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    17th Aug 2010 19:00
    13 years, 10 months & 17 days ago
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  5. nts
    7th Dec 2009 13:56
    14 years, 6 months & 25 days ago
13 years, 10 months & 17 days ago
17th Aug 2010 19:00

Yea, I'm quitting. I love marapets, but I feel like I have better ways to spend my time, especially now that I'm starting school again.
I'm giving away EVERYTHING.
That includes:
- About 3.5 million marapoints
- 61k BP
- 113k RP
- Ectoplasmia (stats, books, elite gym stats)
- Jheda
- All other pets
- Anything else I can find


Crazy right?

Jk, here is what I'm doing.

1st prize: 2.5 million mp, and EVERYTHING else.
2nd prize [Will go to experienced player]: 500k mp
3rd prize[will go to a newbie]: 500k mp

I may change things around a little bit (throw in a costume for the 2nd prize winner). But probably not.

So basically, you are applying for EVERYTHING. =DDD

- Anyone can apply
- No trying to be someone your not.
- No sugar-coating
- No brownie points
- Be yourself. If your a mean person, I better see that in your app. No trying to be someone your not.
- Long apps preferred.
- I am probably not going to read every single app. I'll probably just look at the first few sentences and decide If I'll read it or not
- There won't be a "finalists" board.
- The contest ends Tomorrow when I get home from school, probably before I go to bed.
- You basically have 24 hours.
- Don't lie about your mara-age.

Post apps on this blog only. No chatting.
You have about 24 hours, GO GO GO

Heyy there ^_^ Before I go on, I wanna let you know that I read your post, so I promise not to gush/beg/plead/vomit pretty rainbows all over you. Not that I would even if you asked me to. Okay, that was a lie, but you know what I mean.

So.. I'm Anna. To put it simply, I'm 13, addicted to Marapets and utterly clueless about a lot of things. When I'm not on my laptop I'm chatting on my phone or playing my guitar. I'm clumsy, I make a LOT of mistakes, and I sometimes get mad at people for no reason, especially my mom. The list goes on and on, but now that you know my main faults you can probably get what kind of person I am. That might make it easier to pick me as the possible winner of your fortunes, it might not. I'm playing me aces here ;]

The really important part of my app is here: The Reason. It goes like this. The reason I want your once-prized possessions is simple; I'm (sort of) poor and I want cool LEs badly. I have no saintly reasons or amazing plans for this money other than spend it and spend it hard. You may think these reasons are strange, but better not to lie than to spout fake aspersions all over you about how flawless I am. If you think otherwise, well, maybe we ought to part ways now.

The final conclusion (my app in a nutshell) is this: I'd of course love your MP or pets, and I didn't vomit rainbows on you so I'm happy, and I'm sure you are too ^^

Anyway. Have a good day, ciao and good luck choosing the winner!
113 years, 10 months & 17 days ago 17th Aug 2010 19:30
Hello there, I'm Deanna. I've been playing marapets for about 2/12 years now. I see you're having a massive giveaway, which is very kind of you because not a whole bunch of people do this, even when they are quitting. I am sorry to hear you're leaving but I really would appreciate having the extra 3.5 mil which would go towards my dream pets and my goal of 100 mil as said on my profile.
113 years, 10 months & 17 days ago 17th Aug 2010 19:28
Hey im Tiny whatever everyone says about keeping your pets and never trading is probably A LIE and im fed up with people lieing to win giveaways so im telling the true and nothing else. If i win i would keep the gawgus chibs (they are soooo cute) and would selling most of thee things in your gallery but keeping the cossies and save up for a chibs potion so i can finally start my chibbie army -evily laughs- although im sure a hump(whenever they come out) will be in there somewhere... hehehe. Im not very good at apps as you can probably see but i just hope you concider this 100% truthful app.

Tiny xx

P.S Mara will miss you
113 years, 10 months & 17 days ago 17th Aug 2010 19:26
Hi, my name is Lalaine, LaLa for short, and I am 19 years old, and have been on Mara since I was 16.

Okay, so, I have never really actually apped for so many things, so it might be a tad long, I just hope you don't get bored to death.


I recently gave away 9 Daisys (my Daisy army), hoping to start a new foundation of much higher LEs, I kept the Daisys that were gifts and I am trying to save up to potion them into higher LEs. So far, I have potioned Automatized.

Basically a lot of the things you are giving will help me towards finishing my Sewer Mission, and starting my new foundation of higher LEs, with your Chibs and Ercuw. I would probably costume Ectoplasmia, because I have always found the basic colors, well, boring.

