l
139.] What's your favourite day of the week?
Thursday / Saturday
140.] If you could rule over one planet except this one, which would it be?
141.] What would you do if that planet was inhabited by freaky aliens?
142.] Do you like Mr. Yuck?
His face makes me lol
143.] What's your favourite emoticon?
144.] Do you have a signature?
145.] Do you like it?
I'm content about it
146.] Finish this :"Hell would freeze over if..."
Hell was even real.
147.] What's the longest word you know?
Supercalifragaliciousexpialadocious or however you spell it.
148.] Is your urge to bxmp rising?
149.] What would you do if I said you're free to bxmp all you want?
I /still/ don't know what you mean.
150.] What would you do if I lied and kicked you out instead?
Anger Mode, ACTIVATE!
151.] Don't worry, it's okay if you can't finish, will you finish?
152.] Ever went fishing at the Whirlpool?
No :l
153.] What's the most time-killing activity you've done so far?
154.] Did you pick this quiz as an answer to the previous question?
155.] Yes or no? Nature is more important than mankind"
Both are important.
156.] What's your favourite Disney movie?
Mulan / Lion King
157.] Character?
158.] Do you still watch Disney movies every now and then?
159.] What's your favourite tv-show?
160.] What is the most cruel thing you can think of?
Alot.. >8)
161.] Did it take you a long time to think of the answer of the previous question?
162.] Do you consider yourself to be a competitive person?
163.] Are you good at flirting?
Yes 8)
164.] Can you make a salto?
a what.
165.] Underwater?
Can't answer cause I have no idea what salto is.
166.] Out of the following, what do you like most? Snowboarding, surfing, skateboarding.
167.] Have you ever done any of the above?
Skateboarding for like, 2 seconds.
168.] What kind of hair do you have?
Long hair. Color: Brown Style: Straight
169.] Are you happy with it? Why (not)?
Yes x3
170.] What do you think of the word "yo" and "innit"
171.] Have you ever been grounded?
172.] Do you like flying in aeroplanes?
Never did.
173.] On a scale of 1 to 10, how good looking is the person most closely to you?
174.] Did you actually have to go and look who that person was?
175.] Ever been to a theme park?
176.] What do you think of theme parks?
They're awesome!
177.] Do you prefer cold or warmth?
178.] When was the last time you screamed?
Yesterday. I don't like bugs :c
179.] Light or darkness?
Dark with lights (like Tokoyo)
180.] Do you like causing pain to others?
Nope. Unless they REALLY hurt me or the people I love.
181.] Can you sing?
Not really.
182.] What do you think of programs like X-Factor?
183.] Which word do you use most?
Alot of words LOL
184.] Do you cuss often?
Yes :c but slowing down on it
185.] Would you push someone if s/he got in your way?
186.] What do you like most about Mara?
Restocking, Pets, and the Staff (They're nice!wink.gif
187.] What do you think they could change?
The Battledome so we can battle with other user's pets.
188.] Do you believe in ghost stories?
189.] What would you do if I said you're in one...?
Good for me
190.] Do you want children?
191.] Do you want to get married?
Yes x3
192.] Did you already get children and married?
No ._.
193.] Finish the following :"Love is..."
The best thing in the world.
194.] When was the last time you had to go to the bathroom?
The heck do you want to know ._.
195.] Was it during this quiz?
196.] Which of the three is your favourite thing about the war, battling or questing?
197.] Are you mostly inside or outside of your house?
Inside.. but thats because of the surgery on my leg xD
198.] Which problem bugs you most?
199.] To you, what is the most important aspect of a friend?
Always supporting me
200.] When's your birthday?
June 7th
201.] Do you smoke?
Nope, I'm smart.
202.] Think you'll ever finish this quiz?
203.] What shocks you most?
How hateful people really are. I hate religion :l Too many people believe in it lololol. It's the problem of the world.
204.] How tall are you?
5'3 :c
205.] Are you happy with that?
206.] Are you religious?
Don't. Get. Me. Started. I /hate/ religion.
207.] Do you think the world is better than it used to be?
Without Religion, the world would be so less hateful.
208.] What on Mara annoys you most?
209.] Which season corresponds most to how you currently feel?
210.] What's your favourite anime show?
Tsubasa Chronciles
211.] Who do you look upto?
212.] When and where was the last time you went on a holiday?
Can't remember.
213.] According to you, what's the best invention ever?
Computer and MP3 player.
214.] Remember the superpower question? What would you use that superpower for, good or evil?
215.] Ever felt like someone's watching you, even though there's no one there?
Once, yes.
216.] Have you ever won anything with the Fashion Show, Guess My Name/Birthday threads around here?
No I don't enter them.
217.] Do you like those game threads?
218.] If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
Fai. Even though Britt is okay.
219.] Do you have any tattoos?
NO >8C
220.] Piercings?
Yes. Earrings.
221.] Would you walk a thousand miles for someone you love?
I would /swim/ to them if I had to.
222.] What if that person doesn't love you back?
Still would.
223.] Have you ever stolen something?
ACCIDENTALY! a Jaw breaker.. I swear I thought sampling was allowed!
224.] Have you ever done something bad to impress someone?
225]If so, what was it?
226.] Yes or no? If life was a fairytale, you would lead a good life, after all, it would end it "And they lived happily ever after"
227.] How many posts do you usually post a day?
Depends on how I feel.
228.] Do you think you can ever finish this quiz within a day?
I could 8)
229.] What still scares you?
Check my fears up there.
230.] Are you a dog person or a cat person?
More of a dog person.
231.] Would you rather join a club or begin one of your own?
Begin one.
232.] What colour is your hair?
233.] Your eyes?
234.] Have I asked these questions before?
Yes :l
235.] Did anyone ever donate something to you here?
236.] If so, who? If not, who do you think should donate something to you?
No one.
