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  1. MPs App Here (CLOSED)
    31st Oct 2013 08:45
    10 years, 8 months & 1 day ago
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    31st Oct 2013 02:47
    10 years, 8 months & 1 day ago
Apps Here!
10 years, 8 months & 1 day ago
31st Oct 2013 02:47

Yepppppp, so here are the guidelines::

-State which pet you are applying for
-Why you want the pet
-Creative/funny short stories, poems, or graphics are appreciated
-DONOT mail me any apps
-Picking the new owner whenever i find any apps nice and interesting




Jahro - genevievepink
Xerneas - ilovesleep
Mareld - sydd00d
Chomikaro - kakarott1996

thanks guys for applying, congrats to winners and good luck to all applicants. all i have left now r the non les (which u r still free to apply for through mm), i dont think anyone cares about those pets sooooo, BOARD CLOSED.

110 years, 8 months & 1 day ago 31st Oct 2013 08:36
Hello there! My name is Ainah. I have been playing mara for 6 years now and I would be honored to be the new owner of Chomikaro. Well, I would love to have her because of her stats. Just like the others who wants Chomikaro I am planning to on statting her up till I get my dream pet, a figaro. I have started statting my pets up and I'm actually enjoying it because of the free gym and elite gym lol. If I would receive Chomikaro I would probably put her right away in the gym. If I'm lucky enough, she'll turn mutang if I use laboratory and get free tstas. HEHEHEHE yesssssss free stats @__@ ehrm okay anyways. So yeah, to be honest I will be trading her. Chomikaro is very lovely and I will be trading her to someone who will be able to appreciate her more than I do and I'd be really happy if I will be able to stat her up. Thank you for this great opportunity, I wish you the best of luck.
110 years, 8 months & 1 day ago 31st Oct 2013 08:17
Hello, my name is Sydnee :3
I am applying for Mareld.
Enchlins are my FAVORITE pet on here. & I only have one plan for him, to change him into a midnight/Minipet enchlin.
(I already have my other dream pet a native enchlin) but annnyways, I'm on my phone or I would post tons of funny graphics but unfortunately i do not know how to do that ): I am really funny, just.. Not when it comes to apps. (I stink at writing apps )
Well, anyway.. I hope you pick me because I am very unlucky & it will make my life if you give me him
But if you don't good luck to everyone else!
110 years, 8 months & 1 day ago 31st Oct 2013 07:31
I'm apping for Chomikaro

I want her because I'm new, and only have one LE.
Not only that, but she's beautiful, my Mara goal is to get all evil looking LE pets, for my Evil army, and Chomikaro would be the perfect add to that!!

Here's a short story that I've found funny x

A police officer found a perfect hiding place for watching for speeding motorists.

One day, the officer was amazed when everyone was under the speed limit, so he investigated and found the problem.

A 10 years old boy was standing on the side of the road with a huge hand painted sign which said ???Radar Trap Ahead.???

A little more investigative work led the officer to the boy???s accomplice: another boy about 100 yards beyond the radar trap with a sign reading ???TIPS??? and a bucket at his feet full of change.

I would also like to thank you for this opportunity, and thank you for your consideration x
110 years, 8 months & 1 day ago 31st Oct 2013 05:24
I would love to win Mareld your blue Echlin! My main goal of Marapets is to have a big Kaala collection of the kaalas that I find adorable. If I won Mareld, I would definitely use him to help myself even more to accomplish my goal if I'm being completely honest. Right now, I'm trying to obtain the Calico or the Bee kaala and if I won Mareld, it would greatly help me with my goal! Thanks!
110 years, 8 months & 1 day ago 31st Oct 2013 05:21
Hey, I'm here to apply for the wonderful Xerneas
As you can see not long ago by looking at my topics I quit and gave away 8 or 9 le pets. But seven months have past now and I'm ready to get back into mara for good. One player was nice enough to give me there oglue which i have started to train.

