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Just a 26 year old trying to make it through Graduate School.

8d3a657704de15a18c01983e76c5325d259d58d0.jpg Hi I'm Allison. I'm 26 years old, a 4th year Graduate Student and am alumni of the amazing sorority Alpha Xi Delta. I love to make friends so if anyone wants to be friends just offer and I will always accept. Also if anyone wants to maramail me feel free to do so anytime. Thank you for visiting my profile. :)

P.S. I login to marapets on many different devices (laptop, phone, ipad, desktop, etc.) Thanks!
speedbreaker the Voodoo Troit
12 years, 10 months & 22 days OldBorn 11th Jul 2011 21:31

Pink Demi
5 Years 8 Months Old
10 Months 25 Days Old
Level 6 Police Officer earning MP500MP a day

Job Promotion earning MP575MP a day
Level 10  Strength 15  Defence 40  Speed 35  Health 35  Charisma 9  Language 3  History 8  Sports 10  Books 20  Stamina 10  Sociology 4  Law 4