237.] Do you prefer being alone or with people?
With people for sure.
238.] Yes or no? No matter how harsh the truth is, it should always be spoken
I believe in that highly.
239.] Is life fair?
240.] Would you kill a baby if you knew he would turn out the be the world's greatest threat?
Depends, was it gonna be the new Hitler? Jk
241.] Your dream house would be where?
242.] Can you pull up an arrogant face?
243.] Can you show me?
No >8C
244.] Does your avatar resemble you?
245.] Yes or no? The internet is the perfect place for deceit
It could be :c
246.] Do you like Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas?
When I was younger, yes.
247.] Till what age did you go Trick-or-Treating?
Up to when I was 12.
248.] If you had to pick on of the emoticons to put on your face for all eternity, which one would you choose?
If I did that then I wouldn't be able to talk :c
249.] What's your favourite food?
250.] Ice cream or milkshake?
Ice cream
251.] According to you, what's the best way to prevent pregnancy?
Don't have sex.
252.] How much longer do you reckon it'll take till you finish this quiz?
When it's done 8)
253.] How long do you think it took me to come up with all these questions?
254.] Will you be shocked if I said it was over 2 hours?
I don't see why I should
255.] If you were shocked, can I laugh at you for being shocked so easily?
Whatever you want.
256.] So do these questions bore you yet?
Nope 8)
257.] Do people often misunderstand you?
You would'nt believe.
258.] Finish the following :"I like..."
alot of stuff!
259.] By the way, did you have to eat anything so far?
I have yet to.
260.] Drink?
261.] Go to the bathroom?
Nope. Stop asking that :l
262.] If you answered all the questions above with yes, do you think this quiz is taking too long?
263.] What's your first thought if I said it's only 738 more questions?
OBJECTION! At the end there's only 987!.. Or around that!
264.] So were you born in a hospital?
Of course.
265.] Are you afraid of the dentist?
A little :c
266.] Ever made someone else cry?
267.] Would you rather swim with pirahnas or crocodiles?
268.] Ever had (or still have) a brace?
Going to.
269.] What do you think of people who wear glasses?
I wear glasses :l
270.] Undies with their name on them?
I'd lol.
271.] What's the dumbest thing you ever heard someone say?
"Religion isn't hateful"
272.] Apart from yourself, ever made fun of someone?
273.] Would you do so for gold or as a good deed?
274.] If someone came up to you saying "You're next" after beating someone up, what would you do?
Knock his teeth in :l, Break his feet.
275.] Was the person who said it to you... you in a reflection?
I know the difference.
276.] Ever blackmailed someone?
When I was like, 10 :l But no more
277.] What do you think of the Police?
My future law buddies!
278.] From the moment you joined Mara, did you want to spend time on it everyday?
Yes |D
279.] What is your favourite question so far?
Dunno too tired.
280.] Do you hate me yet?
Why would I? xD
281.] Do you think I want you to hate me?
No ._______.
282.] I don't... did you answer the previous question correctly?
Yes 8D
283.] Do you like America's Funniest Home Videos?
284.] How good are you at lying?
285.] Ever cheated on someone?
286.] Ever made someone jealous for fun?
287.] What's the worst 'crime' you ever commited?
Punching this person who fought with me in school
288.] Have you ever been arrested?
Nope. I respect the law.
289.] Would you rather eat a This word is blockedroach or fish eyes?
A what.
290.] Did you ever throw up?
Yes. What kind of question was that? :l
291.] Was it on someone else?
No O_____o
292.] Do you have a favourite artist on Mara?
293.] What do you think of the people who have characters that wear practically nothing?
Don???t care.
294.] Friendship or family?
295.] Yes or no? Inner beauty is more important than outer beauty
If you mean personality, then yes.
296.] Would you reject a potential lover if s/he had the perfect appearance but a rotten personality?
Yes. Looks ain't everythin'.
297.] Ever had a blind date?
298.] Do you want to have one (again)?
299.] What do you think of... people who rap?
They're dirty little loons :l
300.] People who sing?
They sing.
301.] People who punch people who rap and sing?
302.] Could that person be you?
303.] Did you ever... see a llama?
Not RL
304.] Kiss a llama?
Are you feeling alright?
305.] On the llama?
306.] Did I bring up a memory of yours with the previous 3 questions?
307.] What is your law?
308.] Did anyone ever broke that law?
Too many.
309.] Did you ever pretend to be someone you're not?
When I was younger, yes.
310.] Can you drive?
Not yet.
311.] What would you like to do atleast once in your life?
Go to Japan
312.] Imagine... you're falling from a height of 10000 feet, what would you do in the time you were falling?
Pass out O_O
313.] Would you want to fall from a height of 10000 feet
No O_O
314.] What do you think of ninjas?
They're Awesome!
315.] What's your favourite martial art?
316.] Ever seen a school play?
317.] Ever been in a school play?
I don't remember.
318.] Medium or well-done?
Medium rare.
319.] Can you remember the last time you ate a cookie?
An hour ago.
320.] Was it today?
321.] What's your sexual orientation?
It's unique (Only one person knows what I mean)
322.] Happy with it?
Love it
323.] Did you modify your profile since you got here?
324.] What's on your Wishlist?
Hobo chibs potion
325.] Do you like to dance?
326.] Would you humiliate yourself to win someone's love?
Don't need to ;P
327.] Are you a confident person then?
328.] Blizzard or thunderstorm?
329.] Hurricane or earthquake?
Whichever doesn't kill me.
330.] Tidal wave or eruption?
331.] Can you think of any other disasters?
Typhoons, Cyclones annnndddd Tsunamis..also Tornadeos
332.] Have you ever witnessed one?
333.] Can you still feel your fingers?
334.] Did you know you've answered over 1/3rd of the questions so far?
So I'm almost HALFWAY THERE HALFWAY THERE -spongebob-
335.] I'm proud of you, does that mean anything to you?
