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  1. Look what boredom did to me.
    4th Jan 2010 00:25
    14 years, 6 months & 1 day ago
  2. My Wishlist
    10th Dec 2009 20:27
    14 years, 6 months & 25 days ago
  3. -Random-
    7th Dec 2009 22:39
    14 years, 6 months & 28 days ago
  4. For self reference
    24th Nov 2009 21:40
    14 years, 7 months & 10 days ago
  5. test
    2nd Mar 2009 01:50
    15 years, 4 months & 5 days ago
Look what boredom did to me.
14 years, 6 months & 1 day ago
4th Jan 2010 00:25

1.) How many dollars do you have?
About 100 right now :C
2.) How many dollars do you want?
The more the merrier.
3.) Why?
So I can buy whatever I want.
4.) What color is your hair?
5.) Do you wish it was different?
6.) What color are your socks?
7.) Have you ever put your feet in the wrong shoes? [[Right and Left]]
8.) What size shoe are you anyway?
5 or 6
9.) Where do you shop the most?
No specific place.
10.) Miniskirts or jeans or both?
11.) How would you describe your style?
Ranges from tee and shorts to the girly dresses.
12.) Do you only hang out with the people that wear the same clothes as you?
Not necessarily.
13.) Did you see the Simpson's Movie?
14.) Are you gonna go see it [[Or, what did you think of it]]?
15.) What's your middle name?
Don???t have one, but will within these two years
16.) What are some names you're planning to name your future kids?
Hadn???t thought bout??? it yet. But definitely not those long and totally gross names like Seraphina or Margret
17.) Do you like tea?
Okay with them.
18.) What about coffee?
19.) Frappucinos?
Not too bad.
20.) Lattes?
21.) Do you ever eat at McDonalds?
A million times.
22.) Got a myspace?
23.) How much time do you spend on the computer every day?
About an hour to two on average.
24.) Roughly how many friends do you have online?
Ehh..MSN or like cyber ones?
35.) Have you ever pet a tiger?
Not just no but HELL no
36.) When's the last time you showered?
37.) Got siblings?
38.) Annoying siblings?
39) How far apart are your parents' ages?
Only three months.
40.) What time is it where you are?
About 4p.m.
41.) How long have you been on CDE?
What the hell it that?
42.) Do you check your horoscope?
43.) Do you use Ouija boards?
Nope. I???m timid. :/
44.) Have you ever been to a funeral?
Two to three times.
45.) Do you like butter or jam on your toast?
Ewww??? gross.
46.) English muffins?
Never tried them. Is there a difference between English muffin and normal muffins?
47.) Do you like honey?
48.) What about peanut butter?
Hate em???
49.) Does your mom still make your lunch?
50.) Crust on or off your sandwich?
51.) Do you have a balcony on your house?
Used to. But it was renovated. So it???s kinda like part of my house.
52.) Or a window seat?
Nope. But I swear I???ll have one next time
53.) Can you play the piano?
54.) Do you like to act?
Depends on the topic.
55.) Or act out?
56.) When you have a bad dream do you ask your parents if you can sleep with them.
Nope. But I did after watching horror movies&reading creepy books when I was 9.
57.) When did you learn to ride a bike?
Can???t ride them.
58.) What's your favorite animal?
I lurve Dolphins, Dogs and Polars.
59.) Favorite color?
Red, Ultramarine&purple.
60.) Favorite season?
61.) Movie?
No specific one.
62.) How do you like your eggs?
Sunny side-up. :]
63.) Shaken or stirred?
64.) Camping or shopping?
65.) Pearls or diamonds?
Diamonds. Who in this would choose pearls over diamonds?
66.) Plastic wrap or tin foil?
Plastic wrap.
67.) How do you feel about abortion?
Totally gross and inhumane.
68.) What about Botox and cosmetic surgery?
They???re alright. But I???ll never do them cause I???m timid.
69.) Pollution?
Ehh??? No comments.
70.) Do you like George Bush?
71.) Do you wish he wasn't the president?
Who cares? I???m not an American.
72.) Have you gotten your first kiss?
73.) Do you read the newspaper?
Call me anything you like but I lurve them!
74.) Watch Comedy Central?
What???s that?
75.) What about MTV?
Yeah. When I have nothing better to do.
76.) Have you ever taken a sip of beer?
77.) Do you curse often?
Not really. But I do.
78.) Infront of your parents?
They???d slaughter me.
79.) Do your parents argue?
80.) Are you easily inspired?
81.) Do you excercise everyday?
No. That describes why I???m 42kg :/ I exercise weekly.
82.) When's the last time you had one of those unicorn lollipops?
83.) Do you own an iPod?
No, Would you buy me one?
84.) A cellphone?
Sadly, no
85.) Laptop?
86.) Blackberry?
87.) Nintendo Wii?
God, do you really have to know how pathetic I am?
88.) Do your parents buy all your clothes?
89.) Do you eat dinner as a family every night?
Nopey no.
90.) When was the last time you thanked your mother?
Like yesterday? Or maybe the day before yesterday.
91.) Do you sleep walk?
Once. I was friggin embarrassing
92.) Have you ever manipulated someone to get what you wanted?
Totally. I know I???m scheming.
93.) What is your dream?
To become a rich tai-tai. Okay maybe not.
94.) Have you ever killed someone in your dreams?
95.) How much do you weigh?
I just said 42!
96.) Which is better: Hot boys or food?
Food. Boys can???t be eaten.
97.) Personality or looks? [[Not both]]
Personality. [Cause??? you can always go for plastic. [not that I would]]
98.) Ever watch Adult Swim?
What? What???s that?
99.) Do you know how to play Mind sweeper?
100.) How many dollars do you have now?
I thought I already answered? About 100.

