So on goals I need a VOODOO pet// I wish someone would let me borrow just so I could pass// I also gotta hit the toy shop// And I have to make it to level 5 on trotter's// Sucky part is I can't make it past ROTTEN// Which is always my first one// So right now I am doing the easter egg hunt waiting for it turn a time so I can go finish with my pet// While I am on here I really have to say that I wish people would stop asking me for my le everytime I offer to trade them// That is the first thing they try and get me to trade// NO I AM NOT GOING TO GIVE YOU MY LE FOR YOUR BLUE NEWTH or whatever// Please take those crappy offers and ask yourself if someone sent that to me would I really accept? Nooooo you wouldn't and then you would report them without even thinking about it// SOOOOO CLAMPERS IS ONLY UP FOR LE TRADE OFFERS ONLY & phanty and poera' are nice but I already have three phanty potions so I am good there// Anyways write me if you want to help, I will do what I can for trade wise// N E ways hit me up
can i please have a phanty potion
115 years, 8 months & 5 days ago 6th Jul 2009 20:06