If you were my friend :c
336.] How many posts have you posted since you joined?
337.] What's your number of 'Posts per day'?
Mostly none.
338.] Are you an active Mara member?
339.] What do you think of the Fox Ears?
Do you mean like Nekos?
340.] Do you know what kawai means?
Yes *Kawaii
341.] Konnichiwa?
342.] Voulez vous couchez avec moi?
343.] Blasted ruffians! ?
I lol'd.
344.] Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?
It's not a real word.
345.] Wentelteefje?
Not a real word.
346.] What languages do you think were used in the previous 6 questions?
Japanese, French, Jibberish.
347.] What do you think of 50 Cent?
Hate him.
348.] Panic at the Disco?
Like 'em
349.] The Teletubbies?
350.] How much more do you think you can take?
Untill I pass out
351.] Do you know Freddy Krueger?
352.] What's your general impression of horror movies?
They're entertaining.
353.] Do you like to scare others?
354.] How about teasing others?
In a playful way, yes.
355.] When was the last time you got angry with someone?
A few hours ago.
356.] Was it about something important?
No. More like something stupid.
357.] Can you pull up a pokerface?
358.] Yes or no? Most people are egocentric, that's why there's such a gap between the rich and the poor
359.] How good of a kisser do you consider yourself to be?
360.] Do you have any prized possesions?
361.] Would you kill someone if they'd try to take one of those away?
362.] Did you earn a nice amount of MP so far?
Yes, I'm a restock-a-holic
363.] Do you think I should make more than 1000 questions?
If you have the time
364.] What's the best question so far?
You asked that already.
365.] What's the worst job you can imagine?
Cleaning up a dog's "remains"
366.] If you see a real heart, do you think of love?
367.] If you see a deer, do you think of Christmas?
I think of dinner for my family ;P Lmao
368.] If you see yourself, do you think of yourself?
369.] Have you ever been on tv?
370.] Would you like to be famous?
371.] How about being famous by committing the worst crime in human history?
372.] Do you think fame is all about glitter and glamour after the previous question?
Not really.
373.] Is there a tv in your eye of sight?
374.] Do you have a big room?
It's O.K sized.
375.] Would you join the army for the rest of your life, to bring a deceased loved one back for one more day?
Yes, if the deceased one was my lover.
376.] What's pain to you?
When I lose / fight with a friend.
377.] What could make you run around in circles panicing?
378.] Thanksgiving... What are you grateful for?
Being born without a disease.
379.] Donuts or pie?
380.] Cheesecake or Strawberry shortcake?
Ew none.
381.] Sun or the moon?
Moon <3
382.] Sound or silence?
383.] Joy or grief?
384.] Is there anyone in your live you'll never forget?
385.] Is that person still alive?
Yes x3
386.] Can you write in L33T language?
387.] cn u red wot m sain?
388.] Can you talk like you're illiterate?
I can, but I don't want to 8)
389.] Are you proud of the answer you gave to the question above?
390.] Imagine... You wake up, but your behind is still 'asleep', does the thought of something happening to you while you were asleep cross your mind?
391.] What's your favourite Marapet?
392.] Did you know I might give you something if you choose me?
393.] What's more romantic to you, chocolate or strawberries?
Roses and huggles <3
394.] Would you say sorry even if you knew you were right?
Most of the time
395.] Are you a proud person then?
396.] Are you hungry?
397.] Thirsty?
a bit
398.] Well I am, do you think I should take a break?
If you want to.
399.] Are you a kind person then?
Yes 8D
400.] What do you think of the idea that there are hundreds of thousand of billions of microscopic little creatures running over your body right now?
I don't care. As long as I can't see them.
401.] Do you think I'm mad?
402.] Do you think you're mad?
403.] Yes or no? Normal doesn't exist
404.] Do you read comics?
405.] Collect them?
406.] Cosplay others...?
Going to. As Fai Flourite
407.] Yes or no? With internet around, there's no more need for the newspaper
408.] Do you think being a millionaire is great?
No. Cause then people would be snobby :c
409.] Do you have long nails?
410.] When was the last time you had a shower?
a few hours ago
411.] A bath?
I take showers more than baths.
412.] When you laugh,are other people scared of you?
They just laugh with me
413.] Do you look a lot like your parents?
A bit.
414.] What's your favourite snack?
415.] On a scale from 1 to 10, how badly do you believe in Santa Claus?
416.] Ever felt like screaming your heart out?
417.] If so, did it work?
Yeah, sorta.
418.] Do you think there's someone out there who can afford 10 Whirlpool Maps [Full] and 10 750 Dukka Coins?
The admins.
419.] Would you like to be that person?
Would be cool.
420.] Does your character have an AU items equipped right now?
421.] Do you think characters can only be good when they're equipped with AU items?
422.] Do you randomly add people as your friends you don't even know?
423.] Would you place chess on a Tuesday morning at 6:55AM with the lights off, even if your grandmother is drinking warm lemonade?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what.
424.] Do you think it's okay to MM someone asking for donations?\
Yes. It's just asking. Not /commanding/
425.] Do you like water?
426.] How about a whirlpool?
They're pretty look at.
427.] Are you more of a hero or a villain?
Hero to a few.
428.] Did you ever scare yourself?
Too many times.
429.] Are your parents married or divorced?
430.] For how long?
431.] Did you ever say "I love you" to someone and actually meant it?
432.] Have you ever said "I love you" to someone and didn't mean it?
433.] What would you like to be good at?
Being a lawyer when im older.
434.] Imagine, you found a lamp, what would you do?
Turn it on.
435.] The lamp turns out to be magical! Will you rub it?
436.] The genie of the lamp appears even before you made up your mind about the previous question. What's your first wish?
People to stop hating on from out of s
437.] Your second?
