Goals: [] Train all pets to 50/100
[] Complete Bootleg Pyramid Treasure Map 10/16
[] Complete Nioke's Books
[] Poera Collection in Gallery
[] Poera Army 7/96 I also use my phone to play. Please don't ban me!
I just got the Gym Giftbox so here's to hoping I get the most out of it eventually!
Apparently, training all pets at once is very time, and money consuming, so I'll be doing these new goals pet by pet ELITES: to 110
Boidae - EVEN to 80/160 (level/health)
[DONE] Chameleons - 50/101
[DONE] Dreadached - 50/101
[DONE] Eclipses - 90/181
Erotas - 50/101
[DONE] Gromg - 50/101
[DONE] Heronimus - 50/101
[DONE] Jaehoon - 50/101
[DONE] Kyrael - 50/101
Mavrix - 50/101
Nataliea - 50/101
[DONE] Nioke - 175/351
[DONE] Noxe - 50/101
Peenie - 50/101
[DONE] Qea - 50/101
[DONE] Qeeran - 50/101
[DONE] Qio - 90/181
[DONE] Quellsa - 50/101
[D0NE] Reverbed - 50/101
[DONE] Satqiel - 50/101
[DONE] Xerafina - 50/101
Chameleons - raise Str, Def, Spd to 60s
[X] Dreadached - raise H to 60s
Eclipses - raise H to 90s
Gromg - raise H to 90s
[X] Heronimus - raise H to 60s
[X] Jaehoon - raise ALL to 10s
[X] Jetting - raise H to 40s
[X] Kyrael - raise H to 60s
Nioke - raise H to 300s
Qeeran - raise H to 60s
[X] Qio - raise ALL to 90s
Quellsa - raise H to 90s
Reverbed - raise H to 80s
Satqiel - raise H to 50s
Xerafina - raise H to 70s
If anyone has any tips for training many pets, I'd gladly take them, thank you very much!
morning: at least 7 of my pets are now in Basic Training!
night: only 4 pets remaining in Newbie rank!
new pet Noxe, new goal to raise him to 20s
two new pets enter Basic rank,