Me ---- in Marapets

16 years, 9 months & 30 days ago
26th May 2008 10:45I thought I make a blog about me in Marapets.
First of all: I don't want to tell about my real life here anything. If I told You something (because You asked something...), that was probably a lie. Don't ask for my real name, age, or others. I use to say: I'm old enough not to be a child, I know what is correct and what's not. I'm young enough not to be an adult, I love having fun, playing games.
I never log out, since I'm the only one who use this computer. But now my online and offline thing has broken down.
About maramailing me: First of all, I'm female. if You have maramailed me, and wanted be friends, please answer my maramails after I accepted you as my marapal. If not, I will ignore You. The same goes for impolite mails (and of course I block the sender of them).
I don't really understand random mailing, so don't. Thanks.
If you mail me for asking items, pets, or marapoints, I will simply block You without answer.
You can ask me for help, or You can mail me if I was wrong at the forums.
Pet trades: I always keep updated my blog "My dear pets". You can see which pet is currently for trade. Don't ask for trading those, who will never leave my account. Always know my pets value. Most of them have stats, or rare costume. If you mail me for ex.: Plz, trade 4 my blue bolimo named 132jncdhf4 your halloween cossied poera, I will just block you...
If You ask for my pet, at least use the right gender. Don't call my cute Sybyn 'he'. She's female. AND NEVER EVER FOR TRADE.
If You offer on any of my trades, please be patient. I usually online, but sometimes I have to go to eat, do the washing, sometimes I'm reading near my computer, or reading blogs in other websites, etc.
Never ever ask for trading back!
About trades: I prefer marapoints and restock point, not items. If You offer item, I prefer dukka coins and pet costumes. No cd, book, female or male costume, etc. If You offer items, it must be an over-offer.
I think that's all.