Religion to be /PRIVATE/ completly.
438.] Your third?
Number 1 and 2 to become true.
439.] Did you wish for more wishes?
440.] Too bad, genies don't exist, do you hate me now?
441] Did you actually think the wishes would come true?
It could.
442.] Just out of curiosity, how much MP do you have now?
443.] Did you earn a lot of MP thanks to this quiz?
The day that happends.
444.] Are you happy with that amount?
I can go for a bit more.
445.] How many times did you take a break from this quiz?
446.] Did you know that if you finished this quiz, you'll end up in the Hall of Fame?
447.] Do you think I should give you a prize for completion?
448.] Isn't earning all that money enough?
449.] Did anyone ask you any of these questions before?
450.] Do you want the questions to stop?
451.] Have you ever seen lightning?
452.] A woman with a beard?
453.] A pixie?
Not real :l
454.] Two pixies?!
Look up.
455.] Did you seriously answer the questions above so far?
You tell me 8)
456.] How much time have you spend on this quiz so far?
Half an hour.
457.] Do you think my questions are boring?
No cause Im still going 8)
458.] Do you say that just to make me feel good?
459.] You're so kind... Do you think I should give you something for that?
Nope 8)
460.] But that's just your thought, I don't think I should/shouldn't, right?
You shouldn't xD
461.] Are you greedy by the way?
462.] Lazy?
Sometimes |D
463.] Always hungry?
464.] Are you a trouble-maker?
465.] Are you a nice person?
All the time!
466.] Will you be my friend?
If your nice, then yes! x3
467.] Will you be his friend? *points*
Is he nice? :c
468.] Do you know who I meant?
469.] It's a mafia boss! You shouldn't be his friend, right?
470.] Do you think I'll get kidnapped for pointing at him
Racist :l
471.] Do you want me to get kidnapped for pointing at him?
Yes :l
472.] Are you a slave to someone?
473.] Have you ever done something you didn't want to?
474.] What do you think of the games of Mara?
475.] Is Undead Billards good?
476.] Murfin Chase?
477.] Item Collector?
478.] Newth Box?
Haven't played it
479.] Black Jack?
480.] Why are you here and not playing those games?
Cause im doing this
481.] You've made it till question 481, I'm so proud of you, did you know that?
I do now 8)
482.] Do you know when Mara's Birthday is?
483.] Can you tell me when?
484.] Do you know how long I have been member?
485.] Did you look it up?
Dunno who you are
486.] Yes or no? Other people consider you to be arrogant
487.] Finish the following line :"Without Mara I'd..."
BE ON The chickens have escapedS ;_;
488.] Left or right?\
489.] Babies or teenagers?
490.] Prince or princess?
491.] Gold or silver?
492.] Computer or laptop?
493.] Legal or illegal?
494.] Friend or foe?
495.] This or that?
496.] Stop these questions or don't stop these questions?
497.] I stopped them anyway, how are you feeling?
498.] Do you get tired of my questions?
499.] Do you want to quit?
500.] I've made up 500 questions now, how do you think I'm feeling?
Idk but im happy HALF A THOUSAND DONE 8D
501.] Yes or no? I should take this quiz myself to feel your pain
Go tongue.gif
502.] I'm going to, did you know that?
Now I do!
503.] Did I surprise you?
504.] Do your fingers hurt yet?
505.] How evil can you laugh?
Badly :c
506.] Did you try it out just to answer the previous question?
Yes :c
507.] Did you ever get hypnotized?
No :l
508.] Do you want to (again)?
509.] What's the strangest thing you know?
510.] What's the most romantic thing anyone ever said to you?
That they want me / love me x3
511.] What do you think of Domo the icon in my signature?
Don't see it
512.] Can you imitate others?
513.] Do you like pirates?
514.] Vikings?
515.] Asterix and Obelix?
516.] Can you tell me who Asterix and Obelix are?
Dunno :c
517.] Who's your favourite superhero?
518.] Do you believe there are people who are a superhero?
I wish :c
519.] Is your inbox too small?
520.] Are you social or antisocial?
521.] Did you ever go against the will of your parents?
522.] What's your favourite mythic creature?
Dragons / Cebrus
523.] What do you think of your profile?
It's okay
524.] Do you want me to leave a comment?
Yes 8D
525.] If people want to wake you up in the middle of the night, what would they have to use?
Nothing. I'm like a rock |D
526.] If you had to wake someone else up in the middle of the night, what would you use?
527.] Which Forum do you like the least?
General Chat.
528.] Have you posted on all the forums?
529.] Apart from the Word Games, which Forum do you visit mostly?
Never visted it
530.] Is there any emoticon you've never used before?
531.] Just how new are you to Mara?
532.] Could you pick a number between 1 to 10 please?
533.] Do you still remember it?
534.] Can you remember it till question 550?
535.] What's worse to you, dying or being old and alone?
Being old and alone.
536.] Which country would you like to visit?
Australia / Italy / New Zealand
537.] What's your favourite piece of furniture?
538.] Your room, what does it look like?
A room?
539.] Are there any things lying on the ground?
My Computer
540.] Do you still remember your number?
Yep, It's 7!
541.] You see a spider's web in the corner of the room, what do you do?
542.] When you look more closely, the spider's web turns out to be made of a billion MP, would you steal that poor spider's web?
543.] The spider notices you glancing at HIS precious web and attacks! How big is the spider?
BIG ;_;
544.] Are you scared?
YES ;_;
545.] Are you afraid of clowns?
546.] Imagine, you and a friend of the opposite gender hand in the exact same essay, the teacher doesn't notice. One of you gets an A+ the other a B-. Would you tell the teacher that you handed in the same homework?
Teacher's fault for marking it wrong.
547.] For what would you kill?
548.] Did you ever amaze yourself?
549.] Do you still remember your number?
550.] Your number, was it carrot?