By looking at Amistr and Zydare you can tell I have a very keen interest in training pets and thats what I wish to do with Xerneas. Also I really do love deers

My top secret plan is to train them up to 100 stats but don't tell anyone

Lets see a poem, story or graphic.
Well I cant draw
So this is one of my favorite deer poems

Voices of color
And light with sound
Stars that twinkle
And grow from the ground
Put it in your pocket
As you walk toward the sky
Step ever so lightly
For the deer are nearby
Quiet and soft
Tip tap tiptoe
Subtly approach a delicate doe
The sun beaming orange
And grand green grass
Soft dust that settles
As slowly you pass
But once again wind thrown to the sky
And blooming bursts of flowers
Shrivel and die
The deer run and hide
Winter???s the face
Frost so bitter
Gives the illusion of lace
The blue turns to gray
And the green turns to brown
And nothing but silence covers this town
But one fine day color appears
Along with the laughter
Erasing all fears
And the sun rises hot
Like a jewel in the sky
Step ever so lightly for the deer are nearby

And a little story by me

Once upon a time in a deep drak wasteland there was an empty carousel with a lonely looking deer on it. He was called Xerneas.
"I just want children to play on me again" Xerneas sighed but no one ever heard his pleas.
Until one damp misty day Xereneas heard the sound of what sounded like a car breaking down.
"Over here" he cried
"Come and play on me"
Then came waddling along three tired looking human and the youngest one they called Sam looked at Xereneas and stated
"I want to play on that one"
Xereneas had never been more happy. Finally a child who wanted to play!

Oh that was bad, can you see why I'M doing a degree in maths.

Anyway thank you for this a good luck to all

P.s did you know that the humand from Bambi are on the 100 top villains list for killing Bambi's mother?
110 years, 8 months & 1 day ago 31st Oct 2013 04:25
Hey-hoo, I'm Bee and 'xladyhypzx' is just something I made whenIi was 7... lame right? lol whatever. I made mara when I was seven but I haven't really been into the whole thing until now, I'm 15.

Anyway, I really want Chomikaro because, when I first joined the site I remember my top goals were to own a lati, chibs and a yuni. I've got a lati but I'm still working bon the other two lol. I really really love the name too its soo fab! lol. I've been doing the fates mission for at least the last year and the highest I've got to is level 23.. I'm there now but I'm scared to fail yet again lol.

If I get Chomikaro, I'll continue the fates missions but I'm thinking of doing a giveaway like this or the potion.

Okayyy, I don't really do writing or that kind of stuff lol tbh I keep all creativity and stuff for tumblr..

Lol well I hope this was good enough lol probably wasn't but blehh.

Fingers Crossed,
110 years, 8 months & 1 day ago 31st Oct 2013 04:05
I'm applying for Chomikaro my name is Goku and only recently have I returned to Mara! My new goal is to own a few ice cream costumed LE pets which I love and the Yuni is definitely one of them! I've looked at Chomikaro's stats and would love to stat it up to 100+! At the moment I've been statting my Sybre and hope to get that to 100 within the next few days! I'd love to be the new owner of Chomikaro because it'd help to fulfil my new found goal! Here is a random short poem:

All I ever do is dream,
Dream about ice-cream,
To let off some steam,
Steam as I can't balance on a beam,
So just give me this chance to redeem,
Redeem to make your Yuni and myself a great team,
At this point it seems I've turned looney,
Looney because I'm in love with your Yuni

Haha its so random xD anyways there's my app and good luck to everyone! Happy Halloween!
110 years, 8 months & 1 day ago 31st Oct 2013 03:39
Hi, I'm Abigail (Yes, I know my character is a guy).

I'm applying for Chomikaro, the amazing Dark Fairy Yuni.

I already have a Dark Fairy Yuni, which I worked very hard to get, and I think it would be amazing to have another one to keep mine company.

Here's a poem for you

Oh dark fairy,
You're not so scary,
Infact, you're rather sweet.
Please join my pets,
you'll have no regrets!
And it would be such a treat.

And a Haiku

Dark Fairy Yuni,
With your stunning purple shine,
Please will you be mine?

Thanks for reading
110 years, 8 months & 1 day ago 31st Oct 2013 03:14
  1. MPs App Here (CLOSED)
    31st Oct 2013 08:45
    10 years, 8 months & 1 day ago
  2. Apps Here!
    31st Oct 2013 02:47
    10 years, 8 months & 1 day ago