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  1. Lion RP (if anyone is in the mood)
    15th Mar 2009 18:13
    15 years, 3 months & 8 days ago
  2. These are the Py-Py's I made so far
    29th Jan 2009 16:23
    15 years, 4 months & 23 days ago
  3. Puppy Story (Sad)
    23rd Apr 2008 14:01
    16 years, 1 month & 30 days ago
  4. Trading and portaling
    2nd Mar 2008 05:09
    16 years, 3 months & 20 days ago
  5. My Warrior RP cats
    24th Nov 2007 19:43
    16 years, 6 months & 27 days ago
Lion RP (if anyone is in the mood)
15 years, 3 months & 8 days ago
15th Mar 2009 18:13

The wind pierced Seline's eyes and she tried again and again to refocus them on a Thompson gazelle than was grazing carelessly near bye. She was a loner, skinny and fatigued by less and less prey. But, if you glismped at her, you would see a fat lioness, whom seemed well fed. This was because she was carrying unborn cubs. She was a unusually light tan female with 3 fading striped on her head. Her blue eyes were deeper than the ocean it's self; twisted with horrible experiences and wrong turns. Although she was almost not existent, she continued to stay hopeful things would lighten up for her.
The sun-kissed wind ruffled her untidy fur sending her a shiver. It was hot, but this hot only brought fear. It was way to warm for winter in the Savannah.
Refocusing her mind on the gazelle, she crept forward, belly touching the ground. She was 10 feet away; good enough for a gallop and leap. Something caught her attention on the opposite side of the gazelle. Under a low Acadia tree was a pair of golden eyes. She looked harder, seeing a larger mangy face and what looked like an unkempt dry mane. Alarm flared though Seline's body. She lifted her head abruptly and leaped from the bushes, running past the gazelle, whom was in panic trying to scatter to a hiding place. The male who was hiding, was now in well pursuit of Seline. Seline knew what he wanted. He wanted to get some mating done, so he would not be the last of his generation. Seline sped snarling under her breath and ear flattened as she ran. He would NOT mate with her, and her cubs would be safe. But would he catch her?

These are the Py-Py's I made so far
15 years, 4 months & 23 days ago
29th Jan 2009 16:23

Puppy Story (Sad)
16 years, 1 month & 30 days ago
23rd Apr 2008 14:01

I sat in my cage, with my brother and sisters. My mother fed us and cleaned us. We all enjoyed life, for we knew nothing that lay ahead.

One day I was tackling my brother who was much larger than me. A man with black gloves opened our cage and took my brother off of me. I sat up puzzled. The man shoved him in a small plastic cage, no bigger than him. My mother shoved my siblings aside and stretched her neck toward the man, trying to get her pup back. Then the man left the room. As he went out my brother cried and cried for help.

When I was a year old we were moved to a pen with other puppies my age. I never saw my brother again, though. 3 days later, my friends were taken away as my brother had been. I was now curious as to what was going on.

As I slept on a cold winter night, a large black truck drove up to our building. They came in with chain leashes. They opened several cages with young puppies and shoved them in a cage. My ears strained to hear the men. "Lets get the tan Labrador" one said. I backed into my cage as far as I could, because I knew I was a tan Lab. The man slammed open my cage and yanked my neck. He hooked on a chain around my neck and pulled me out. I bared my teeth at them trying to scare them without biting the 2 men. They lifted me up into a small cage in the truck. They got a few more dogs an shut the truck door. "This is it.." One dog whimpered. With the tone of his whimper, I knew we were headed somewhere dreadful.

We came into a white room with tons of shiny needle like things and sharp tools. One dog peed on the floor, he was so scared! They lifted us all onto a table and fasten us down. I felt a sharp pain on my hind leg, and my eyes started to cloud and them BOOM; I my eyes fell shut. I woke up with glossy fur and white teeth. People in white coats crowed around me, examining me. They were looking in my mouth, my ears, everywhere! On the table was 3 bottles, Shampoo, Tooth paste, and throat medicine of some sort. My stomach gurgled, at the site of tooth paste. The people saw that I was licking my stomach. They put a little bottle on the table that had a funky word. They opened it and shoved a little blue tablet down my throat. I gagged, and all of the sudden I felt a long shot feeling in my rear end. The stood up. I couldn't take any of this! What were the doing to me? I bit of the cord on my leg and leapt off the table toward the man who had brought me here. I galloped up and clambered down on his arm. It started bleeding and the man shouted with pain and anger. "How do you like it?" I barked with his arm still in my mouth. A gun fired and the sound of my heart beat faded, and I let go of the man. I fell on the ground, soundless. It was over. All because people wanted to test products....on an animal.

If you think this is wrong, then post this on your blog!

Trading and portaling
16 years, 3 months & 20 days ago
2nd Mar 2008 05:09

ALL of my pets have been portaled to get their cossies. Don't ask me for any cossies cause I don't have any to give.

6/21/08- I GOT A chibbe enchanted plushie!! I am shocked!!!!!!!!! If you are wondering how I got it, then click the down button on the plushie machine...


NONE of my pets are for trade unless I say so. Don't MM me saying : "R u trding Albaton? Cuz if u r, then can i trade all of my pets for him??"

Number one: I hate mail that that uses 'txt type'
Number two: I am only trading Albaton, if you have an over offer of ONE pet only. i do not like multiple sets.
Number Three: If i am EVER trading Albaton, I do not want you misatking her for a HIM. I get this all the time and it's annoying.

My Warrior RP cats
16 years, 6 months & 27 days ago
24th Nov 2007 19:43

(Here's a link to the pictures I drew of some of my cats:

Sleetheart(OR Iceheart/Icestar): Pure white, short haired she-cat. She has a slinky kind of body, good for whipping around in battles. She has a cunning sense of smell, and has beautiful chilling blue eyes. She loves Leafbare because of the snow. Unlike the other clan cats, she has a strange feeling when snow falls as if it's a sign of bringing the clan closer.

Thistlefrost- Lean, muscular, grayish-brown tabby she-cat. She is 13 moons or so and already has three kits named Pebblekit, Twigkit and Lilykit. She has VERY keen eyes and is very stealthy hunter. Sister of Sleetheart

Oaktail- large, bubbly tom. Very brawny and has a short stubby tail that is barley visible. He is a manx breed and does not liked to be teased about his tail. His pelt is white with dark brown spots and golden brown splotches. His eyes are like rusty gold liquid that shimmer in the sun.

Milletpaw- Lean faced, thin haired, heather pelted, she-cat. Her birth place is unknown, but it is speculated that she came from Breezeclan. She is an Abyssinian mix. Her name rescinds from the'golden millet grass' that she was found hidden and camouflaged in, when she was a kit. Milletpaw keeps to herself and does everything her mentor tells her to. She does not like to hunt at all, but rather on Border patrol. Her green pale eyes are so unpretending that no cat can ever tell what she alone is thinking.

  1. Lion RP (if anyone is in the mood)
    15th Mar 2009 18:13
    15 years, 3 months & 8 days ago
  2. These are the Py-Py's I made so far
    29th Jan 2009 16:23
    15 years, 4 months & 23 days ago
  3. Puppy Story (Sad)
    23rd Apr 2008 14:01
    16 years, 1 month & 30 days ago
  4. Trading and portaling
    2nd Mar 2008 05:09
    16 years, 3 months & 20 days ago
  5. My Warrior RP cats
    24th Nov 2007 19:43
    16 years, 6 months & 27 days ago