Nopers, it was 7!
551.] Still enjoying the quiz so far?
552.] Did you know you finished more than half of it?
Yes x3
553.] I'm proud of you, but you already knew that, right?
554.] By the way, are you punctual?
555.] Rebellious?
556.] Scary?
557.] Could you sum yourself up in one word?
558.] You didn't answer "myself" in the previous question did you?
You tell me x3
559.] Do you have any idea what you're gonna do after this quiz?
560.] Did you ever betray someone?
No but I got betrayed before
561.] Would you ever do it (again) to become rich and wealthy?
562.] Yes or no? Justice is fair
I AM Justice 8> ... Yes.
563.] What's your favourite song?
Alot. But umm End of Days - Bullet For my Valentine
564.] Why did you pick that one?
Cause you asked me to pick a favorite song 8)
565.] What do you think of the Amish?
Sounds Middle East :l
566.] Would you like to be one?
567.] Who is the last person who was being unfair to you?
568.] What do you think of Mickey Mouse?
Used to like 'em
569.] Goofy?
570.] Donald?
The chickens have escapeded off
571.] Sora?
572.] Do you know who I meant with Sora?
Yep, Kingdom Hearts 8D
573.] So do you have Kingdom Hearts?
Yep, love it!
574.] Which games do you have?
Phoenix Wright, Star Fox, DotHack, alot.
575.] What do you think of girls who game?
Im one myself, it's normal x3
576.] What do you think of boys who wax?
577.] Did the previous two questions confuse you?
578.] Are you bored yet?
579.] Are you going to finish this quiz?
580.] I bet you won't make it, do you think this is a challenge?
581.] Do you think I should motivate people to finish this quiz by turning my bacon into a prize?
582.] Well it IS my favorite minipet, do you think you all should get one?
No :l
583.] Doogle?
584.] Chubley?
585.] Fynx?
586.] Demi?
587.] Do you think you can finish the list of 'pets'?
588.] You see a friend getting beaten up, what would you do?
Knock the person's teeth in
589.] Was it you who beat him up?
590.] Just wondering, but do you have a dark side?
591.] How about your light side then?
Of course!
592.] So... two you's or not?
Nope, just sides. Blame Hysteria :l
593.] Is the world ready for two you's?
No |D
594.] By the way, what did you eat since you started this quiz?
Beef Ramen
595.] Did you got to the bathroom at all?
596.] Are these questions too personal?
Not really.
597.] Have you answered them all honestly so far by the way?
598.] Do you think anyone will actually read all your answers?
If they're a trooper |D
599.] What's something people will remember you of?
600.] Where do you shave?
Okay /that's/ personal :l
601.] ... Please, will you never answer THAT specific again?
I didnt :l
602.] Wow, just 399 more questions, does this ease your mind?
603.] What are you thinking of right now?
Hm? What'd ya say? -daydreaming- |D
604.] How much time a day do you spend watching tv?
2 or less.
605.] On the computer?
Alot :c
606.] Outside?
Depends on the weather
607.] Are you happy with that?
608.] How much gold have you earned with this quiz so far?
609.] What are you going to use it for?
610.] So are you on a quest then?
611.] Do you think some items are overpriced?
Of course.
612.] Do you own a shop?\
Yep! Ultimate Discount Shop!
613.] How much did you earn with that so far?
I increased my patienced 8)

WILL FINISH LATER! Everything below was by /SOMEONEELSE/

614.] What do you value most?
My life, friends and family.
615.] What do you want out of life?
Great career and a family of my own one day-
616.] What frightens you the least?
617.] Are you literate?
As much as I can.
618.] Ever made someone laugh?
619.] Are you muscular?
620.] What do you think of muscular women?
Not beautiful.
621.] What did you ask Santa to give you?
A scanner.
622.] Do you think he'll give you that?
Christmas is over and I didn???t get it.
623.] What are your wearing at the moment?
624.] What would you like to wear?
625.] Blindness or deafness?
626.] Hands or feet?
627.] Penguins or rhinos?
628.] Up or down?
629.] Evil or twisted?
630.] Would you like to be immortal and never age?
Maybe for a while.
631.] Yes or no? Women fear death, that is why they keep trying to make themselves look young
632.] Yes or no? Men can only focus on one thing at the same time
633.] Who's your favourite character?
Don???t have one
634.] Is s/he from a book, video game or something else (what)?

635.] Would you like to be like him/her

636.] Why do you like him/her?

637.] Can you look angry?
638.] If so, did you practice or is it all natural? If not, do you want to?
639.] Do people think you're cute?
Some do.
640.] Ever drank beer?
Yeah, tried it.
641.] How about wine?
Once again, tried it.
642.] What's your opinion about alcohol?
Some taste good, some don???t. And in a reasonable amount it???s okay.
643.] Did you discover any grammar mistakes in my questions so far?
I can???t remember any.
644.] Do you like my questions?
645.] Would you give this topic a thumb up?
Since I???m bored, yeah.
646.] Do you have a jb?
647.] Imagine, you discover an old painting of a rather ugly woman, what would you do?
Sell the painting.
648.] Later in the news, there's been reported that a painting is worth 1 billion! They show a picture of it, it turns out to be the old painting! What would you do?
I already sold it.
649.] With or without your help the painting ends up in a museum, when you go to visit it, you have a good look at it again. You hear a voice and the woman's lips on the painting moved! What would you do?
Be shocked.
650.] Do you ever feel like life is just too hard?
Yeah. Who doesn???t?
651.] Who was the last person you saw?
My mom.
652.] How old is that person?
653.] Are you attracted to that person?
654.] Does the person have rabies?
655.] Yes or no? It's better to hurt someone than to get hurt yourself
Yes, sadly.
656.] Is there a thread you think everyone MUST see? (yes this means you can advertise, but just this once)
657.] According to you, what's a fitting reward to those who finish the quest?
