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  1. Fanfic Storage
    1st May 2011 00:56
    13 years, 1 month & 29 days ago
  2. Rant
    23rd Apr 2011 18:29
    13 years, 2 months & 5 days ago
  3. Daddy's Poem
    30th Mar 2009 19:41
    15 years, 2 months & 29 days ago
Fanfic Storage
13 years, 1 month & 29 days ago
1st May 2011 00:56

(i just need to acsess this from off of this laptop, and copy-paste it into my main computer, so ignore this and please don't delete this, Ian! Sorry. I feal bad about this anyway you slice it. But I figure this is better than posting on DeviantART, becuase here there are even less people to get mad at me about positng from the middle of a stroy. Especaily one that has I do not own. Orginal concept is Hetalia (c) hidekaz Himaruya.
Plus, even worse is that I already typed this dang this up, but guess who acsidedntly made me loos it? My stupid little crooked-toothed cuosin.
So here is a part from the middle of a Fanfic from Hetalia.
Sigh. Here we go... if I can remember the excact darn words I used last time... it was so perfect. This will be like tracing something out of a magizene with your left hand. I blame Russia for this. Darned mind-trippy lizard eating communist. Featured in Ratitoulle! Look in the 'Your freidn the rat and Remmy's riding a hosue with a Czar. With glasses of... vodka perhaps? Or water or air, it's hard to tell. The Czar is on a pony though, adorable.
Sigh again. I really don't want to do this but I have to retype this so I can get to it from my main PC and connect it to the rest of my story so I can maybe post it here for reals (or DeviantART for reals or even Fanfiction dot net!)
One last sigh, followed by a creepy voice from the woods the Axiz finds themselves camoing in (much to Germany's dismay and Italy's glee.) Sigh for the third time. Why can't the pictures in my head manifest themselves right?! It's easy. Get on the page Italy! Germany, Japan, HerrSchick! Russia, you too get out of my head and onto the screen! Get out! GTFO! ... sigh, they're not listening to me. Wait I think germany looked up... no he thinks he's seeing things. Gosh darnit, we're coming up on teh county fair...! (what no one watched Missoula this year? Well may a Ponyta eat your soul. [Guess who's not happy with her darned cousin?])
H'rm. Let's being shall we?)
"Italy..." crooned a voice from... (Gah. I don't WANT to retype this darn thing. I should have tlaked my cousin into doing it a dn hammed up GermanyxItaly jsut for him. Then half way through he'd proabably act me if Italy is a girl. He's liek that. He had to get me to clarify the lead singer of Erasure's gender. But I don't think he'd mind to much if he was writting Italy and germany together. His uptight mom would, though, probably. And if they were black he'd have a problem.
I hate it when people are liek that. Whether homophobic or racist. Just get over it.
Anyways,) Italy stiffened and he was leaning on Germany who said his name, and that was way way more comforting thant the bush-voice, and Italy heard the consern in Germany's voice also (that was a paprgraph and phased 'way way' better.
"I'm alright" (or mabye that was 'I'm fine') said Italy, sitting up. Germany poked the fire with HerrSchick and a log fell apart and peotic language explained how pretty that was but the bush-voice ruined it aagain.
"Italy..." it siad.
"H-hello?" said Italy aloud. Germany gave him a look but was to busy pyroing to care if Italy was going metal (I shoudl totaly write one where all the characters have metal illnesses. ITaly can have schitzo, Germany can have OCD Japan can have... uh... clinical depression. Brittian gets schitzo too, and America can maybe too. France gets... I don't know, I desease that makes him need to be a heart breaker personizer. China gets... Oh yeha I haven't used multi-personality disorder. Uh... China can have schitzo too, because Russia get MPD. And Austria gets... a desease one of the anchinets had. HRE should get ClinDepression too, and Germany needs to also have short term Dory desease. Spain gets... influenza (cough twilightisbrainwash cough) and Romano gets Isuckimmaemoteanager desease.)
Italy gets up, walks past Japan who's sleeping like a horse, and kicks a bush. Russia pops out with a bruise on hip from Italy's rubber boat.
"Whyyyy?" he groans.
"Da. (backwards R) am Russia (Oh yah. I know too words. Be jealous, mudcrunkies!) Can i join your group?"
Germany gets up. he wants to say no, and thingks that the Axis should be able to to handle Russia, but reconsiders since Japan is sleeping, ITaly would just hide in one of the tents, and Russia has his faucet in a crude sheethe. So he begrudgingly says "Fine."
And since there's only two tents (I here explain Italy is a restless limb-flail sleeper and Germany doesn't like sharing with him. But he ahs to and he makes Japan bunk with Russia. Poor Japan!)
In the morning, Germany rouses them to sunrise and its freezing cold outside. Russia comes out of the tent in his boxers and scarf only, and Italy askes him how he can do that as he shivers away in his jacket. Russia says something cute about him owning the most land in the artic cicle or something, and Japan comes out too, and he looks like Russia gave him a cold, because his noise is running. (ha! They get life's uncomforts too!) and Germany makes pancakes with vinager in them (whoops! I acutaly had to eat vinagar pancakes. Less fun thatn potato pancakes with canberries. Le blech.) And Italy has a fit over this.
Soon they leave (I'm totaly making this up as I go, now, so I'm awesome. With a bird on my head.) and Russia carries everyhitng, becuase Germany is making him feel guilty about forcing his way into the Axis. Russia also gets to tell a story about... a tlaking snake and a singing boy.
(Yah, this is just skeleton writing. When I get this to the main PC I'll flesh it out. The hardest thing about this story is that I have make my audiece react correctly. I need 'awww!'s from Russia and eye rolls at bitch'n Frnace and Germany, and I need people to fall in love with switzerland 9jsut because h's nautral doesn't mean he should be a background character!)
Soon, Germany climbs a ravine and pulls out his binoculars (omg shiny!) and looks out dramaticly.
"There it is." he said "Toulouse." Germany knows this is the place.
"I wanna see!" cried Italy. Germany gives his the binocs, and Itlay looks at Toulouse for two seconds, then slowly turns around (spying a rare nihon and a roshia interacting in their natural enviroment) and looks back toward the south, the geographic Italy (i caugh tItaly looking at 'himslef' when I reread this. It sounded funny).
Germany recognizes the look on Italy's face before the brunnette nation can explain it. Italy is home sick.
"I want to go home." he says in his whinny voice, and leans against Germany.
The blonde nation put his arm around Italy and says "Yah, well we have to do this."
(the chapter closes)