My Wishlist
14 years, 6 months & 25 days ago
10th Dec 2009 20:27

Lotsa volums
-Practically minipet-thumbsup.gif
Fairy costume
Polar costume
Any Female Costume that I don't have
Love dress
Checkered dress
Ball of Digital Yarn
Any colour of fertiliser
Phanty/Zoosh potion/enchanted plushie

14 years, 6 months & 28 days ago
7th Dec 2009 22:39

Usually when I see somebody who needs an item that I can afford, I'll get it for them. But please don't claim that you need it when your intention it to sell it for mps.
Not that I don't want anything in return.

15 years, 4 months & 5 days ago
2nd Mar 2009 01:50

[x] Gum has fallen out of your mouth when you were talking.
[x] Gum has fallen out of your mouth when you were NOT talking.
[x] You have ran into a glass/screen door.
[]You have jumped out of a moving vehicle.
[x] You have thought of something funny and laughed, then people gave you weird looks.

[x] You have ran into a tree.
[] It IS possible to lick your elbow
[x] You just tried to lick your elbow.
[x] You never knew that the Alphabet and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star have the same rhythm.
[x] You just tried to sing them.
[x] You have tripped on your shoelace and fallen.
[x] You have choked on your own spit.
[x]You have seen the the Matrix and still don't get it.
[x] You didn't notice that in the last question "the" was spelled twice
[x] You just looked at it.
[]Your hair is blonde/dirty blonde.
[x]People have called you slow.

[] You have accidentally caught something on fire(Eep!
[x] You tried to drink out of a straw, but it went into your nose/eyes/cheek.
[x] You have caught yourself drooling.
[x] You've fallen asleep in class
[x] If someone says "fart" you laugh.
[x] You just laughed.

[x] Sometimes you just stop thinking
[x] You tell a story and forget what you were talking about
[] People are often shaking their heads and walking away from you
[]You are often told to use your "inside voice".
[x]You use your fingers to do simple math.

[]You have eaten a bug.
[x]You are taking this test when you should be doing something important
[x] You have put your clothes on backwards or inside out, and didn't realize it
[x] You've looked all over for something and realized it was in your hand or pocket(phone ipod, many things)

[x] You sometimes post bulletins because you are scared that what they say will happen to you if you don't even when you know it won't happen to you.
[x] You break a lot of things.
[] Your friends know not to use big words around you
[x] You sometimes tilt your head when you're confused
[x] You have fallen out of your chair before


  1. Look what boredom did to me.
    4th Jan 2010 00:25
    14 years, 6 months & 1 day ago
  2. My Wishlist
    10th Dec 2009 20:27
    14 years, 6 months & 25 days ago
  3. -Random-
    7th Dec 2009 22:39
    14 years, 6 months & 28 days ago
  4. For self reference
    24th Nov 2009 21:40
    14 years, 7 months & 10 days ago
  5. test
    2nd Mar 2009 01:50
    15 years, 4 months & 5 days ago