658.] Do you like playing hide and seek?
659.] How about basketball?
660.] Have you ever RPed?
661.] Have you ever written a song?
I???ve tried, I sucked.
662.] Which animal matches your personality?
Don???t know.
663.] And your looks?
Don???t know
664.] Do you like those animals?

665.] What do you think of Brad Pitt?
Me and my friends have an inside joke about him.
666.] Do you think there's something wrong with the number 666?
667.] What do you think of Angelina Jolie?
She???s beautiful, but in a weird way.
668.] Is there anyone you look up to? If so, who?
669.] What's the first thing that comes in mind when you read this word : Butterfly?
670.] Casanova?
671.] Lick?
672.] Rose?
673.] Menstrual disturbance?
674.] Force?
Do you feel the Force?
675.] Tornado?
676.] RAWR! ?
677.] So how do you like the quiz so far?
678.] Did you know you already passed 2/3rd of it?
679.] Are you proud of yourself?
A bit.
680.] Do you like carrots?
681.] Is there any particular person who has big long ears?
682.] Do you know something white?
683.] Is it fluffy?
684.] Who do you think of when I say "Eh... What's up doc?"
Bugs Bunny and Omnomnom
685.] Did you like the five previous questions?
686.] Are you bored yet?
Yeah, still bored.
687.] Do your fingers hurt?
688.] Do you want me to stop asking questions?
689.] How much MP do you reckon you've earned so far?
690.] Do you want more?
691.] Are you greedy?
692.] What do you like most about yourself?
My singing voice.
693.] Would you date someone for money?
694.] What do you think of blind dates?
Haven???t been on one, so don???t really know.
695.] Are you a talkative person?
696.] What's the most cruel thing you've done during this quiz?
Took my dog outside for a small walk.
697.] Do you have any scars?
698.] Burn or freeze?
699.] All or nothing?
700.] Yes or no?
701.] Do you think humans should have long(er) tails?
702.] Which of your fingers is your favourite?
703.] Is that finger hurt of all the typing?
704.] Do you have ever made a long topic?
Don???t remember.
705.] What the item of highest value you own?
I think it???s the New Female cert.
706.] Is that your favourite item as well?
707.] What kind of side did you choose for the war?
708.] Do you think Mara will get better with a Battle System?
709.] Do you use hair gel?
710.] Stuff to clean your skin?
711.] Make-up?
A bit, chapstick and mascara sometimes.
712.] If you got 100 billion Marapets, would you share/donate some?
713.] What if it was real cash?
714.] Yes or no? You get what you give
715.] Have you ever licked someone's eyeball?
716.] Given someone a love bite?
717.] Is there anyone you'd like to kiss?
718.] Do you have frizzy hair?
719.] Do you want your hair to be an other colour?
A bit
720.] Would you ever wear what your avi is wearing right now?
Nope xD
721.] What time is it now?
722.] How much time have you spend on this quiz so far?
Around an hour and 45 minutes
723.] How much time do you think I spend making up these questions?
A long time.
724.] Are you a compassionate person?
A bit.
725.] Could you massage my fingers please? They hurt...
726.] Say, have you ever massaged someone else?
727.] How about singing for them?
Ohyes xD
728.] Are you an artistic person?
Not really
729.] Are you right or left handed?
730.] Do you prefer writing with pen or pencil?
731.] Do you like to write?
By hand not really.
732.] Which of your hobbies would you like to turn into a job?
Music, singing
733.] Do you think you'll get rich with it?
Maybe, if I???m lucky
734.] Ever lost your keys?
Nope : D
735.] Would you be frustrated if it happened (again)?
A bit.
736.] Are you easily frustrated?
737.] Do you have a lot of shoes?
Yes xD
738.] How many would you like to have?
739.] Finish the following :"I can't..."
believe I???m still doping this quiz
740.] Are you a towns person?
741.] Do you like to party?
742.] Have you ever been jealous at someone?
743.] What's your least favourite emotion?
744.] What's your favourite number?
745.] What's your favourite thing you dislike?
746.] Did the previous question confuse you?
747.] Are you hungry?
Not really, currently eating a yoghourt.
748.] Would you kill someone for food if you were?
Depending on how hungry I am.
749.] Do you think anyone could finish this quiz without going to the bathroom or having any kind of break at all?
750.] Do you believe me if I said you could?
751.] Yes or no? Words alone can't really hurt you
751.] Are you happy you've finished over 3/4th of the quiz now?
752.] Ever witnessed an accident?
753.] Do you believe in aliens?
754.] What would you do if your best friend said he saw a UFO?
I???d ask for more details
755.] Do you like looking up at the stars?
756.] Imagine, you're looking up to the sky at night, you see a red dot that keeps getting bigger and bigger, what do you do?
Run inside screaming.
757.] Suddenly you hear the sound of an alarm, warning everyone in town, would you panic?
758.] It turns out to be a false alarm, do you believe it?
759.] However, when you look at the red dot, it's still coming your way, a second after it reaches you and goes straight to a part of your body. Somehow, this quiz allows you to select what part of your body. Which would you choose?
What? o_o
760.] Are you an uncle/aunt?
761.] Would you like to be?
Not really.
762.] How many brothers and sisters do you have anyway?
763.] Do you think having brothers and sisters is annoying?
Don???t know
764.] Would you panic if you saw 10 people who look exactly the same?
Yeah o_o
765.] Would you like to experience weightlessness?
766.] Do you like the questions so far?
They???re getting boring.
767.] Why are you still here?
Because I???m bored xD
768.] What does the season of Spring mean to you?
769.] Summer?
Sun bathing
770.] Autumn?
771.] Winter?
772.] Are you looking forward to your birthday?
773.] Do you like decorating the Christmas Tree?
774.] Has anyone ever mistaken you for someone else?
