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  1. MPs App Here (CLOSED)
    31st Oct 2013 08:45
    10 years, 8 months & 3 days ago
  2. Apps Here!
    31st Oct 2013 02:47
    10 years, 8 months & 3 days ago
Apps Here!
10 years, 8 months & 3 days ago
31st Oct 2013 02:47

Yepppppp, so here are the guidelines::

-State which pet you are applying for
-Why you want the pet
-Creative/funny short stories, poems, or graphics are appreciated
-DONOT mail me any apps
-Picking the new owner whenever i find any apps nice and interesting




Jahro - genevievepink
Xerneas - ilovesleep
Mareld - sydd00d
Chomikaro - kakarott1996

Hellooo I'm Gen and I'm here to app for Jahro!

Okay, so why do I want this cute Zoosh? Before I answer that, yes, Midnight Zooshes are cute. All "scary" pets are cute because well, have you seen them properly? They're cute... Okay Im rambling.

Anyways, you'll probably look at my profile and wonder, why does she want another LE pet? I mean, look she has so many. Well, for one, I've always liked Zooshes and I think they're pretty amazing. But I guess I never really bothered with one.

Another reason would be..... well it's a midnight zoosh. I guess that's a reason enough. Midnight~ Despite the fact I already have a Midnight pet, that one's turning into a Troit soon. So no more Midnight pet

Anyways, this app is a little too long wow. I guess I'll write a small short story since the most I could draw would be a stickman and i can't even write poems.

Here goes nothing!

I watched as darkness loomed over the whole village, casually plunging it into darkness and bringing out fear in everyone. I feel myself growing stronger and stronger, as though I'm feeding on the fear they are exuding.

I crawled my way to the first household. They were so close. The sounds of humans, the smell of humans. They're chattering loudly as they huddle over a small little fire, lit in the fireplace. It's not bright enough for them to see me, unless I'm right in front of them.

I made my way to the only lady in the house, dressed in bright vibrant clothes, as though it would light up. It hurts my eyes slightly, but I continue making my way.

She was close, so close. With that I brushed over her feet, watching her scream loudly as she took a broom and attempted to hit me. I scurried away as the distant sound of her voice started getting softer and softer.

"That stupid cockroach!"
110 years, 8 months & 3 days ago 31st Oct 2013 03:06
Im applying for Chomikaro...
I just love Yuni's and their horn thingys :3

I need a reason?

Feel free to put this in google translator :L
Let me kipper slipper your dipper my little nipper. TOGETHER we eat. Purple horse happy left red bird diane london right yes yes shall we party? i like to party! I am very good at parties as a regular party goer. I can do the cha cha and the jingle. Watch me moonwalk. Yes, good, now do it too my kip slip dip nip! Green Norberta Florence in my goony moon pies. Yes, now left a bit. Up a bit. Right a bit. Down a bit. Good, right there. Now wiggle as you fall into my trap. Are you in pain? I'm sorry, it's the bear traps. They are very snappy and happy my young chappy! Sorry about rhyming like an insufferable little lyric toad but I fear that if I stop the mean green fighting machines will find me. Oooh, I'm scared. Oooooh, so scared. What is your favourite food? Today i am wearing my orange jumper because i like orange. I have not washed this jumper as i like to wear it. I like reading, Purple are my favourite animal. Smell my jumper again. Does it smell as soft as it feels? Or does it smell of my bodily fluids, namely sweat and blood? Sorry, the man in the coat told me not to mention the sweat or blood, and to wash the jumper. Nice hat by the way. The one you can't see. The one I'm making you wear. I am Snoop Dog's cousin. In a purple animal hat and orange flavour jumper of softness rub your face on the sleave. I went to the shop today in my orange jumper and purple hat. People watched me as i walked around the streets. I told them to stop watching me but they didn't. They may have been spies. This was no joke. I left to go home. Some may have followed me. I locked the door and hid. I waited till they had gone. But I can feel them watching me like cold worms on my back and neck and I know they are here because you can hear me. They may be in my refridgerator or in my bin. I am staying remarkably calm. Birds yeah birds hum yeah birds. Do not laugh at me I may cry. My tears are delicate and neon and fall stinging from my eyes. Sob sob sob sob. Sob. Let's cuddle and huddle my snuddle puddle!
110 years, 8 months & 3 days ago 31st Oct 2013 03:05
Hello, my name is Jamie but everyone calls me Jay!

Chomikaro is the pet that I would like to apply for.

I would like the pet because of the fact that I like yuni' s and I'm lazy to do the fates mission!

Hopefully you like my application, I know it's short and sweet, but I'm not very good at righting short stories and my drawing hand has been broken

Happy Halloween !
110 years, 8 months & 3 days ago 31st Oct 2013 02:56
  1. MPs App Here (CLOSED)
    31st Oct 2013 08:45
    10 years, 8 months & 3 days ago
  2. Apps Here!
    31st Oct 2013 02:47
    10 years, 8 months & 3 days ago