(And reopens)
"Do we really?" says Itlay. "Why can't we just give Milkshake to Russia and wish him buona fortuna?" he pauses, then stands up straight and faces Germany "Or we could play mind tricks with them--"
"Did someone say mind tricks?" inquired Russia, struggling up the ravine.
"Yah!" said Italy, helping the chubby nation up the sharp rocky face of the ravine. "I was thinkigng we could send Milkshake to France and then take him back and send him to Engalnd and take him back, and on and on."
Russia gives Italy a confused look.
"What? You don't like the plan?" asked Italy, dejected.
"How are we suppossed to send Milkshake to Fracne and back?"
"Oh, ja. You don't know about Milkshake's magic power yet, do you?" says Germany.
"Other then looking really really cute?" asked Russia (nothing's cuter than him!)
"Yah, he can teleport." says Germany, and then closes his eye in consectration. "Russia" he says.
"Berk!" says Russia's overcoat.
"Huh?" Russia unbottons, and Milkshake jumps out. "Wow!" exclaims Russia, then switches to baby-talk. "What a good trick, da? Is little Milkshake a magic puppy? i think so. I think so!"
(Okay. I'm tired. Goodnight, hope no one is mad!)

  1. Fanfic Storage
    1st May 2011 00:56
    13 years, 1 month & 29 days ago
  2. Rant
    23rd Apr 2011 18:29
    13 years, 2 months & 5 days ago
  3. Daddy's Poem
    30th Mar 2009 19:41
    15 years, 2 months & 29 days ago