Yes xD
775.] Have you ever mistaken anyone for someone else?
776.] Would you like to roar for me?
777.] What's your lucky number?
778.] Do you like Dragonball?
779.] What about Final Fantasy?
780.] Are you looking forward to a game release?
Yeah, a bit.
781.] If so, which one(s)? If not... say Arrrr!
The Sims3
782.] Do you hate someone?
Not really hate, but really really dislike.
783.] Do you reckon you can come up with 1 million questions?
784.] What does the word pain mean to you?
785.] Have you ever moved?
786.] Would you like to (again)?
Not really.
787.] Do you change clothes more than once a day?
Sometimes xD
788.] Do you clean your own room?
789.] Are you afraid to clean your own room?
790.] What kind of bed do you have?
A small bed
791.] Do you like oranges?
792.] What word do you use most?
793.] And what letter?
Don???t know
794.] And what symbol?
None, or maybe the heart
795.] Do you have hair on your toes?
No o_o
796.] Do you wax?
Why do you want to know?
797.] What do you think of people who wax?
They???re normal people?
798.] Yes or no? Fast food is worse than not moving a lot
799.] Did you ever fake a feel-bad?
800.] How about pretending to be sick?
801.] Finish the following :"Children are..."
growing up faster and faster.
802.] Do you think of the future often?
803.] Do you think someone who sneezes is dirty?
804.] Have you ever been in a situation where you did things you never knew you could?
805.] What's your favourite band?
Don???t know
806.] Motorcycle or car?
807.] Did you ever faint?
808.] What's the stupidest song you've ever heard?
Can???t remember any atm
809.] How old is the oldest person you know?
Around 88 or so.
810.] Did you ever have to pee so bad but had no where to pee?
Yes ._.
811.] What would you do if you were in that situation (again)?
Hold it in until I find a toilet?
812.] Ever ate squid?
813.] Oysters?
814.] Dog food?
815.] Do you like any of the above?
816.] What's the most disgusting type of food you can think of?
Snails and sushi
817.] Did you ever see an animal do something weird?
818.] If so, what was it? If not, would you like to?
Yeah, maybe.
819.] Did you ever walk right into a door?
820.] Would you laugh if you did it (again)?
Yeah xD
821.] Do you use the word "Whatever" often?
822.] How long can you run in one go?
A round a few hundered metres. I HAVE HEALTH ISSUES, OKAY?
823.] Did you ever break something?
824.] If so, was it part of you? If not, can you imagine being such a goody-goody like you?
Yeah, I can imagine.
825.] Do you like the hospital?
826.] How about needles?
827.] Do you think you would do a better job as a politician than most politicians around?
828.] Do you thinks things through before you act?
829.] Imagine, you were alone, upstairs in your house. It's night, suddenly, you hear a scratching sound, as if it was scratching a blackboard. What would you do?
Be really really scared.
830.] Shortly after you hear someone walking up the stairs quite aggressively, would you go out there to face him/her or hide?
831.] The sounds are suddenly gone and it's been silent for 5 minutes now, how would you feel?
832.] An unexplainable strong feeling simply wants you to go downstairs... When you enter the door of the living room you hear one word echoing through the room... SURPRISE! How do you react?
Don???t know.
833.] Are you physically stronger than you are mentally?
834.] Do you lose your concentration easily?
835.] Did you ever play a mind game on someone to entertain yourself?
836.] If you had a tail, would you chase it?
Only if really bored.
837.] Do you have any item of your family that's been passed on for generations?
Not that I know of.
838.] Do you think you'd be a good teacher?
839.] Are you good with children?
840.] If you had the power to change one thing in the world, what would it be?
World peace
841.] Do you think the answer of the previous question was noble of you?
Yeah xD
842.] Are you tired of my quiz yet?
843.] Bored?
yeah, still bored.
844.] Still you stay, why?
Because I???m bored and have nothing better to do.
845.] Are you happy with the amount of gold you earned?
846.] Are you easily satisfied?
847.] Do you think you'll finish this quiz?
848.] Have you ever been to a wedding?
849.] Do you think you know someone you'd like to get married to?
850.] If you could manipulate one of the following elements, which would it be? Fire, Earth, Water, Air
851.] Do you believe in people who can read minds, contact ghosts or any of that sort?
A bit
852.] Could you tell me a riddle?
853.] How about a joke?
854.] Tea or coffee?
855.] Life or death?
856.] Disaster or tragedy?
857.] Punch or kick?
858.] Emo or gangster?
859.] Do you wash your own laundry?
860.] To you, what/who's the cutest thing in the world?
My crush.
861.] And what/who's the least cutest?
A girl I know.
862.] Do you like laughing?
863.] Yes or no? Crying makes you look weak and vulnerable
864.] Do you often find yourself underestimating others?
865.] Do you think items on the Marketplace are being sold for a fair price?
866.] Did you ever sell an item for an unfair price?
Yeah ._.
867.] Finish the following :"Anger is..."
an emotikon.
868.] Imagine, you heard a big bang while you were innocently reading this question, would you go check out what it was?
869.] Regardless of whether you looked or not, the person closest to you claims it to have come from inside the house, what do you think it was?
Something fell.
870.] It turns out that some blasted ruffian entered your house and lit his own explosive fart. Would you beat him up for this 'crime'?
871.] Did you yawn during my quiz?
872.] If you did, it won't make me sad, but you knew that right?
873.] It..really.. won't *sniff* make me sad *sniff sniff* (would you cheer me up if you saw me like this?)
874.] How many push ups can you do in a row?
Maybe 10 most.
875.] Did you go actually go and try out how many push ups you can do in a row to answer the question above?
876.] Did you answer all questions honestly so far?
877.] Do you like 'em?
They???re okay
878.] Did you get to meet new people in your quiz-answering-ness?