The MPs would go towards my mission funds and my LE potion funds, and something else along those lines, but it will be kept in the bank along with my other 5mil, rotting and collecting interest.

The items in your gallery would either be kept (MOST RARE ONES) and others sold, for, again, my mission fund.

Hope I didn't bore you to death, if I did, I will definately give my greatest apologies at your funeral.

Good luck in school, and get straight As!

113 years, 10 months & 17 days ago 17th Aug 2010 19:25
Hmmm....My app got deleted....If you don't mind, I'll type it again....
Hi, my name is Dee. I saw your board, and decided to enter. My app, will most likely be short, and kinda cheesy since I don't really enter giveaways, and to be completely honest, I am only entering for your lovely chibs.(Or the money to buy A chibs potion.)Any who....Good luck in the real life!
113 years, 10 months & 17 days ago 17th Aug 2010 19:24
you want real? okay heres real.
plain and simple, i would really like to have all that mp and your le's.
pretty much, i would like to have everything.
i guess you could call this profile a newbie. but ive been playing mara for about three years now.
things happen, accounts get banned, new ones get made. thats the circle of mara life.
by the way, my name is mercedes. obviously you can tell my my user name.
everytime i see something i want, i look at the price and cringe, because i dont ever have enough mp.
so im apping for all of your stuff.
im not a nice person but i not super mean either.
i usually have this persona were i nice to about everyone.
but you said you wanted real. so here it is.
just like a braclet that im faithful to says im "Legit"
i think it would be pretty beast if you chose me to win.
heck, it would be cool even if i got second or third place.
im not that greedy. as long as i win.

well thanks for your time.
hope you actually read mine.
and consider me deeply!
113 years, 10 months & 17 days ago 17th Aug 2010 19:23
Hey, I'm about 1 year old(mara age)! I'm a girl, 14 years old, and i like the color purple. I have like 20k, So i need the mps xD

i suck at apping >D

I can be mean, like one forum that was being completely rude to my friend.

but most of the time I'm not mean, i like to me nice and help people out, I spend most of my time in RC

I would like to get more snookles, and turn Aquafreash into one.

I'd love to have the Mps, thanks for the consideration

113 years, 10 months & 17 days ago 17th Aug 2010 19:23

Well, I'm not going to lie in this. I'm Greg, I'm 13, I live in Argentina, so I speak spanish (if I write something wrong, then you know why.)
I'm not going to say "Awww, why are you leaving?". It's not my problem. It's yours. If you want to quit mara, well, it's your choise.
I'm not going to write a LONG app. You said that you prefer those, but you also said no brownie points, so I have a chance
I'm appling because I want the stuff, and I only have a Daisy, and, as you see, I haven't got much mp/bp/rp.
Well, that's all, simple and short. I just don't write long apps, I really want the stuff, but I simply can't write that long.
Oh, and congratulations, to whoever the winner will be.
113 years, 10 months & 17 days ago 17th Aug 2010 19:20
Why not, I will try for the 500k mp hehe.

Well I have been here for 5 years, I have a gallery i am working on so the 500k would be great to help me towards the items that would be nice to have in there. I am member 135099 of member so that shows I am pretty old here lol. I am obviously pretty addicted to marapets lol.

Good luck to everyone applying!
113 years, 10 months & 17 days ago 17th Aug 2010 19:20
Hi.. I dont even know what to say I'm like so excited! I got to school and like daydream about going later! Not even kidding i like run in the house through my bag on the chair and go on!! I'm a Crazy addict
well Um yeah i want this because i Play alot yeah you already know that umm I just love your pets there like so CUTE and amazing Ectoplasmia Has like so much stats Your like my idol Lol Jk But i Mean it your pets are amazing
And your money Is so much I like am drooling even thinking about it!!
Well enough with the creepy
Yeah well good luck lol
Oh and my name Is DORITHE yes not DORITHECOLLIE well it is but don't call me that because thats not my name yeah
SO good luck
113 years, 10 months & 17 days ago 17th Aug 2010 19:19
    17th Aug 2010 19:00
    13 years, 10 months & 17 days ago
    6th Jul 2010 12:56
    13 years, 11 months & 29 days ago
  3. Restock times
    5th Jul 2010 15:02
    13 years, 11 months & 29 days ago
    17th Jun 2010 18:50
    14 years & 17 days ago
  5. nts
    7th Dec 2009 13:56
    14 years, 6 months & 25 days ago