879.] Did you ever stumble across a Random Event since you joined?
880.] How about a random Cracker?
Random cracker? o_o
881.] Should you find a Cracker. Would you open, sell, give away or just let it rot away in your inventory?
882.] When was the last time you got physically hurt?
Can???t remember.
883.] Were you yourself the cause of it?
884.] Are you embarrassed if you hurt yourself, even though no one sees it?
885.] Would you cuss if you hurt yourself?
886.] Do you like The Simpsons?
887.] How about Family Guy?
888.] Would you ever skip school to be with your lover?
889.] Who would you want to be for one day?
A girl in my school
890.] Are you easily relaxed?
891.] Do you believe in an eye for an eye?
A bit
892.] How high can you jump?
Don???t know, hhaven???t measured
893.] Do you have a credit card?
894.] You have to take care of your own lunch, what's in it?
895.] Do you eat healthy?
Not really.
896.] What do you think of De-ja vou?
It???s real, I???ve felt it a few times more seriously.
897.] What about star signs?
898.] Reincarnation?
Not really
899.] If you could master any kind of thing, what would it be?
Hand bells xD
900.] If there's an insect buzzing in your house, would you kill it?
901.] What everyday activity is really annoying to you?
Taking my dog out for a walk.
902.] Just 99 more questions, how do you feel?
903.] If all people's inner beauty would become their appearance, do you think there will be a lot of ugly people?
904.] How about you, do you think you'll be prettier or uglier?
905.] How much does the outfit your wearing right now cost?
Umm, I don???t know.
906.] Yes or no? The more expensive clothes, the better they are
Not always.
907.] Did any of the questions offend you?
908.] If they did, you DO know I'm sorry, right?
909.] Did you ever have a day where everything seemed to be going wrong?
Ohyes ._.
910.] Would you rather have a son or a daughter?
911.] Did you ever have to call 911?
912.] Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?
913.] What was your last Halloween outfit?
Don???t celebrate Halloween
914.] Imagine you're a famous singer, would you have weird demands like your hotel room being all white, and bringing your own toilet seat?
No xD
915.] On one of your shows, a fan of yours faints right in front of you, would you continue your performance or stop to help him/her?
916.] Do you think your personality will drastically change if you went from normal to celebrity?
Maybe, don???t know.
917.] So in general, would you like being famous?
918.] Black or white?
919.] Knocking your head or knocking my head?
920.] Pee or poo?
921.] Bite or nibble?
922.] Meow or RAWR! ?
923.] Did any of the questions confuse you so far?
924.] Did any of them make you laugh?
not really
925.] Can you stay calm in a stressful situation?
926.] Do you like going out at night?
927.] Did you ever go to a party uninvited?
928.] Do you know why it's important to arrive at a party late? If so, why?
929.] It's because you're new and interesting, was that the answer you gave?
930.] What's your favourite Disney movie?
Didn???t answer that already?
931.] How old were you when you first watched it?
Around 9-10
932.] Do you still watch it?
Sadly no
933.] Can you still sing along to its songs?
One of them
934.] How many languages can you speak?
2 and a half. That half is Russian, which is still kinda new to me and hard.
935.] Which languages would you like to speak?
Italian or French maybe
936.] By the way... do you still feel your fingers?
937.] Do you have any idea what the following question might be?
938.] Ever ate camel?
939.] Did you peek when you read question 937?
940.] If you were in a competition with your friend and you threaten to defeat him/her, would you hold back just to let him/her win?
941.] What could be the source of everlasting youth according to you?
942.] Could you think of a nice question?
Probably not
943.] Can you answer it?
944.] Do you like your own question?
945.] Are you going to try and make a thread like this one?
946.] Do you want me to stop?
947.] Are you crying?
948.] Your fingers hurt don't they?
949.] Do you think I'm laughing evilly right now?
950.] I already was the moment you joined this quiz! Are you shocked?
Not really
951.] Do you think I'm crazy?
Probably, or if not, then really bored.
952.] Just 49 more questions, are you excited?
Not really
953.] Would you kill something that got between you and finishing this quiz?
954.] Is there anything you'd like to ask me?
955.] Is there anything you think I should ask you?
956.] By the way, would you scream if someone crunched your telephone?
957.] Would you laugh if you crunched someone's telephone?
958.] Are you a cruel person?
Only a few peole think I???m cru

114 years, 8 months & 24 days ago 2nd Oct 2009 12:35
ugh too much.
hurts my brain..
114 years, 9 months & 12 days ago 15th Sep 2009 21:30

I stopped in somewhat the middle for awhile xD
114 years, 9 months & 24 days ago 3rd Sep 2009 19:39
oh my gosh i got fed up of reading this and skiped to the end!
114 years, 9 months & 25 days ago 3rd Sep 2009 10:16
  1. STAFF:
    3rd Dec 2009 08:17
    14 years, 6 months & 24 days ago
  2. Special Thanks!
    6th Nov 2009 20:49
    14 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
  3. My Pet's names and what they mean!
    1st Nov 2009 18:02
    14 years, 7 months & 24 days ago
    1st Nov 2009 17:54
    14 years, 7 months & 25 days ago
  5. Surrender Your Souls!
    30th Oct 2009 18:09
    14 years, 7 months & 27 days ago
  6. ~ ??? All About Me ??? ~
    13th Oct 2009 13:21
    14 years, 8 months & 13 days ago
  7. My Goals!
    11th Sep 2009 22:06
    14 years, 9 months & 16 days ago
  8. You select Crysus to get into the portal and....
    3rd Sep 2009 09:42
    14 years, 9 months & 25 days ago
  9. 1k Questions (well, 987 xD)
    2nd Sep 2009 07:37
    14 years, 9 months & 26 days ago
  10. My Dream Pets / Pets given to me
    26th Aug 2009 14:08
    14 years, 10 months & 2 days ago